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Jimin chuckled, darkly so, and Jungkook just stared at him in confusion for he didn't remember throwing any type of jokes. And despite Jimin laughing, he was obviously angry it seemed, so angry that it became silly to bear it, to even believe it.

“How nice knowing I have an empire, but did I ever ask for it Jungkook? Did I even know about it before? Stop saying bullshit or I may get you to regret it.”

“Regret it my ass,” Jungkook retorted almost instantly, but he wasn't planning on getting angry that night, it was supposed to be happy and he wanted it so badly to be that way. “That is the truth, whether you accept it or not, it barely matters in the big scheme of things.”

“Well, then I choose not to accept it.” Jimin said boldly and Jungkook's eyes became so narrowed and dark that they were barely slits, his upper lip tensing most notably, and it was alarming.

The usual Jimin would shake with fear at Jungkook's dark expression, but then again, it wasn't exactly the case and he was left with Jimin only staring at him just as darkly, almost challengingly daring. “And what could you even do about it? Beat me to submission? Get me to accept it by force? How weak of the king of the chessboard.”

The mocking tone in Jimin's voice didn't go unnoticed, and it made Jungkook go mad. His fists clenched by his side, and it felt as if he was concentrating all of his energy to try and stay calm, to show Jimin that he could control himself too.

Jungkook kept reminding himself that he should use words, that he shouldn't give into the strong temptation of ending it up so quickly, of showing who had the power over the other but he preferred to stay calm for it was very required when avowing a confession. Jimin seemed to realize his struggle, which only made him laugh again wih derision seeping from his voice like pure poison.

“You did it so many times, what's so different now, huh? I tell you what it is darling, I'm not taking your shit again! You lay your smallest finger on me, I pack my stuff and leave and this is final! I'm not even kidding.” Jimin warned, and Jungkook stared at him in shock.

It was obviously his turn to feel the surprise invading every space of his mind, and he was left to wondering when and how did Jimin become like this. Could he really leave him this easily? Speaking was surely easier than doing.

“Yes, and where would you go, huh? The fucking streets?” Jungkook grated in disbelief, his eyes gaudy and dark. Yet, it wasn't from anger, rather from worry instead, and maybe from fear of it even happening.

“I ran to the streets once. Do you think it would be that fucking hard for me to do it again? And to be honest, if that happens, I don't see why you'd fucking give a shit.” Jimin yelled loudly into Jungkook's face, as he looked completely blinded for a few seconds. His eyes were severe and critical, and it seemed Jungkook hit a rather sore spot which made the older back off a bit more.

“I deal with facts, I don't deal with hypothetical, and we're only speaking hypothetically right now, okay babe? I'll never hurt you again, I swear on my life.” Jungkook said as softly as he could. There was no use screaming back at him, it wouldn't make Jimin any less livid, and it wouldn't benefit him either. He had to be patient with him, he wanted Jimin to believe him after all.

“You said that so many times, but it won't even be two days and you'll do it again, I fucking know you!” Jimin hissed as he didn't know what took over him. It wasn't as if Jungkook did hurt him in any way at that exact moment, yet just him saying he won't do it again added fuel to his fire. Jungkook was lying, lying again in front of his fucking face with not even a microscopical remorse in his eyes.

Jungkook was dishonest, just as he proved it again by hiding the fact of him being the most wanted criminal in Seoul, if not the entirety of South Korea. It seemed the only thing that mounted his cleverness and fame in business was that of his crimes, and his undoubtable talent in acting to the point he believed the older deserved an oscar.

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