The Test

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Lan Xue sat silently as a good student should - upright posture, straight back. He listened to all that was spoken of him by the elders. It seemed half of them believed he was special, and the other half had doubts. However, they all approved of the testing. It had been many hundreds of years since they had such a member with that gift.

The child was very patient. He waited until he was dismissed. Outside the meeting hall, Xichen and Qiren were waiting. "There he is! My dear little nephew! Tell me. What did they have to say?"

Lan Xue giggled as he was lifted up and spun around by his uncle. "Uncle Shee-shen! They said they approve of me. I don't know what that means." He was a smart child. He learned very quickly. It didn't take long for him to understand the basics of music at only the age of two. Cultivation would wait until he was five.

Xichen smiled happily at his little nephew. "That means they like you!" he explained simply. "Now we can begin. Uncle, let us leave for the Cold Cave."

The Cold Cave was a vast chamber hidden in the back hills of Cloud Recesses. Only those with the sect ribbon could enter. Lan Xue, though he was only two, wore the clan ribbon with floating clouds. He held tightly to Xichen's hand. The cave was cold, almost freezing. Lan Xue shivered a bit.

Lan Xue looked at his uncle. "Uncle Shee-shen, why are we here?"

Xichen smiled brightly. He bent down to his nephew's level. "Why do you think we are here?"

Lan Xue thought a moment, moving his gaze over the entire cave. He pointed toward the white guqin, laying peacefully on a stone alter. "Beautiful woman. Who is she?"

Xichen looked to where the child was pointing. "She is our ancestor, can you see her? Even I have never seen her."

Lan Xue: "Uncle has before. Uncle does not remember. Uncle was only a child then." Xichen was dumbfounded. His mouth hung open. His mind went completely blank.

Qiren: "Xichen, let us proceed." Xichen nodded. The three approached the guqin. Lan Xue bowed.

The woman appeared before all. She was beautiful. She sat just behind the alter. "My...I haven't had company for years! Who is this little one?"

Lan Xue greeted the woman. "Lan Xue. Lan Mudan. It's nice to meet you, Master."

The woman giggled with a broad smile. "What a delightfully polite going man. May I ask who's son you are?"

Lan Xue: "My father is Lan Wangji and my mother is Wei Wuxian."

Woman: "It seems as though you possess a special gift for only being two."

Lan Xue: "I don't know, Master. I only know I will be three in about a month."

Woman: "I see. Come here. Sit beside me." Lan Xue obliged. "You are delightful. Tell me what this says." She played notes upon the guqin.

Lan Xue thought for a moment. "It says 'Hello'. The spirit of this goo-chin is very sad. He is lonely."

Woman: "Is that right? I'll tell you what: I will give him to you, so long as you promise to use him properly and care for him." Lan Xue nodded. "Good. I'm glad. Now, let us proceed."


Wei Ying slept peacefully. Lan Zhan watched him as he laid beside him, caressing the younger's hair. He softly hummed their song. The boy's eyes fluttered open, and he smiled. "Good morning, Lan Zhan."

Lan Zhan sat up, pulling his husband with him. He carried him to the bath. Luckily, the water was still warm.

Wei Ying hummed in satisfaction. "Lan Zhan. What are you doing today?"

Lan Zhan washed his Wei Ying as he answered shortly, "Meeting with Uncle."

Wei Ying: "How long for?"

Lan Zhan: "Not certain."

That was that. Wei Ying sighed. "My body still hurts. I wonder how long it'll be this time before I'm recovered. This water helps a lot though."

Lan Zhan: "Have a surprise for Wei Ying. Stay here. Be good. Should not be long." Wei Ying nodded. He'd fallen asleep again when Lan Zhan carried him to the bed, dressed in fresh bed clothes. Lan Zhan kissed him lightly on the forehead.


As promised, Lan Zhan gave Wei Ying the surprise. Wei Ying wondered why they needed to fly so far on their swords. He was still hurting, so Lan Zhan had to carry him. When Wei Ying saw the area they were in, he was overjoyed! "Lan Zhan! Is this what I think it is?!"

Lan Zhan: "Mn." Wei Ying was very excited. The hot springs they were supposed to be going to, they finally were able to be there!

After checking in, they settled in their room. Wei Ying couldn't help himself and tackled his husband, knocking him to the floor with a deep kiss. Lan Zhan was careful with him, because Wei Ying was still recovering. The hot springs would help with that.

Wei Ying stared longingly at his husband. "Lan Zhan. Do you think we could go in right now?"

Lan Zhan: "Tomorrow. Sleep."

Wei Ying pouted. He was feeling too restless to sleep. "I want to walk around and relax in the hot springs. I cannot sleep with all this pent up energy."

Lan Zhan touched a spot on his husband's back. Wei Ying's body immediately went lax. "Sleep." Wei Ying's eyes closed almost right away.

Wei Ying: "Lan Zhan. You big...bully..."

Lan Zhan laid down beside him. "Good night, Wei Ying," he whispered.


They are here, just as I thought they'd be. Now I can move forward with my plan. Tomorrow I shall execute the Light Bearing Lord and drag Wei Wuxian back to my queen. I shall even seal his ability to birth children. He truly is a magnificent beauty. My Queen, you did well in choosing a suitable mate for yourself. The man watched the couple sleep. Hopefully his plan would go as expected. Just wait a little longer, My Queen. Soon you shall have your husband.

[MDZS] My Dark AngelOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora