The Disappearance of Shinki Arc Chapter 2: The Truth of the Inu Realm!

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We now go five years into the past to see one of the most famous yet one of the smallest Realms in the Demon Realm, the Inu Realm. It was a small village with lots of greenery surrounding the place.

At the far end of the Inu Realm stood a wide stone building which was called the 'Shinki Inu House'. For centuries, the Inu family has ruled over the Inu Realm and have brought great wealth and stability to the Realm.

The King, Tobei Inu, has lead the Inu Realm for many years and has done a great job in protecting the Realm. He looks just like Shinki but has more wrinkles and has more sharper eyes. He grew great relationships with every leader of every region especially with the Neko Realm. They agreed to partner up with their Nekogami's and Inugami's respectively. The only issue was that the Neko Realm didn't know where their Nekogami's where.

You see, there are two types of Nekogami's and Inugami's. There is the ones that manifest in the light and there are the ones that manifest in the dark. They say that the polar opposites work well together and can help each other grow.

They say that the best partnerships for combatants are the Nekogami and the Inugami pairing. It has been seen in history that this partnership has saved entire countries, cities and even realms. The history of this pairing are endless!

Luckily in the Inu Realm, they knew where both of their Inugami's where. One was King Tobei who was the Inugami Light and his only son, Shinki Inu who was the Inugami Dark. With them being both the Inugami's, they had a responsibility to protect the Inu Realm no matter the circumstances. Even though he was young, Shinki knew how to control his power and knew how to wield the power.

"Oi! Rill! Are you there?", yelled Shinki.

"Of course I am, Prince Shinki. I will be there in a moment.", replied Rill.

"There you are, Prince Shinki. I have been looking all over for you.", huffed Selina as she was catching her breath.

"What have I told you guys? Shinki is fine! You don't need to add Prince to it.", Shinki told off.

"But.....", responded both Rill and Selina.

"You're my best friend and fiancé! I can't have you calling me Prince Shinki all the time, it's embarrassing!", blushed Shinki.

"Hello guys! I knew all three of you would be here!", gretted Shuka as he walked over to them with Lena, Sozen, Yozo and Joben.

"Did you bring your Inutendo VS?", asked Shinki.

"That.....That was clever.", sighed Sozen.

"Of course I brought it! Let me show you my new skills in 'Life or Death 4'.", bragged Shuka.

"You guys are playing that crude fighting game again!", complained Lena.

"Crude?! This is a true fighters passion! A battle for a life and death! That's what I inspire to be!", cheered Shuka.

"Rill-san, c-can I join?", asked Joben.

"Hm? Yeah sure?", smiled Rill.

Now that all of them are together, they all sit around and use the VS link play and all played games together. However, that peace would soon be coming to an end....

As they were joking and messing about, Shinki's father, Tobei, asked him if he could go into the centre of the Demon Realm and retrieve some important parcel that was needed for the Inu Realm.

Knowing his duty, Shinki leaves his Inutendo VS behind and goes off to the centre of the Demon Realm but before he goes, Selina runs up to Shinki and whispers something in his sensitive ear.

"Be careful, my Prince!", breathed Selina.

"Sto-Stop teasing me!", fretted Shinki as he didn't know how to react.

"Will you guys stop?! Your engagement is just a sham! It's arranged! You both don't love each other.", gibed Lena.

"Will you please stop, Lena onee-san? You know that what you said is not true. I love Shinki and he loves me. It doesn't matter if this marriage was arranged as we do actually care for one another.", explained Selina in a calm manner.

"Selina....", sniffled Shinki.

Leaving the chaos behind, he waves them all off and heads off to central. However, this would be the last time he would see them together.

Just as he left, an mysterious character entered the realm. He stood 6'5 tall and had tied up black hair and black eyes. He wore a long white and black robe and had two scythes strapped to his back. He had a crazed look and grin in his eyes, as if he wanted to cause havoc.

He pulls one of his scythes out and licks the blade saying, "It's culling time."

He glares at an innocent man who was standing there in fear. He flashes towards him and swings his scythe down causing a massive amount of blood to tremble out of the mans body. The body flopped to the floor and the blood grew around him quickly. He looks around at the other innocent bystanders that were looking at him in fear and begins to attack them.

Slash! Stab! This maniac of a Demon killed all of the innocent in cold blood and showed no remorse. He didn't care if it was a man, a woman or a child, he was going to kill them.

He ran to the centre of the Inu Realm and went for his next victims. Bodies piled upon one another within a matter of seconds. Screams echoed around the whole of the Realm causing great panic and despair.

"King Tobei! Someone! Help us! Arghhhhhhhh!", yelled an innocent man as he was slaughtered by this mysterious demon.

"Why is this happening?!", screamed another.

"Inugami Light: Inu's Reign!", yelled a voice from afar.

Everyone looked to the sky and saw a ray of light beam through the cracks of the dark clouds. That light was no one other than King Tobei. With the light cloak, which was a in a shape of a dog, surrounding him, Tobei came rushing down and swung his sword towards the demon. The demon put its scythe in the way to fend of Tobei's attack.

"I have been waiting for you, Tenma of the Deltas!", stated Tobei.

"You knew I wasn't a true demon! Impressive!", praised Tenma sarcastically.

"You've come a little early but I can hold you off before he comes back!", told Tobei.

"I like to see you try!", smirked Tenma.

*Thank you for reading this chapter of 'Mysterious Ways!'. If you like this chapter please leave a like and vote to show your support!

Authors note: As you may have saw, I am struggling with motivation at the moment and the pressure of the days I upload considering not a lot of people read my story, so I have come to the conclusion that I will not have a schedule for when I upload for the time being and upload when I can.

Don't worry though, this doesn't mean that I am not going to upload for a large amount of time, I just can't see myself doing the schedule I am doing for the little views I get anymore. Hopefully this will change in the future.

Aotsuki side story will still be uploaded bi weekly so no changes there! Thanks for understanding!

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