Lan Xichen

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Lan Xichen searched all over Cloud Recesses for his brother. He didn't know where Lan Zhan had gone to. All he knew were two things: one - Lan Zhan was missing, and two - Wei Ying had run off at some point that afternoon. Wei Ying's adoptive siblings were looking for their brother as well when he met up with them along one of the many paths throughout the sect school. He had thought maybe his brother had gone back to his room at the Jingshi, and so, Lan Xichen was headed in that particular direction when he met up with Jiang Cheng and Jiang Yanli. The two siblings were looking for Wei Ying. Xichen learned from them how Wei Ying was going to meet up with Lan Zhan because of an argument the two brothers had had. So, Xichen decided to help them in their search, but still had not found any sign of them.

He reached the gate at the entrance and spoke with one of the guards posted there. "Have you seen my brother, Lan Wangji, by any chance?" The guard he spoke to nodded in reply.

Guard: "He'd left not but an hour ago with a disciple from another sect. It seems they were headed to town."

Town? What would Wangji need to go to town for? Xichen thought. Turning to walk back inside the gate, Xichen said, "Thank you." He knew that, even if Lan Zhan had gone there, his brother would be back by curfew. Little did he know, that one night, Lan Zhan would not be returning.


Wei Ying laid next to Lan Zhan as quietly and still as possible. Though he really didn't have a choice. The other still had not awakened and still held a firm grip around the former's waist. It was morning already. The sun had risen and was shining through the window onto the bed, making it very warm. Wei Ying knew he had to wake him, but the Lan boy looked so peaceful, he didn't dare. So, he laid there. His only other option to waking the other. Not just that - he was also laying directly on top of the other, for which he really couldn't move. Wei Ying squeezed his eyes shut in sheer desperation. He needed to move. Having laid in that position all night made his arms and legs numb. After what seemed like forever, he finally gathered the courage to speak.

Wei Ying: "Lan Zhan?" he began carefully. "Lan Zhan, wake up. It's time for us to leave." Lan Zhan didn't move. He tried again. "Lan Zhan, it's past 5 a.m. Time to wake up." When Lan Zhan didn't respond again, Wei Ying grew worried. "Lan Zhan!" He shook him. "Lan Zhan, hey! Wake up!" Lan Zhan grimaced and tightened his hold on the boy.

Lan Zhan: "Lay still. Quiet."

Wei Ying: "Lan Zhan, it's morning already! We have to leave now, or they will grow suspicious of us! Not you necessarily, but more of me! Please, Lan Zhan?" he begged. Lan Zhan finally opened his eyes only to stare at him. Seeing the boy laying on top of him, he froze for only a mere second.

Lan Zhan: "Wei Ying, get off," he said calmly.

Wei Ying stared at him a bit. "Your arm is still wrapped tightly around my waist. I can't move." At that being said, Lan Zhan slowly, reluctantly, removed his arm from Wei Ying. It seemed to the boy, Lan Zhan loved the physical contact, though only from him it seemed. Wei Ying had never even seen Xichen hug his brother, only ever show an affectionate smile. A sudden feeling of guilt washed over him.

Lan Zhan: "Wei Ying." Wei Ying broke out of his thoughts. "It's okay. Let's go back."

Wei Ying: "Mn. Actually...can we stay like this a little longer?"

Lan Zhan stared at him for a bit. "Mn. If that's what Wei Ying wants." Lan Zhan wrapped his arms around the boy again, only gentler this time.

Wei Ying: "Lan Zhan is the best!" The two fell asleep again.


When Wei Ying woke up for the second time, he awoke to a pair of gold eyes staring at him. "Hey, Lan Zhan," he said groggily. "You're awake." He smiled at the Lan boy.

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