1 (updated)

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Clockwork walked down the dark ally, her head hung low looking at the snow as she followed tracks others had made while she listening to Taylor swift. The old iPod she adored was stolen from one of her first victim, she had found them walking from the bar. The device was from a punk chick, she believed they were in their 30's but she couldn'tbe sure. The music was different from what she usually listened to as a teen, though she wouldn't complain. The earbuds made the words come out statically and the music quiet, due to the the fact they were a few years old and the harsh winters had not help.

She was currently on her way to another victim's house, she didn't get anything from the last as the owner. As they were some paranoid creep who believed the government was trying to kill him, he was armed with a rifle and ready to take her life.
She was out in this hellish whether because she needed food, she had to stock up before she touched her emergency rash that was only to be used when she was stuck in her hideout or utterly cold.

She hadn't eaten for days, she believed four days but it was probably less. Sadly the trash cans were empty or filled with well...trash. The trashcans were handy at times, but she would have to fight for it as others were there getting their meals and time dues. She didn't care who she needed to hurt or kill to get what she wanted, but there was no point in fighting for an empty trash can. She stopped at someone's gate, smiling as the back window was opened wide asking for someone to enter.

'Dumb fuckers' she thought with a smile as she walked to the fence, wincing when the snow went up past her knee high winter boot. She remembered why she hated going out for food during winter, the snow always got in her boots.

She jumped up grabbing the top of the cold fance that stuck to her wool gloves, she hopped it didn't rip out a big chunk. climbing over the fence, a few grunts left her mouth as she lifted herself up. Getting her other leg over the railing and now balancing so she wouldn’t fall off she took a sigh, Hights her first enemy. Jumping off landed the jump into the deep snow, more snow filled her boots as her knees buckled as she almost fell backwards. She began to walk to the window, taking big steeps that would put Charly Chaplin to shame. Each step she took looking like a clown as she did, each time she got closer; yet for some reason her gut told her to turn around and back and never look back. But it's was too good to be true, the window was wide opened and easy to kill anyone inside. The people were probably asleep or high as hell, possibly even out.

She stopped at the window as her heart pounded in her chest as she felt sick to her stomach, she took a deep breath in and climbed through the window. She landed face first as her butt hot the window cracking the glass slightly before she managed to crawl out of the window, she help back a yelp when her cold legs smacked against the floor. She stood up and began to walked through the house, going into the closest door, stepping inside and looked around looking through everything.

Nothing! the seconds' room she looked throughly, yet nothing; just a bathroom. The third room she opened the door, the blinds open so she could see the whole room in the white light. Blood was everywhere, a headless corpse lying on the ground stomach down as their head was on te ground eyes wide with a forever scream that never got to be. Some weird symbol on the wall painted with the man's blood, it gave cult vibes. She had to admit that was hardcore and definitely a dick move, but she could get behind the fear tactics.

She still look through the room and once again found nothing, she turned around and left the room. walking to the kitchen as she turned off her music, she hoped the male had food or anything good. She walked into the kitchen, she took off her backpack, and started to fill goods into the bag, most was canned food but that was the best think anyone could ask for when being "homeless". She was definitely lucky nobody had touched the food, but the feeling to run ran up her back harsher then ever before. It was worse then when her brother would walk into her room to play house, or when her father found out she drew on the walls. She stopped when she heard a crack, like a person cracking their bones. Though it didn't sounded like knuckles, more like when some cracked their neck, but it sounded more natural then forceful.

she quickly shrugged it off and continued to pack the food, the body upstairs was probably going through rigor mortis. She stopped when the backpack was full, zipping the bag up putting it on her back and stood up. She stretched as she smile while she walked back to the window. She stumbled  back as something whizzed past her head fast, getting lodge in the wall. Her eyes widening as she realized it was an ax, an ax that held fresh blood on it. She turned to the mother fucker who tried to kill her, anger filled her blood. How dare you personfor trying to kill her, she didn't take years of effort look this good. He bolted at her within seconds, giving her no time to react, leaving her body to naturally freeze as a survival instinct. Her body slammed harshly into the wall, the wall broke under her body leaving a big indent in the wall. The bag falling to the ground behind her as her body wemt lose and slump, her one eye wide in shock and horror.

It was like dealing with her father again as he screamed at her as he destroyed her room trying to find her art supplies so she couldn't draw again his, she remembered each time she would cry and begged for him not to, the beating that came right after was a common ground at home. Her mother had always  turned up the music so she wouldn’t hear her own daughter crying for mercy, for mother to help. His hands tightened around her neck as he pressed his body weight down so all the energy was focused on her neck, was thrashing around as she clawed at him. She couldn't breathe, as her vision throbbed just like her heartbeat. There was a touch of pain on her neck to move her mouth to even try to scream. She wondered if this was the way she died, that her life meant nothing, just a mentally ill woman who never got to have a name given to her like all the other great killers. His grip got tighter, and tighter to the point it felt like her neck would snap. her lungs began to burn as her head began to fill with her memories flashing so fast but to her ot felt like she was reliving them in real time, as if she was actually dying. Her eyes widen as she remembered something she did beforeshe left to go scavenging, she pulled her knife from its holder stabbing the male in the shoulder. Yet nothing happened, not even a grunt or a sound as if he never got hit. She wondered if she even stabbed him, she looked at his shoulder to see blood dripping from his open wound as his clothes began to become bloody.

'What is this guy, is he even human' she thought as she tried to kick at his feet, a final attempt to survive.

Her vision began to slowly fade to black, her body slowly getting heavier. Sirens played in the background loudly but to her it was faint, he quickly let go and grabbed his ax, and left in a quick pace. With the rest of her strength, she grabbed her bag and dragged her body to the sink. She pulled the door open and crawled inside, hiding under the sink, she would leave when they left. Till then she was to be quiet, she closed the cupboard door.

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