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Xichen carried Lan Zhan on his back. He unsheathed Shuoyue and flew to the top of the pit. He headed toward the light. He could feel his brother was in pain, but he couldn't do anything about it right then. Lan Zhan had fallen into unconsciousness again. Massive amounts of blood were soaking into Xichen's robes. Hold on, Wangji! We're almost there! We're almost to Wei Gongzi! Xichen heard a slight groan from his brother.

The light up ahead was drawing closer as he flew. As his eyesight cleared, he saw Wei Ying banging at the air, seemingly on nothing. How wrong he was, for he hit the invisible wall. A barrier! Why is there a barrier here? He bounced off the air and flew backwards. Luckily, he made certain Lan Zhan wasn't hurt anymore. The banging continued. Xichen didn't know what to do.

Lan Zhan stirred. "Brother. Wei Ying..."

Xichen shushed him. "Don't worry. We have found him. Only, there's a barrier in the way. It seems even Wei Gongzi cannot break it. I will try, though I don't know if I can succeed as my spiritual energy is low right now. This place is filled to the brim with resentment." He laid Lan Zhan against the cave wall. "Stay here. I will return with Wei Gongzi soon."

Lan Zhan felt dizzy, so he closed his eyes. Xichen took that to mean Lan Zhan was listening, and so he set off to try breaking the barrier.

Wei Ying pounded on the barrier in a desperate manner. The statue stood behind him. Pain racked through his body, but he forced himself to remain standing and alert. When he saw Xichen running to him, he felt somewhat relieved. However, he was still panicking as he didn't see Lan Zhan with the other. "Lan Zhan! Xichen, where is my husband?!"

Xichen gave him a sympathetic smile. "Let us release you from here first. Then I will take you to him." Wei Ying nodded. He wanted to do anything to see Lan Zhan again. "Stand back! I'm going to try breaking this barrier!"

Wei Ying: "You can't! I've already tried! It's made so it's linked to the life of whoever created it! You would need to first defeat the one who put it up!"

A voice sounded behind them. A menacing laughter rang through the tunnel. "How right you are, Wei Wuxian! They told me you were a genius, but I never expected you to figure it out in such a short time." A face came into view. Xichen gasped. It was the Lord of the mining sect: Lord Baoshi Yin. Wei Ying was shaking badly with fright. He tried not making a sound, but a whimper escaped his lips. Xichen looked at him with concern. All Wei Ying did was point.

Xichen followed to where he was pointing and saw something in the man's hand being dragged behind him.

Baoshi Yin: "I'm certain now he belongs to you. In fact, I will do him a favor and allow him to see his dear husband and unborn child one more time before I kill him." He threw Lan Zhan into the cave room. Xichen tried to follow, but the barrier prevented him from entering. "That's right. Only those I wish to enter are allowed. I'm afraid you will have to sit there and watch them die!" The man cackled. The sound resonated throughout the cave. "I hope you can escape in time. My children are waiting to play with you."

Two very tall figures loomed just behind the man. They appeared as shadows at first, but then they took on a human-like form. The nagas - there were two of them! One of them turned fully human. "Hello, remember me?" it spoke, as if it knew who Xichen was.

Xichen: "San Pianzi!" he spoke angrily. "How dare you?! I knew there was something fishy about you the day we met! How dare you hurt my family?! I will kill you!"

"Xichen! Calm down!" a voice called out to him. "Don't do anything rashly!"

Xichen saw two more figures approach. He smiled with relief as he saw it was Jiang Cheng and Qiren. "Uncle! Wanyin! What are you doing here?"

Qiren: "It seems as though this one hates taking orders from anyone. Plus, we were worried about you. You hadn't come out for hours, so we came to see what the problem was. Now, I see clearly how to solve it."

Pianzi: "Move it, Old Man! We were speaking civilly before you came along."

Qiren fumed. "Old man? Who's an old man? From what I can see, the only old one here is you, Naga!"

Pianzi laughed. "Very good! Very good!" He clapped at them. "I never thought I would find anyone who could match me in wits. It seems your nephew here has also taken after you."

Xichen: "Uncle, Wei Gongzi and Wangji are inside the cave. We cannot enter, however. I need someone to go after Baoshi Yin and make him remove the barrier."

Qiren thought a moment. "Jiang Gongzi! I will be going to fetch Baoshi Yin! You stay here and protect my nephew! If I so much as see a scratch on him more than is necessary, I will have your head! Do you understand?" With that, he left the two to fight on their own.

Jiang Cheng rolled his eyes. Xichen chuckled a bit, but he was serious once more as the nagas drew closer. The two readied their swords.

Xichen: "Remember this, Wanyin, we can't touch them with our swords. They must have a weakness of some sort." Jiang Cheng nodded. The two were ready to fight. "Look for the weak point, then aim for it! We can't allow them to escape!"

Wei Ying on the other side was holding Lan Zhan close to himself as he tried to wake him up. The statue stood still, watching the boy's every move. There had to be a way out. He noticed the mark on Lan Zhan's neck. He touched it and felt a shockwave of electricity through his body which was similar to Zidian's.

Wei Ying: "Damn it! A curse mark! Who would do such a thing to you?" He was furious now. He didn't know how to remove a curse mark, so he couldn't help him.

A hand touched his face. "Wei Ying..." a quiet voice called to him.

He looked at Lan Zhan, tears brimming his eyes, and gripped the hand touching his cheek. "Don't worry, Lan Zhan. We will be out in no time. You just rest easy. I'm fine." Lan Zhan nodded. He snuggled closer to his husband's belly. At least, Wei Ying hoped they could escape.

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