Wei Wuxian

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"Lan Zhan! Look out!" Wei Ying shoved Lan Zhan away and sliced through the water ghouls. Turning to Lan Zhan he asked with concern, "Lan Zhan, are you alright?"

Lan Zhan stood up with some help from Wei Ying. "Mn," the Lan boy nodded. Wei Ying sighed with relief and flashed a smile to the taller male. He suddenly felt himself fall forward and hit the deck. "Wei Ying!" Lan Zhan made a grab for the boy as he was being dragged off the side of the boat into the water, but missed him by a mere hair's breadth.

Wei Ying was instantly dragged to the bottom of the lake. He couldn't breathe. Water was quickly filling his lungs and he could feel himself suffocating. He was pulled inside the body of the demon. Resentful energy began eating away at his spiritual energy. He partly opened his eyes for a moment. A hand reached down, pulling him up out of the water. Wei Ying blacked out.


"Wei Ying!" The voice: whose could it be? He felt cold. He could feel pressure on his chest. Air was forced into his lungs. He still felt he couldn't breathe. "Wei Ying! Wake up!" It was the voice again. Whose...?

Lan Zhan was panicking. Wei Ying wasn't waking up, even with all the effort he put into saving him. Jiang Cheng was growing impatient. "Let me have a try! I'll wake that motherfucker up with one blow!" Xichen held him back.

"Violence is not necessary, Jiang Wanyin," Xichen warned while holding the male back.

Whose voices are those? Who-?

Wei Ying jerked upright, rolling over onto his side as he coughed up the water, gasping for air. Lan Zhan patted his back, trying to help him calm his breathing. "Wei Ying! Breathe!"

*Gasp* "Lan Zhan..." *Cough* "Lan Zhan, what happened? When did I end up here?" the boy managed to breathe out before another coughing fit. Xichen waited to explain what exactly had happened to ensure the boy was fine. "Oh? So it was dear Lan Zhan here who helped me was it? Thanks, Hanguang-Jun~" he teased. The tips of the Lan's ears turned pink, but he hid his embarrassment from the others by maintaining his emotionless face. Only Xichen and Wei Ying could tell.

Xichen: "Let us go back to the inn for the night." Everyone agreed. Lan Zhan helped Wei Ying to stand. Then he placed himself in front of him, picking him up to carry him on his back.

Wei Ying: "Ah! Lan Zhan! What are you doing? Put me down. I'm fine. I can walk on my own."

Lan Zhan: "Wei Ying is tired. Will carry Wei Ying to the inn."

Wei Ying gave in after a bit of arguing. Lan Zhan just would not listen to him. By the time they arrived at the inn, Wei Ying had fallen asleep.


Lan Zhan sat next to the boy asleep on the bed. He couldn't sleep. He was worried about Wei Ying. He was worried about falling asleep, and this all being a dream. He didn't want it to be one, but he knew he would have to wake up sooner or later. Yet he wished to stay because Wei Ying was here. He was alive. His Wei Ying was safe. Lan Zhan caressed the boy's cheek.

"Tell me, Lan Zhan~" He turned toward the voice. Behind him, seated at the table, was another Wei Ying. "Tell me! How do you like this world I've created for you?" The male smiled cheekily. A flash of mischief was in his eyes.

"Who are you?" Lan Zhan hesitantly asked.

The male tsked at him and shook his head. "You should know who I am. I mean, I've been with you from the very beginning, Lan Zhan~" He chuckled. The silver eyes shined in the dim candle light. The black robes hung loosely, so one of his shoulders was revealed. His raven-black hair was tied partly back with the red ribbon. It cascaded over his shoulders. ChenQing was in his right hand. He sat with his arms crossed and one leg up.

Lan Zhan could only stare in utter silence. The other found it rather adorable, so he laughed. "Lan Zhan! Dear Lan Zhan! How I pity you sometimes. You want to know how I did it?" He stood up, walked over to Lan Zhan and whispered into his ear, "Just before I died, I snuck into your room and set up an array there. It's quite amazing you never sensed it. Or is it you knew it was me and never cared?" Lan Zhan was frozen in place. Wei Wuxian chuckled. "I need to go now, but I hope you enjoy this world of yours. It's my parting gift to you."

Lan Zhan: "Wei Ying, wait."

Wei Wuxian stopped and turned his head. "Yes, Lan Zhan~"

Lan Zhan: "Why?"

Wei Wuxian: "Why? You will find out soon enough. Keep playing my little game. The choices you make will determine the outcome. In the end, you might just have me. One hint before I go," He says turning fully around. "Find a way to save me before it's too late." Then he walked out the door. Lan Zhan chased after him, but when he opened the door, Wei Wuxian was already gone. He sighed and walked slowly back into the room and quietly sat beside Wei Ying again on the bed.

Wei Ying stirred and opened his eyes. He looked over to see Lan Zhan sitting there. "Lan Zhan?" He softly called the other's name.

Lan Zhan: "Mn. Sleep. Not time to wake yet."

Wei Ying: "But...you're not sleeping. Is something wrong?"

Lan Zhan stared at the boy. He knew this wasn't the real Wei Ying, but he wanted to protect him nonetheless. A game? Why would Wei Ying do this?

"Find a way to save me before it's too late."

He didn't understand. What did Wei Ying mean? He was too tired to think.

Wei Ying: "Lan Zhan?" He waved his hand in front of the males face. Lan Zhan instinctively caught the boy's wrist. "Lan Zhan," he called out to the male again. "Lan Zhan!" The male startled. He looked at Wei Ying.

Lan Zhan: "Wei Ying..."

Wei Ying: "You're spacing out, and you're holding my wrist too tightly!" He flinched from the pain when he tried loosening the grip. Lan Zhan noticed and released his hold. Wei Ying rubbed his wrist and pouted. Lan Zhan felt guilty. He had hurt his Wei Ying and hadn't meant to, but still...

He reached out to hold the boy and wrapped him in a hug. "Sorry."

Wei Ying patted the male's back and chuckled. "Ah, Lan Zhan. It's alright. Let's just sleep now."

Lan Zhan: "Mn."

Wei Ying moved over to the other side of the bed and patted the area beside himself. Lan Zhan crawled in beside him. Wei Ying snuggled under the covers and said, "Night, Lan Zhan~"

Lan Zhan laid down. He didn't sleep right away. Soon he could hear the soft breathing of Wei Ying as he slept. He rolled over and snuggled up to Wei Ying, holding him close. He breathed in the scent of the boy's hair, eventually falling asleep. He really hoped he could protect the one he loved this time. "Good night, Wei Ying," he whispered softly into the night, the candle's flame blowing out.

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