Lonely Heart

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Rain poured down, pounding on the roof. Wei Ying felt his baby kick incessantly. He rubbed his belly, trying to calm the baby down. The door to the Jingshi opened. Wei Ying watched as Jiang Cheng, Yanli and Lan Zhan entered. Lan Zhan noticed the pained look on his husband's face and immediately went to him.

Lan Zhan: "Wei Ying? What's wrong?"

Wei Ying: "Lan Zhan, see if you can't calm him down. He won't quit kicking me." His eyes went wide as he felt another kick. His cheeks flushed as he suddenly ran toward the bathroom and exclaimed, "Pardon me for a moment!" Yanli giggled, Jiang Cheng rolled his eyes, and Lan Zhan stood there bewildered. Wei Ying returned a few minutes later. "That's better!" he proclaimed. Yanli giggled even more.

Yanli: "May I?" Wei Ying nodded. She placed her hand on her brother's belly. The baby kicked again. "Seems he's a bit anxious to want to come out. You'll need to teach him patience when he's born," she teased.

Jiang Cheng: "Let me feel," he demanded. Wei Ying huffed, rolling his eyes. "Fine! I won't touch you." He backed away. "Sister, we need to leave soon anyway," he reminded her. Yanli nodded.

Wei Ying: "What? You're leaving already? Couldn't you stay a bit longer - like until I give birth?" he pleaded, giving her puppy eyes. Jiang Cheng rolled his eyes again. Yanli giggled at Wei Ying's childish behavior.

Yanli: "Sorry, A-Xian. We can't stay. Father and Mother would have a field day with us if we didn't go home today. We only came to say goodbye and good luck. I will return on the day you give birth, so I can help you." She gave him a gentle smile and hug.

Wei Ying teared up. "You'd better!" he spoke bitterly. "You had best bring your soup, too, to help me feel better!"

Yanli pulled away from the hug and nodded. "I promise." Jiang Cheng and Yanli left Cloud Recesses, leaving behind a depressed Wei Ying.

Lan Zhan noticed his husband's mood. "We can visit after our child is born," he whispered to him. It didn't help much. Wei Ying only cried louder, his sobs muffled by Lan Zhan's robes. Lan Zhan rubbed the sobbing male's back, comforting him. Wei Ying cried most of the night, falling asleep with tears still streaming down his face. Even the baby seemed to have fallen asleep as it wasn't making a racket. Lan Zhan laid in bed next to his lover, his hand gently laid on the bulge that was Wei Ying's belly. He then pressed his ear to it, listening intently. The thrum of the heartbeat relaxed him in a way, and he fell asleep.


The next day, Wei Ying wasn't any better. He still felt depressed and sniffled quietly. Lan Zhan was worried when Wei Ying refused to eat anything. At least he'd taken his medicine. That was a good thing. It seemed as though Wei Ying really missed his shijie. He would need to somehow convince the Jiang sect leader to allow her to stay.

Xichen was on his way to the Jingshi to check up on the two love birds. Lan Zhan happened to open the door just as he arrived. "Wangji, how is Wei Gongzi? May I come in?" Lan Zhan nodded, stepping aside so his brother could enter. Xichen stopped dead in his tracks when he saw Wei Ying sitting alone outside, staring off into space. Lan Zhan went to the boy, gently touching him to gain his attention.

Lan Zhan: "Wei Ying. Will return shortly. Need to speak to brother." Wei Ying gave a slight nod, staring into space once more.

Xichen felt baffled. "Wangji? What is troubling Wei Gongzi?"

Lan Zhan glanced back at Wei Ying, who at this point was crying again. The younger Lan sighed. "Misses his shijie," he explained simply. Xichen mouthed an "Ah" and smiled sympathetically.

Xichen: "I will see what I can do. In the meantime, make certain he eats something. Also, don't tell him what we are up to. It will make a nice gift for him." Lan Zhan nodded his understanding.

Lan Zhan: "Thank you, Brother." He bowed. Xichen smiled wider and left.

The moment Xichen returned to the Hanshi, he wrote two letters: one to Jiang Fengmian; the other to Jiang Yanli.


Jiang Fengmian was aghast when he received the letter stating Wei Ying's condition. Yanli felt the same way, only she thought it was adorable the way her baby brother missed her that much. She was immediately sent back with Jiang Cheng to stay until the child was born.


Jiang Cheng and Yanli arrived at the Cloud Recesses gate. Jiang Fengmian had given them the jade token to ensure their entrance. However, they did not need it as Xichen stood there to greet them himself.

Xichen: "Wanyin! It's so good to have you back!" Jiang Cheng gave him an icy glare, but the Lan ignored it - not being fazed by it at all. "Come. Allow me to lead you to them." Yanli giggled at her brother's reaction as he rolled his eyes.

Jiang Cheng: "Sure, but make one advance towards me, and I'll break your legs." The threat may have been empty, but Xichen noted the seriousness in Jiang Cheng's voice.

They arrived at the dining hall. Xichen led them inside. "The two will be here in a moment. Please make yourselves comfortable while you wait. A few minutes passed by with no sign of Wei Ying or Lan Zhan. Jiang Cheng was losing his patience. Just as he was about to explode, a ruckus could be heard outside.

"Lan Zhan! Put me down! I don't want to eat! I'm not hungry! Hey! Did you hear me? I said 'Put me down!'" Two figures entered the hall. Lan Zhan had Wei Ying slung over his shoulder. Wei Ying was fighting him, kicking and throwing a fit. Lan Zhan let him down alright. Wei Ying managed to kick him hard enough to where the Lan dropped him. The pregnant male fell on his touche. "Ouch! Be gentler next time!" Wei Ying was in one of his moods and it seemed as though Lan Zhan had lost all his patience with the male.

Lan Zhan: "Wei Ying," he spoke in warning. The glare scared the male shitless.

Jiang Cheng rolled his eyes, and Yanli giggled quietly. "Hey, pipsqueak! Look over here!"

Wei Ying turned. He was furious. "What do you want Jiang Cheng?" He stopped when it clicked who was sitting there. "Jiang Cheng?" He was bewildered.

Jiang Cheng: "Yeah, it's me. What are you going to do about it?"

Wei Ying was confused. "Aren't you...? I thought..."

Yanli: "A-Xian." Her sweet voice caught his attention.

Wei Ying: "Shijie?" His eyes teared up. Yanli smiled gently at him. "Shijie!" he cried out, running to her, crashing into her to give her a big hug. "I missed you so much!"

Yanli: "Now, now. How old is A-Xian?"

Wei Ying: "Xian-Xian is three!" Yanli pet his head which was laid on her lap. "Xian-Xian is also hungry. He wants Shijie's soup!"

Yanli: "Is that so? I don't know if three years old A-Xian can reach the pot," she teased. "Don't worry, A-Xian. I'm staying for a good while this time."

Wei Ying was ecstatic. "You mean it?" She nodded and he hollered with joy. "Shijie is the best!" Yanli simply laughed. "How long for this time?"

Yanli: "Until after the child is born." She booped his nose. Wei Ying was overcome with excitement and happiness.

Seeing the siblings' interaction, Lan Zhan smiled along with Xichen, who happened to enter when no one was watching. "Wangji." Lan Zhan nodded his acknowledgement. "We should probably leave them alone for now. Don't you think so?" Xichen turned away and walked out of the hall. Lan zhan nodded, taking one more look at the happy family. He followed behind his brother. All the way out he could hear Wei Ying's laughter, and he knew his husband would be just fine.

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