Chapter 21

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OH no, oh my god I couldn't believe it, "does McGonagall know?" I asked Dumbledore,

"it isn't important,"

"DOES SHE KNOW!" I screamed, I felt like my whole existence was falling apart before my very own eyes,

"yes, it's the reason your adoptive mother was to afraid to take care of you,"

"oh no, this can't be true," I couldn't believe it, my biological father was a death eater, my biological mother was a squib from the Lestrange family and my adoptive mother abandoned me because she was to afraid to take care of me once the war started. "I really think I would have preferred not to know this," I whispered,

"but it is important you know your back story for what I'm about to ask,"

"I already know what you want, it's clear, I'm the perfect subject. My biological families background are all supporters of voldemort, while my adoptive one against. You want me to pretend to be just like my biological family, you want a spy,"

"always three feet ahead aren't you," Dumbledore smiled,

"sometimes I wish I was three feet behind," I mumbled, "I can't do it," I spoke up, "I can't, there's no way it would work,"

"why's that?"

"because, I'm with the order they must clearly know that, and besides I am friends with people who are in the order and if my mother was a squib the Lestrange family most definitely disowned her, they would never trust or want her daughter around,"

"you may think that, but I believe otherwise,"  he raised an eyebrow as he analyzed my reactions, "your father never wished to give you away, it was a decision your mother entirely made by herself. I am sure your father would receive you with open arms if you show him that you are just like him,"

"but that's the thing, I'm not, I may possess alot of his qualities but I do not have his flaws,"

"you will pretend to,"

"you truly believe if I just show up and say I'm on their side they will believe me?"

"no, I do not, that is why I mentioned Severus, you need to gain his trust, from there he will be the one to bring you to voldemort,"

"Why would Severus have any reason to trust me?"

"he knew far before I did who your parents were, he's always had an interest in you, admired your skills and your family history, you were wrong originally about being muggleborn, but you are still wrong now by believing you are halfblood, Viel you are in fact pureblood and Severus knows, "

"but I wasn't raised by them, "

"you're Adoptive parents too would make you pureblood, Viel you have every quality that voldemort seeks, all you must do is gain the trust of one of his death Eaters. Severus is perfect, you were once close friends,"

"yes once were, before we got into a fight for him calling lily a mud blood, how do I convince him that I'm on their side after defending her?"

"you will find a way you do not yet know, you are always three feet ahead, without even knowing it,"

They Will Go Down In History (Remus x OC) Book 2Where stories live. Discover now