Chapter 49

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"Oh, oh my," lily gasped, "are you sure?"

I only nodded in response.

"Well, I've finished doing your bandages, maybe get some rest first we can always discuss this later."

She was denying it, of course she would. "alright," I laid back down in the bed and let myself drift of to sleep.

"should I be honest with her?" Remus nervously asked,

"Mate!" James sighed, "why didn't you just tell her that from the start?"

"Yeah? You're seriously an idiot, I mean," Siruis shrugged, "we're talking about Viel had you told her that she would have understood, that's just one of the amazing things about her, also," he sighed, "kind of one of her flaws,"

"I thought," Remus mumbled, "I thought it was too much to handle, I don't necessarily realize it or accept it myself,"

"Guys," lily came walking down the stairs,

"So?" Siruis asked first, "is she okay?"

"She'll be fine," lily reassured, "she just needs rest and some time to fully heal. I did my best but there are some nasty wounds,"

Everyone was silent for awhile, neither knew what to say to the other.

"well I really want to thank you for coming so soon, especially you lily," Remus thanked, "I wouldn't have known how to deal with her wounds,"

"about that," lily added, "if you don't mind, I'm going to stay by her side until she can at least walk again,"

"oh, of course," Remus nodded, what was the catch?

"that means," lily hesitated, "I'm going to be taking her back home, with James,"

"oh," that was the catch, Remus thought,

"I hope you understand, I mean I would stay here but being pregnant I would prefer-"

"no, no!" Remus cut her off, "of course lily, you don't need to justify yourself, besides, maybe it's for the best. I don't think Viel would want to be left alone with me right now,"

"Well," lily awkwardly clapped her hands together, "in that case I would love a cup of tea before we leave,"

"sure !" Remus nervously chuckled, oh god this was awkward.

"Viel?" lily lightly shook me awake, "it's time to leave come on,"

James helped me stand up and rather sooner than I had expected, we left.

"You can stay in the guest room, the bed is already set up so you can just peacefully go back to sleep," James suggested, "sorry by the way having to wake you up,"

"no worries," I reassured, "thank you for taking care of me,"

The room felt rather breezy, not because the window was open but mostly because this room was never occupied. After all, I don't think now would be a time to have guests staying over.

Nearly everything in the room was white with only small dashes of color here and there, with a small plant and a colored rug. It felt spacious because of it, even though the room in itself was small.

"it is quite white," James stated, "maybe we should have painted the walls after all, " he turned to lily.

"It's actually really nice," I corrected, "makes it feel like an open room, sort of, I don't feel trapped,"

"right?" James didn't really understand what I was getting at but lily did,

"Alright James, I think il take care of her from here,"

James nodded and in response gently place me down on the bed, "I'll leave you two to it than," he smiled before leaving the room.

Lily helped me settle down under the sheets of the bed before she sat down on the edge of the bed, "are you sure?" she asked me again,

"yes," I answered,

"I mean," she shifted her position on the bed a little to make herself feel more at ease, "you're always welcome here, that is by far not at all a problem, but this may be a bit rash, don't you think?"

I sighed longingly, "I just need some time, first,"

"alright," she smiled, "I'll talk to James,"

They Will Go Down In History (Remus x OC) Book 2Where stories live. Discover now