Chapter 57

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I could hear the trees whistle through the small crack of my open window. The wind was harsh but not at all refreshing as it blew hot air into the room. Not even the wind was going to be refreshing this summer, I sighed as I stood up to close the window.

The day had only just begun yet the sun shined as strong as the brightest hour of a winter day. I stood near the curtains for awhile just staring out the window admiring the scenery.

The most prominent colors were definitely green and yellow as the plants either thrived or were slowly dying from the lack of humidity in the air. I could sympathize with them, even just breathing was enough for my throat dry up.

As I clicked my tongue as I acknowledge my thirst, so I closed my window and left the room.

"Sirius?" I frowned as I saw him sitting at the dinner table drinking some sort of soft drink with James.

As his gaze shifted onto me the largest grin appeared on his face " Hey you! 

" Hi?" I was confused as to why he was so enthusiastic,

" Hey!" he abruptly stood up from his chair and grabbed my hands," Lets go out!"

" Go out?"

" Yeah! Like coffee or maybe not coffee considering how hot it is, iced coffee than!

"I mean, sure, I dont see why not,"

"awesome sauce!"

"awesome wha- WOAH!" he pulled my arm straight out of the dinning room and towards the front door, "Wait right now?"

"Obviously when else?"

The sun nearly blinded me as I stepped outside Sirius still holding onto my hand, "Hang on where are we heading?"

"Anywhere but here!" he smiled still dragging me along as we exited the front gate officially leaving the house,

"Wait! Sirius Wait!" I cried out but he didnt stop until the house was no longer in sight almost as if to say there was no way he was letting me go back, "Whats gotten into you?"

"Nothings in me," he joked,

"You dumb ass, I mean why are you so  - " I waved my hand at him as to say his whole body was acting weird,        " Strange,"

" Well if you're gonna act super depressed I have to balance it out,"

" Oh," I lowered my head to the ground, "This is what this is about, Lily told you to take me out didnt she?"

"Actually she didnt, she wanted me to talk some sense in you, but I refused, thats no fun, so consider yourself lucky cause I saved you from having a heart to heart conversation with me!"

"You're right I should consider myself lucky,"

"Hey!" he huffed, "I was joking, I give great pep-talks,"

"Sure you do Mr. Sarcastic,"

"Listen here young lady!"

"Im older than you,"

"By a few months,"


"Alright, listen here old lady," he mocked, "you cant mop around forever!"

"What if my dream is to be a mop?"

"Than I must break some bad news and tell you that will never happen, youre to passionate of a person for that,"

I excessively rolled my eyes at him, "Ok sure,"

"I speak nothing but the truth old lady, you are an admirable individual who has inspired me and many others. You may be going through something difficult but you cant give up on yourself or all those people who are counting on you."

"Sirius Im not that admirable come on,"

"But you are! Have you forgotten all those that await you at the order? Those you have encouraged and gave strength to? I know its a lot of pressure but you cant give up when so much is expected from you. Theyre all waiting for you, they need you back at the order,"

" Sirius you dont understand, its,"

" Viel I need you," he finally let go of my hand and took a step back, " I miss you,"

" Sirius I-"

" Its fine, I know youre going through a lot, but dont push me away Im here to help you, James is, Lily and Peter too, were all here and mostly we want to help,"

" Stop," I mumbled as I swallowed back tears, "You're gonna make me cry,"

"Than cry, cry your heart out until you feel better because I hate seeing you so down,"

"Lets just grab that dumb ice coffee you were talking about,"

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