Special: Christmas

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Snow covered all of Cloud Recesses in a soft blanket of white. Wei Ying happily ran through it, kicking it up into the air, creating tiny blizzards. Lan Zhan slowly walked behind him, enjoying the feeling of his husband's happiness. When Wei Ying had run too far ahead, he turned around, waving at his husband to hurry and catch up.

Wei Ying: "Lan Zhan!" he hollered to the other.

A smile graced Lan Zhan's face. He walked a bit faster through the snow. Wei Ying met him, running through the snow. He stopped just short of running into Lan Zhan. A bright smile on his face, his hands folded behind his back.

Lan Zhan smiled at him. "Have something for Wei Ying." Wei Ying's smile disappeared, replaced by a look of anticipation. Lan Zhan took out a small, white box from his sleeve. It was wrapped with a blue ribbon. Wei Ying took it gingerly. He didn't want to drop it.

Wei Ying smiled. "I have something for you, too, Lan Zhan!" He pulled out a small box which had the opposite coloration and handed it to his husband. "Let's open them at the same time!" he proposed. Lan Zhan nodded.

The couple opened the boxes. Wei Ying was stunned to silence. A light pink dusted his cheeks. Lan Zhan, on the other hand, never spoke a word anyway, but the emotion running through his eyes was unimaginable.

Wei Ying had received a small black rabbit with a red bow ties around its neck. The rabbit, feeling the cold air, immediately snuggled against Wei Ying's body.

Lan Zhan took out a small ornament. It was painted with rabbits - a white one and a black one - and tied to a white tassel. Lan Zhan squeezed his husband into oblivion. Wei Ying laughed.

Wei Ying: "Let's head inside now. It's freezing out here." He kissed Lan Zhan's cheek. The couple headed back inside the Jingshi.


Xichen went to Yunmeng to visit Jiang Cheng. Not only to visit him, but because it was also Christmas. He had a special gift just for his Wanyin! A bright smile graced his face. He was happy and very excited. He didn't know whether his beloved would love it or not, but he didn't let it bother him.

Jiang Cheng was sitting in his bed chamber. He held something in his hand. It was small, and it was special to him. He hoped Xichen would like it. Unlike Xichen, he was a nervous wreck. His hands were shaking badly. He almost dropped the gift a couple of times.

There was a knock on the door. A servant relayed a message that Xichen had arrived and was looking for him. That was it! The time had arrived for him to face the one he loved! So, with a gulp and a deep breath to try calming himself, he went out to meet the GusuLan Sect leader.

Xichen waited patiently in the main hall. The doors slammed open and in walked a tired Jiang Cheng. The boy composed himself, the gift hidden behind his back. He cleared his throat.

Jiang Cheng: "Sect Leader Lan Xichen. It's nice to see you here," he spoke shyly. A light blush graced his cheeks, and he hoped Xichen wouldn't notice.

Xichen: "Wanyin, are you alright? You seem a bit tense. Has anything happened recently?"

Jiang Cheng couldn't look at him directly. "Noooooo...but..." Xichen waited patiently. Jiang Cheng held the box out to him. "Here. This is for you."

Xichen gladly took the box. Without hesitation, he opened it. A look of shock was on his face. Jiang Cheng saw the expression. He misread it and inquired, "What? You don't like it?"

Xichen snapped out of his daze and smiled sweetly at the boy. "No, I absolutely adore it!"

The object was a bell of which the Jiang Clan always wore to keep themselves from falling into illusions while fighting. The coloration wasn't of the Jiang Clan, but of the Lan Clan. Xichen couldn't help but embrace Jiang Cheng and kiss him.

When the kiss broke, Xichen said, "It's my turn now, Wanyin. Follow me." Jiang Cheng was a bit confused, but he followed the other anyway. Once they were outside, he was led off into the woods.

Jiang Cheng was feeling impatient. "Where are we going?" Xichen didn't reply but kept walking. Jiang Cheng huffed. He dazed out and didn't notice Xichen had stopped. Jiang Cheng bumped right into him.

Xichen caught him in time. Jiang Cheng blushed at the contact. "Here we are. Wait here." Xichen disappeared. Jiang Cheng wasn't liking it one bit. After a few minutes - that seemed like hours to him - Xichen finally returned, carrying a small bundle in his arms. "Close your eyes, Wanyin." Jiang Cheng did. He felt something soft against his chest. It was light, too. He held tightly onto it, not wanting to drop it in case it was fragile. "You can open them now."

Jiang Cheng peeked through slits. He gasped! In his arms was a small puppy! It had all black fur with little tuffs of fur on its ears. Jiang Cheng teared up. He held the puppy, burrying his face into it's soft fur. He loved it! He loved it with all his heart!

Jiang Cheng: "Thank you..." he spoke softly. A few minutes passed. He couldn't take it anymore. "Xichen! Lan Huan! I love you!" He kissed the other with deep passion. His heart raced, and a blush crept onto his cheeks.

Xichen was in utter shock! He hadn't been expecting that reaction. "I have one more thing for you," he said after the kiss was broken. He composed himself, took a deep breath, and said in all sincerity," Jiang Wanyin, Jiang Cheng, will you marry me?"

Jiang Cheng was speechless. He teared up again. "Of course, I will, you big ingrate! Of course, I will marry you!"

The two kissed once more, the puppy forgotten for the time being. Nothing made either of them happier on that day than being together in that moment.

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