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It happened all so fast.

They hadn't no clue on who setted their house on fire. People were screaming in pain and terror.

When she opened her eyes, Malia realized she had passed out. She got up, ashes and bruises all over her body. She groaned in pain as she started walking down the burned hall.

"Laurent" she whispered, her brother was her priority in that moment.

Her senses were confused, the smoke burned her eyes and the heavy dust filled up her lungs making it difficult for her to breath.

"MALIA! MALIA WHERE ARE YOU?" a loud voice screamed out in a desperate way.
Laurent ran through the flames careless that his clothes were catching on fire.

He screamed his lungs out once again. No answer.
Their house was burning down and it was so loud that he couldn't heard anything even with his wolf senses.

As he run through the burning rooms and halls, Laurent didn't notice that a library, overwhelmed by the weight of a beam, was falling on him. Before being crushed he screamed his sister's name as loud as he could.

Hearing her brother's voice, Malia began running, making herself a way between the burning walls. She got to the stairs and "LAURENT!".

He was downstairs, his body was under a library which probably crushed over him while he was passing.

Malia threw herself downstairs, falling multiple times, hurting herself even more.

"MALIA!" screamed Mark when he saw her coming in their direction.

She had no clue of when he had showed off but in that moment it doesn't matter.

"I'm so glad she's still alive" thought the young man.

Mark was trying to set free Laurent's unconscious body but he was so tired and covered in bruises.

Some minutes later finally Malia reached the two boys and began to help Mark to set her brother free. After five times they were exhausted and passed out together.

Without any warning Laurent woke up groaning in pain. His strenght was not the same but he manged to set himself free.

There was no time left, Laurent picked up Mark on his shoulders, put Malia into his arms and went straight to the front door.

The heat was devastating, the smoke suffocating and his view started to get blurry.
His legs crumbled "AH, SHIT".

In that moment, when she hit the ground, Malia opened her eyes just to see a piece of roof falling onto Mark and her brother.


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