Chapter 43

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My head ached and span in every direction. I was still laying on the forest floor.

As I started to open my eyes just a little, I realized the sky was no longer dark, the sun begun to rise.

I sat up, I realized my hands had been tied around the tree behind me. I looked at myself. My dress was disgusting, covered in dirt and blood, but my wounds were no longer bleeding. Bandages had been wrapped around both my arms and left leg.

Sitting under a tree not to far, staring at me, was the same death eater that had putten me to sleep.

He looked so young, I honestly wondered how he had ended up being a death eater.

"finally awake?" he asked as if it weren't obvious,

"what do you want? Why are we still here?"

He looked directly at me with his large blue intimidating eyes, "they're still looking for you, I haven't told them I have you yet,"

"Why not?"

"Because once I do, we're leaving, you've only been out for about 30 minutes, it should be fine,"

"won't they be mad if they see my bandages?"

"we'll pretend you did them yourself,"  he gave me a small smile and a wink, honestly who did he think he was.

"Don't wink at me, you're like 15 years old,"

"OI !" he growled, "For your information I'm 17!"

"That doesn't make it any better, you  prepubescent teenager,"

"seriously?" he laughed, "Man! You've definitely got guts that's for sure! You're wounded, tied up and wandless, yet you still insult the death eater standing before you,"

"you're actually sitting,"

He shook his head and mumbled something under his breath, "he's going to like you,"


"Osburn? Your dad? Does that ring a bell? I thought you knew he wanted to meet you?"

"That's why you're here? Had to crash the wedding to pick me up?"

"What do you care? You said you don't care about those people. Besides we had something else we needed to take care of,"

"I don't care but I couldn't exactly play friendly with the death Eaters now could I," I lied, I wasn't aware they were actually after me, for all I knew they wanted me dead.

"Stop with the acting would you? I'm fully aware that you're faking this whole thing,"

"obviously," I rolled my eyes, "because a 17 year old could understand the importance of playing on two sides. You have no idea of what I'm doing and what I'm capable of,"

"you're good, not gonna lie, I get why Severus believed you. But here's the thing, I may be just 17 but I've been acting for those 17 years, you can't fool me,"

"Acting you say? How would the others feel if they knew that?"

"I'd be killed in the spot, but you won't tell them,"

"what makes you so sure?"

"Well you need me just as much as I need you,"

"need you? Well now I'm learning things about myself,"

"and the second we bring you back to Osburn you're gonna learn alot more, that's why I needed to talk to you first.
I need your help, you're the only chance I'm gonna get,"

"Only chance for what?"

"To escape,"

I frowned my eyes, this had to be a test to see if I was truly on their side or not there was no other explanation.

"you're such a lost cause, you've asked the wrong person,"

"I knew you would think this is a trap, but you're wrong,"

"even if, I could not care less,"

"very well," he sighed, "than we'll be leaving," he pulled up his sleeve and tapped is wand on his dark mark, I knew that some of the death eaters had a mark but I'd never actually seen one.

All of a sudden nine clouds of black mist appeared again and surrounding me almost as if I were prey.

"we've wasted enough time, let's get a move on,"

They Will Go Down In History (Remus x OC) Book 2Where stories live. Discover now