Dare #78

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@LuminaPearl I dare you to find out every Autobots and Decepticons deepest darkest fear that they have been keeping secret for too long. Ratchet and you are excused. Love ya guys

Supercruncher: *Is currently dead to the world as he some how found himself laying on the ceiling yep you heard me right Supercruncher was laying on the ceiling how he managed that he doesn't know in fact he doesn't even remember leaving the floor he just suddenly found himself attached to the ceiling of the base checking wattpad seeing a dare he reads it then sighs and suddenly finds himself faceplate first on the ground....again the ceiling must really have it out for him sighing again Supercruncher stands up and starts look for his first victi- I mean bot!*

Arcee's Deepest Darkest Fear

*Supercruncher sees Arcee leaning against a wall in a 'I don't care about anything at the moment kinda way' and walks up to her*

Supercruncher: Hey Arcee what's your deepest darkest fear?

Arcee: *stares at Supercruncher* And why would I tell you!

Supercruncher: Because it's a dare from LuminaPearl you know Primes daughter!

Arcee: *sighs* Right well it can't be helped then my deepest darkest fear would be~ ....... *sighs* Everybot finding out Airachnid and I were actually sisters!

Supercruncher: *stares wide optic at Arcee for a minute before his systems crashed and he fainted*

Arcee: *stares down at him in surprise before sighing yet again and commed Ratchet about his sparkmate crashing which nearly gave him a spark attack*

Bulkhead's deepest darkest fear

*Supercruncher was once again walking around after he woke up in the med-bay and got scolded by Ratchet for nearly giving him a spark attack sighing he walked up to Bulkhead who was doing target practice*

Supercruncher: Yo Bulk what's your deepest darkest fear!

Bulkhead: *shoots a target then looks at Supercruncher* This is another dare isn't it!

Supercruncher: *nods his helm* Yep yep it is!

Bulkhead: *sighs* Deepest darkest fear huh well that would have to be getting offlined by my brother!

Supercruncher: Ok but um....if you don't mind me asked who is your brother exactly?

Bulkhead: *gives Supercruncher a deadpan look* You mean you haven't figured it out?

Supercruncher: *shakes helm* Nope!

Bulkhead: *shrugs and turns away from him* It's Breakdown!

Supercruncher: Oh ok *turns around to leave before what Bulkhead said sets in and he turns back around at lightning speed* WHAT!!!!!! 

*Bulkhead jumped at the sudden out burst and ended up shooting the ceiling above Supercruncher and he watched in horror as a huge piece of ceiling falls and crashes on top of Supercruncher*

40 minutes later

Elita-1's Deepest Darkest Fear

*After the whole horror scene with Supercruncher being crushed by the evil ceiling and Bulkhead dealing with an angry protective sparkmate Supercruncher was once again walking the halls of the base spotting Elita just standing around he walks up to her*

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