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“I think I might just have misheard you, repeat again.”  Jungkook ordered after a few seconds of heavy silence, lowering the glass of champagne as he did. His lips lifted up in one-sided smirk for he was still so very confused, irritated too.

He thought that he must've heard wrong, for there was no way in hell such a thing could happen, no way any person would possess the revolting courage to dare challenging his power and bombard his warehouses like that. He believed that he must have understood Matthew wrong, that it couldn't be true at all, so he had to make sure of it first.

“Certainly, Master Jeon,” Mathew said averting his eyes to the ground, as he repeated the message he was meant to say, this time with more details. “Hangzhou, Shanghai and Suzhou’s central warehouses were bombarded tonight, approximately at 8pm as I was told. Which will make the enterprise’s branches in the respective locations stop working because of the lack of recourses.” 

The silence that fell in the penthouse suite was so sudden that it was almost funny of a sort, yet so heavy and thick that Matthew was finding it hard to wait for an answer. This was the silence before the storm, he assumed, and he was just as well right.

“Who's those fucking cunts who dared to fucking challenge me?” Jungkook yelled, black rage evident in the dark irises of his doe eyes, as he threw the glass across the room and it shattered on the white wall. The champagne flew everywhere in a spray, a fine mist of golden liquid hitting the surrounding walls and flooring with pattering sounds.

He jumped to his feet straight after, the chair toppling backwards to hit the floor with a deafening clattering sound. Jimin woke up from his slumber startled at the sudden noise, yet Matthew didn't even flinch.

“They still are looking, but Master Jeon, you're needed since the warehouses, the company and the business are all yours. No legal action could be taken without you.” Matthew explained. “Illegal actions too I suppose. Mr. Wang had told me that he had already bribed the press in order not to air the explosion on TV, it would be a terrible advertisement for the company.”

“Good. How much loss is expected because of these fucking explosions?” Jungkook asked after a few deep breaths, staring at Matthew deep in the eye. Matthew was no financial expert, and yet he felt relieved that Jackson had told him all he needed to answer whatever questions Jungkook would ask.

“Approximately 9 billion dollars boss, and more loss is expected at the three locations’ branches for they are directly affected. Mr. Wang said it was still too early to value the loss of profit on the longer term, but The business’ market value would drop significantly.” Matthew muttered carefully, as if afraid Jungkook would once again get mad, shatter another glass, or something else this time straight on his face. Yet, Jungkook seemed to get calmer by the second. It seemed he already accepted the reality for what it was, and Matthew felt relieved once again that the boss’ rage subsided.

“Great! A surprise business trip to China. Just how great!” Jungkook commented and despite the angry words, his face was almost expressionless, his eyes glossy and there was dark bags under his eyes.

Jungkook was definitely tired, he hadn't eaten nor slept properly for days. It was harder to do so without drugs, to go on an entire day with a single hour of sleep as he used to. It was hard but he had barely quit drugs and he couldn't let himself fall in the slippery edge all over again.

Jungkook needed the shot to function as a normal person and get the work done for he couldn't waste time sleeping, and yet for the first time, he had felt the power to overcome the pressing urge. For Jimin, he kept reminding himself, Jimin shouldn't deal with your dumb high eccentric self ever again, for Jimin.

𝑇𝑜𝑡𝑎𝑙𝑙𝑦 𝐶𝑎𝑝𝑡𝑖𝑣𝑎𝑡𝑒𝑑  ~ 𝓥𝓶𝓲𝓷𝓴𝓸𝓸𝓴  ~ 𝑀𝑎𝑓𝑖𝑎 𝐴𝑈Where stories live. Discover now