Side Story: Xichen, Jiang Cheng, the Moon

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Xichen: "Wanyin, would you allow me to show you the moon?" He held his hand out to the young male.

Jiang Cheng felt his cheeks grow hot. He felt all he could do was nod. He took the other's hand and allowed himself to be led outside.

Xichen led the male to an open area. In the middle of the grassy field, there was a table set up. Xichen placed Jiang Cheng on one side, while he sat on the other side. The moon was bright, large and full that night. It lit up the entire area. Jiang Cheng couldn't help himself. He felt as though time had stopped, and he had somehow stepped into an ethereal world.

Xichen: "How do you like it?" he asked solemnly.

Jiang Cheng was completely speechless. He'd never seen anything so beautiful before. A moment of silence passed between them. He wondered why the jade had grown so quiet, so he looked over, ready to say something, but he was struck dumb at the sight he saw.

Xichen was enjoying the warm night breeze. The wind blew through his perfect, straight, long locks. The moonlight hit his skin, making him to appear as a god descended upon the world of night. Such ethereal beauty.

Jiang Cheng sat with his mouth hanging open for some time before Xichen noticed. The smile he gave the other was just too beautiful for the other to bear. A blush crept up Jiang Cheng's neck to his ears. He coughed once and turned away. Xichen did the same thing, continuing to watch the moon. Jiang Cheng glimpsed at the GusuLan Sect leader every few seconds. Once he glimpsed at him and caught the eyes of the other staring back at him. He quickly looked away.

Xichen felt Jiang Cheng was quite beautiful. He even caught glimpses of him at times. He wanted to jump across the table and just kiss the male all night, but he knew he had to control himself. The braids the male wore were just too cute. He couldn't help but to stare. Neither could Jiang Cheng. Even in the harsh wind, Xichen's hair and robes seemed to flow gracefully. He truly was a god among men.

Minutes passed. The wind blew harder. The moon disappeared, being covered by dark clouds. "We should go inside now," Xichen called out as it began to downpour. He grabbed Jiang Cheng's wrist and dragged him back inside. The two were completely drenched by the time they were back inside.

Jiang Cheng: "I'll call for a bath to be drawn." He hollered for a servant to bring the tub filled with hot water. He took his hair piece off and his hair fell down in flowing locks. Water dripped everywhere. Xichen didn't seemed concerned at all about being drenched and dripping everywhere as he stood in one place the entire time. Jiang Cheng disappeared behind the divider screen as the bath had arrived. He undressed and sat down in the nice hot water, relaxing with a sigh.

His hair flowed over his shoulders and down his back. Unbeknownst to him, Xichen was watching the entire time from the side. Xichen had to look away quickly as Jiang Cheng stood up and exited the bath. "Alright, your turn, Shithead," the Jiang boy called out.

Xichen slowly made his way to the tub. The tips of his ears were pink. He undressed and entered the bath. The water was still warm and lined with lotus petals. It was no wonder Jiang Cheng smelled so fragrant.

Jiang Cheng: "What are you looking at?" he inquired, noticing the other was staring at him rather strangely.

Xichen moved his glance away rather quickly. He hadn't even noticed he'd been staring at the other so fondly.

Jiang Cheng had left his hair down on purpose. Xichen stared again in awe at the Jiang boy. The robes he wore were tight-fitting. The robes outlined every curve of the male's body. They did not exactly sit properly on him either as his chest was exposed. Xichen got a good look at the smooth muscles of Jiang Cheng.

The Jiang boy wasn't paying any attention to the other male. "I don't know if I have anything in your size while your other robes dry, but I will see what I can find." He was suddenly embraced from behind.

Xichen whispered into his ear. "I think these robes you're wearing will do nicely." He spoke in a very seductive tone, his hand inside the opening of the robes.

Jiang Cheng was stunned for a few seconds. "Wait a minute!" he finally said. He moved away from the naked jade to the other side of the screen, but not before he threw a set of robes at him. "Wear these! I don't need you sleeping naked tonight!" he hollered.

Xichen felt hurt. He dressed in the robes rather quickly as he didn't want his Jiang Cheng to leave him. He found the boy at his desk again, nearly passed out. He wrapped his arms around the boy again and whispered, "Who says I will sleep tonight?"

His warm breath against Jiang Cheng's ear made him shiver. He shoved Xichen away. "Go to the guest house or something! Can't you see I'm busy? And whatever happened to that curfew of yours?"

Xichen smiled with a hint of mischief. "That only applies to my home of Cloud Recesses. I can do whatever I want outside of it."

Jiang Cheng blushed when Xichen bit his ear. "Whatever...just don't get in my way, or I'll break your legs." He tried and failed to maintain his confident demeanor, but with Xichen clinging onto him as he was, Jiang Cheng found himself losing all of his control.

Xichen: "Wanyin, I want you, and I want to make you mine." The tone was once again seductive. Jiang Cheng's mind was reeling. He couldn't think properly. Next thing he knew, Xichen had a hold of his jaw and was kissing him. The kiss broke. Both were panting hard.

Jiang Cheng grew redder in his face. "Don't ever do that again!" he spoke angrily. However, even though he claimed to have hated it, he actually liked it. Xichen could see right through his little facade. "Don't ever kiss me like that again. If you're gonna do it it properly." He pouted. Xichen found it totally adorable.

Xichen: "Then, tell me. How should I kiss you?" Jiang Cheng was fed up! He'd had enough! He grabbed Xichen by the collar of his robes and pulled him into the kiss. It was deep and full of passion. Once their lips parted, Jiang Cheng scowled at the other male.

Jiang Cheng: "That is how you should kiss me." Xichen smiled. He leaned in and kissed the boy again. They stayed that way the rest of the night, falling asleep in each others' arms.


There! For those of you who requested a side story of just these two, I made one just for you! I hope you liked it! ❤️❤️❤️

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