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The time on Jimin's watch said that it was 09:00pm, and Jimin could only stare at it in dumb confusion before he realized that he was in front of the lower entrance of the penthouse suite, and that he was going to have to enter it at a certain point. He didn't want to but he knew that he had no choice so he headed straight up the stairs.

The younger man didn't even look back at Matthew at all and rather just continued up to the top to disappear right up the corner. He just didn't want to take the elevator for that meant he'd meet with Jungkook sooner, and he was kind of trying to delay it afraid of what their meeting would entail.

As he entered by the door, he heard the pleasant sound of soft humming coming from somewhere in the suite. Jungkook had a pleasant sounding tone, soft and husky, yet Jimin didn't make any sound to signal his presence.

Instead he sat down on a chair, hunkered down as he was in the act of unlacing his shoes when he spotted Jungkook across the wide layout of the penthouse suite, undoubtedly in the kitchen area, moving around from the stove to the counters as he was presumably cooking.

Jungkook though didn't cast him a look, was aware of his presence so he stopped what he was doing, put the bowl he was holding down on the counter and moved out of the kitchen. 

“Hey babe, I missed you.” Jungkook muttered with a warm smile as he walked over to Jimin.

“Hello darling.” Jimin replied mirroring his smile as Jungkook leaned to capture his plump lips in a tender kiss. “How was your day darling?”

“Very good, finished work early first time in ages.” Jungkook said as he cocked his head at him, locking eyes with him, a soft smile playing at the corners of his lips. “How was your evening babe?”

“I have the strangest feeling about it.” Jimin replied holding his gaze unblinkingly but inside, inside he was a mess. His mind was a mess of thoughts and he couldn't seem to pull a single one to the front. His brain felt like a static buzz of a dead TV channel and he didn't know what else he was supposed to say.

“Did you enjoy it?” Jungkook asked, and the sudden question got him off guard as he felt himself squirming in his seat. They both knew what Jungkook was asking about and the way Jungkook was looking at him made it even worse for he was staring at him so intently he felt his gaze burn through his face.

Jimin didn't know what to say at all for the question was very tricky. If he said yes, then he would admit that he was some sort of sadistic psychopath who enjoys torturing people. Whereas if he denied, then the obvious question Jungkook would ask would be why he did do it if he hated such things.

Jungkook surely orders such stuff to be done, but ordering and doing with bare hands were greatly different. You have to be immoral to order, but you have to be a monster to execute. Jungkook seemed to read right through his mind.

“You don't have to be ashamed of admitting it if you did, I understand babe.” Jungkook said locking eyes with him as he sat facing him, putting his hand above his thigh in a soothing manner, and his look was so soft that it felt almost affectionate. “More than anyone else, believe me.”

“I-I was afraid.” Jimin said in a near whisper. Jungkook's hand moved from his thigh to touch the back of his head, and it's then that he realized that he was stroking his hair, and it made a surge of warmth spread in his chest as he added. “I don't know how I felt, I was just afraid.”

“Afraid of getting hurt, or afraid of the power?” Jungkook asked as he was still playing with the locks of his hair, eying him with the same affectionate look, just as if they were speaking of the weather rather than the fact that he had just tortured a couple of university students. It still made him feel safe that Jungkook still thought the same of him, didn't get disappointed or anything similar.

He actually didn't know what would happen, didn't have any idea how would Jungkook react, but he surely didn't expect nothing to happen at all, that they would just talk. Jungkook said they will speak about it, and it looked pretty much as if he will hold his promise just right.

“I don't know, both? Or more like, afraid of the consequences.” Jimin explained, and for a few moments, the penthouse suite fell silent. Then Jungkook was laughing heartily at what he had just said, and Jimin felt his heart skip up to the back of his throat.

“Consequences?” Jungkook grinned at him, and then once again there was a brief silence. “You know there's no consequences to what you've done, babe. It was my order, so no one ever, even the police, would come after you.” Jimin just stared at him in understanding. He knew this fact and Jungkook's influence was nothing new to him, but it wasn't what he meant, and he didn't seem to know how to even explain it.

Yet something irked him, as to why it did feel as if Jungkook knew very well what he felt, maybe more than him? It was weird but the younger didn't want to dwell on it just yet. “Which one is it, being hurt or the power, Jimin?”

“I-I don't know Jungkook..”

“Anyways, do you think it'll be the last time you'll do such a thing?” Jungkook asked and Jimin nodded unsure himself of what his nod meant. Would it be the last time? Well, he wished, but he felt as if he didn't know himself anymore. Everything was now possible to a certain extent.

“Well, how do you seem very unfazed by what I did Jungkook? You seem...”

“Very cool with it?” Jungkook asked and Jimin nodded vigorously.

“To the point you seem to understand it while I myself don't understand it yet.”

“I've done such a thing before babe, that's why.” Jungkook explained tonelessly, not entirely sure why he was telling him such a thing. Jimin let out a low chuckle, that to Jungkook's ears seemed unbelieving, as if he was reacting to some sour joke.

What did he even expect? He was sure that Jimin never thought of him that way, didn't have a single idea of the monster he really was behind those calculated faux smiles and fake sharming facades.

“You mean you order such things darling, not do them, right?” Jimin's tone was affirmative, seemed as if he was correcting him rather than asking him for confirmation, and it shattered Jungkook's heart that he had to pull him out of his illusion very soon.

“No, I really meant that I do it myself.” Jungkook repeated and he didn't miss the flare of surprise that covered Jimin's features. The truest expression of shock he had ever seen on him, and in his eyes, he was still able to see that Jimin hadn't believed him. More specifically he was just trying not to believe him, for Jungkook was as serious he could get, and it was obvious that he wasn't joking in the slightest.

“Whu-what? Whu-why would you do such a thing darling? Don't make me feel this way. Tell me this is a joke!” Jimin almost begged, an uptight smile on his face, and Jungkook eyed him with pity in his eyes as he only nodded again, confirming for the third time that it wasn't a joke.

“I'm a monster Jimin. I've told you this so many times.” Jungkook said his face almost unexpressive. “Remember when you told me you wanted to get to know me, three years ago?” Jimin nodded, as he felt that he might just cry because of the news he heard.

Jimin didn't know how to feel about it yet. He was initially worried that Jungkook wouldn't accept him, wouldn't accept what he has done, but why couldn't he accept Jungkook now that he had to? He knew that he just needed some time to take it all in, but it all felt like too much at the moment.

“You told me that I didn't know you, and that if I did, I'd fucking wish I didn't.” Jimin said with a soft voice, the memory vividly engraved in his brain, before he smiled at him, almost trying to shake off Jungkook's previous words. “You say you are a monster.” He said as Jungkook nodded again. 

“But aren't we all, darling?”


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