Bitter Medicine

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"No!" A disciple passing by the Jingshi startled at the loud noise from within. He decided to stop and have a listen. He pressed his ear up to the wall and was surprised by the conversation inside. He knew he wasn't allowed near the residence without permission, but he couldn't help himself. So he gave in to his curiosity and risked being caught all for some gossip.


Wei Ying hid himself under the blanket. Having wrapped himself in a cocoon, he refused to come out. Lan Zhan sighed and patiently waited for the boy to comply.

Lan Zhan: "Wei Ying." He set the bowl down on the table and sat on the bed. "The healer said Wei Ying has to take these herbs and medicines."

Wei Ying: "No! I refuse to take anything remotely bitter. It's disgusting." He curled up tighter. Lan Zhan wondered how that was even possible.

Lan Zhan: "Wei Ying." He sighed again. He was losing his patience.

Hanguang-Jun had incredible hand strength. He seized the blanket, tearing it away from the boy.

Wei Ying: "Hey!" he cried out. "Give it back! I was nice and warm in it," he whined. He pouted, crossing his arms and legs and puffed his cheeks. Lan Zhan felt it was incredibly adorable. How he longed to kiss those rosy lips, but the medicine was top priority.

Lan Zhan took the bowl from the table. "Drink." It was all he said while handing the medicine to Wei Ying. The boy nearly spilt the liquid taking it from him. Wei Ying drank it down quickly, trying not to gag at the bitterness. He handed the bowl back to Lan Zhan who only set it on the table again. "Wei Ying." Before the boy could react, Lan Zhan kissed him, inserting his tongue into the male's mouth. When the two separated Wei Ying gasped.

Wei Ying: "Lan Zhan!" He turned away, covering his mouth. A light pink dusted his cheeks. Lan Zhan just smiled.

Lan Zhan: "Was helping get rid of the bitterness."

Wei Ying was two months pregnant now. He had to take that horrendously bitter medicine every night. He hated it! After just two or three nights of taking it, he was sick of it. Because it had so many side effects, the poor boy wasn't allowed to eat certain foods, and other medications weren't allowed. So he suffered every morning with the morning sickness, which seemed to last all day. Worst of all, he wasn't allowed to even step a foot out of bed without someone there, nor was he allowed outside by himself. He was about to go crazy!

Wei Ying: "Lan Zhan!" he groaned one day. "I'm so bored!" he whined, looking at the other male who was reading scriptures. Wei Ying pulled his sleeve.

Lan Zhan responded with an "Mn," and continued reading.

Wei Ying pouted with his cheeks puffed when the Lan didn't even glance at him. "Please," he begged, "can we go outside? Just for a few minutes?" The weather was cold and rainy that day, but he didn't care. Lan Zhan shook his head.

Lan Zhan: "Too cold out. Bad for the baby." Wei Ying pouted again. He felt as though Lan Zhan was being overly protective of him. "Healer said so." That was it! That was the last straw! Wei Ying had had enough of those healers and their stupid bitter liquids. He wanted out!

Wei Ying: "Fine! If you won't take me, then I will just go myself!" He huffed, standing up. Lan Zhan immediately pulled him back onto the cushion beside himself. He wrapped his arm around the boy in a manor which stated, 'I'm not letting you go'. Wei Ying struggled to release himself of the hold, but Lan Zhan was much stronger, keeping a firm grip on the boy's waist.

Lan Zhan: "Quit struggling. Bad for the baby. Relax." He touched a nerve on Wei Ying's back which paralyzed him somewhat, forcing his struggle to cease. Lan Zhan set the book down and carried Wei Ying, carefully laying him down on the bed and covering him with the blanket. "Sleep."

Wei Ying: "But I'm not...sleepy..." he said as sleep overcame him. Lan Zhan smiled at the boy's sleeping figure.

Lan Zhan: "Our wedding will be the grandest one in history," he whispered to the other. Today was the last day he could see his Wei Ying. He walked outside the Jingshi. A disciple was there guarding the entrance. "Make certain Wei Wuxian stays inside." The disciple nodded and bowed.

The wedding was decided on last month. Lan Qiren was infuriated at first. He couldn't understand why his favorite nephew would want to marry another man, but from what he was told and what he had seen for himself, it seemed as though the two loved each other. He couldn't argue with that fact. With Xichen having already decided when it would progress, Qiren really had no choice but to accept this god awful affair. So he politely agreed, though with some hesitation. Also, because it was Xichen stating the affairs of the wedding, none of the elders could oppose him as he was the sect leader and clan head. Xichen simply smiled at the frantic looks on those elders' faces. He laughed internally at his victory.

Oh, Lan Wangji, how I envy you. Yet to show you just how much I respect and love you, I will give you the grandest wedding in all of history. No one should forget this day! The sly smirk which formed on his face, anyone could tell he was planning something, but no one dared to ask for fear of angering him. No one dared disagree with him for fear they would be punished in some god awful way. This was Xichen they were speaking to here - not some new disciple. Xichen was known for his patience, but it could wear out quickly if one were to be against him. None of the elders liked the idea of two men marrying, but quickly placed their differences aside when seeing the glint of frustration in the sect leader's eyes as he strained a smile. Seeing only that small moment made them shiver to their very core.

Xichen: "Now that we have all the preparations made, let us move on to more important matters." The elders all nodded in agreement, glad that there was a change of topic. Xichen cleared his throat. "*Ahem* As you all know, there have been many sightings of living corpses seen in and around the area. However, it is important to note how these sightings are now increasing at an alarming rate. More citizens report seeing these corpses walking around everyday in the forest, though they claim the corpses are harmless and have never once tried to attack them. What do you feel should be done about it?" He looked to the elders who all just sat there quietly, contemplating and petting their beards. Xichen's eyebrow twitched a bit. He was really losing his patience with these men.

Lan Zhan on the other hand was sitting in his other residence thinking about the upcoming wedding. The door was shoved open unexpectedly. One of the disciples who he had keep guard at the Jingshi rushed inside, quickly bowed and said, "Hanguang-Jun! It's bad!"

Lan Zhan stood up from his seat startling the boy a bit. "What is it? What's wrong?"

The disciple gulped. He felt he was in trouble. However, Lan Zhan was only very concerned something bad happened to Wei Ying. "It's the Jingshi! It blew up!" Lan Zhan ran for dear life to the residence, leaving behind the disciple who shook with fear. Please be okay, Wei Ying? Please!

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