Chapter 19

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[A/N] A little bit of Muke on the side c:

*Luke POV*

        I stood there with tears in my eyes starring at the door emily just walked out of, i looked down as the tears started slowly going down my face.

                All of a sudden i was pushed back by michael making me look up at him and he looked furious, he walked toward me pushing me back again until i hit the railing of the stairs, wincing a bit. 

                "What the hell did she do to you to make you hit her? Huh?!" He yelled "I dont know!" I yelled, his face hardened more mixed with a little confusion "What the hell do you mean you dont know?!" "I was drunk!" I yelled "You fucked up luke." He said shaking his head in disappointment "Like i dont already fucking know that!" i yelled getting more angry with myself then michael. "Why did you just have to bring the liqour?" i asked, he looked at me with a stone hard face "Dont you dare fucking blame this all on me lucas." He spat, i narrowed my eyes at him "Well if you wouldnt have brought the fucking liqo-" I was cut off when i felt pain on my left cheek it took me a minute to realize he just punched me, i looked up bring my hand to my lip feeling some blood. "I didnt fucking know you get more aggressive luke, if you would have told me i wouldnt have let you have one drink so you cant blame anyone but yourself."

                "Woah! What the hell is going on in here?!" Calum asked wide eyed walking over to us ashton, michael was still glaring at me "Tell them luke, own up to your mistakes." He spat through gritted teeth i looked over at calum and ashton who were looking at me with confusion "I-I hit emily last night." I mumbled quietly, their eyes widened "Tell them the rest luke." Michael stated i sighed looking at them again "And she left." All of a sudden they both started shouting at me and i couldnt understand anything they said and it was giving me a head ache so i finally just yeled "SHUT UP! Okay i know i fucked up, just please stop reminding me over and over!" I turned around running up the stairs to mine and- well i guess just my room for now, when i got inside i went over to the bed laying down facing the ceiling.

          The longer i stayed there thinking about what happened the more angrier i got with myself "AHHHH!" I let out a frustrated scream, i sat up and immediately my eyes fell onto my meds i stood up walking toward them lifting them in my hands.

I turned toward the bathroom, 'All these do is make you weaker then you already are, get rid of them.' my inner voice said, i walked over to the toilet un-screwing the lid thinking about it 'Come on luke, you dont want to be weak for emily do you?' The voice asked, i shook my head tilting the bottle upside down making them all fall into the toilet, 'Flush the toilet luke' I reached over flushing the toilet before backing up sliding down the wall.

*Michaels POV*

        We watched luke run upstairs and then the door slam, i sighed feeling my anger wash away.

"I shouldnt have been so hard on him." I mumbled to myself, i looked up at the boys finding them talking to each other "Hey guys, im going to go talk to luke." I mumbled, they ignored me and continued talking among themselves.

                I reached his door knocking first, i didnt get a answer so i grabbed the door knob twisting it open.

As i walked into the room i didnt see him but i noticed the bathroom light on and the door cracked a bit, "Luke?" I quietly called out, i didnt get a response so i walked to the door opening it up looking down seeing luke sitting there.

"Lu-" I stopped mid-sentence seeing the empty pill bottle in his hands, my heart dropped to my stomach thinking of what he could have done "Luke, look at me." I said rushing to his side he turned to me slowly, he didnt talk just looked at me with a blank stare.

"Please tell me you didnt swollow all of those pills." I whispered, he shook his head making me let out a breath of relief "Then where are they?" I asked confused, he looked at the toliet then back at me "You flushed them?" I asked he nodded, i closed my eyes taking a deep breathe "Why?" I asked slowly, what he said next shocked me a bit.

        "They make me weak mikey, i dont want to be weak for em." I could see tears building in his eyes, i sat down next to him pulling him into a brotherly hug as he cried. "I-I didnt mean t-to ever hurt her." He sobbed, i rubbed his back "Shh, luke i know you would never hurt em on purpose." i pulled back wiping his fallen tears "Luke, you and i both know you arent weak you were always the one to be there for emily and protected her." He sniffled a bit looking a me "But they told me i was weak and the pills were making me weaker." He said, i furrowed my eyebrows together in confusion "Who luke?" I asked slowly, he looked in my eyes and said "The voices"

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