Chapter 37

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"Damn it! Stop it! Do you think we're in the Chester Mansion now?"

"Show your manners, Ilius! Do you think you can solve the problem by bluffing like that? These days Sorman's barbarians do not fight in such an ignorant way," Mrs. Chester quipped.

Mrs. Chester stopped smiling instantly, looking at Ilius with disdain.

"What did you say to me? Barbarian? Ignorant?"

Ilius's face flushed red immediately. He was very hot-tempered. When he couldn't stand his anger and growled like a bear, this time Duke Hubble stared at his son, clicking his tongue.

Belatedly sensing his father's sharp look, Ilius turned around with a sunken face.

"It doesn't matter even if the emperor relieves you of Chief Chamberlain. I didn't think he was going to keep you in that position for long anyway."

"Gosh, sir! How can you say that?"

It was too harsh for Hubble to say so in front of Earl McMillan. He couldn't hide his resentment.

"I think it was better for you. Just shut up and check out the situation of the Treasury Department and report it to me faithfully."

Hubble emphasized 'shut up' when he said it curtly.

Earl McMillan had to shut up because he had done something wrong as the Chief Chamberlain. Hubble was a man with patience, but he was not that generous. Accordingly, McMilan just shut up because he could be fired at the Treasury if he wasted his breath again.

"What are you going to do with my daughter? I hope you won't have her live in disgrace for her life," said Earl Lonstat with a sly smile.

"You don't have to be impatient. Even if Duke Kling's daughter has a ceremony, she is no more than the emperor's fiancée at this point, " Hubble said.

"Good point. I'm not sure if she can have the engagement ceremony peacefully, " said Mrs. Chester with a smile and agreed with Hubble. Each word implied her malice, so her direct threat to ruin the ceremony would have sounded much softer than it was.

She continued, "How wise you are! In my mind, they don't match each other well. I heard that even before Duke Kling met the emperor, he was given a short shrift at the palace's main gate. There are lots of rumors going around that her daughter was forced to get married to the emperor, that the emperor kidnapped her, or she would be divorced even before her marriage."

The rumor was touched off by small gossip originating in the Elior Mansion. Even small things often snowballed into a big fuss when they were on the lips of noisy parkers.

Upon hearing rumors about the trouble between the emperor and Marianne, Earl Lonstat immediately planted spies in the salons and social circles.

"Besides, Marianne allegedly loves Sir Ober more than emperor..."

As there were lots of nobles who attended the tea party hosted by Mrs. Chester, it didn't take more than one day for the rumors to turn into a fait accompli.

"Marianne is a very naive lady," said Ober calmly.

Mrs. Chester slightly turned her head at his son's reaction.

His fascinating eyes frowned quickly.

He continued, "But it's impossible to make her turn coats right now. Since the duke brought her up like a precious treasure, she is very picky and chicken-hearted. You will have to take some time to get her on your side."

Ober recalled Marianne's words as she jumped into his arms at the tea party.

"I want to go back to you."

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