It's a Girl!

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A week passed rather quickly, along with Lan Zhan improving faster than anyone thought possible. The week had started off with the jade having a fever at night, which threw Wei Ying into a panic. Qiru reassured him it was only a side effect of the curse being removed. No one knew except for Lan Zhan, how during the process, he nearly died twice.

Both times he nearly passed out, his heart had stopped and started again. Somehow though, he managed to stay alive. Somehow, thinking of his husband and children - of his family - made him want to stay awake. Hence, the reason for the fevers. His heart was still stopping every once in a while, but it wasn't as bad as a week ago. It was more like his heart was skipping a beat, rather than stopping.

Luckily, his golden core and meridians were still intact, and he could return to his duties. It was said that day, that the moment he returned, all the disciples felt it.

Two months passed after that. Wei Ying was ready to give up. "I don't know why they won't come out," he said one day. He was back in bed since he was now nine months. However, the due date was drawing closer, but something was bothering Wei Ying. He laid on the bed, rubbing his belly, with a contemplative scowl on his face. The babe had gone quiet the last few days. There wasn't any kicking or any sort of movement. The healer stated that rubbing his belly could help, so there he was. "Lan Zhan, I feel like something's wrong."

Lan Zhan went to him. "What does Wei Ying mean?" he asked innocently.

Wei Ying thought for a moment. "I mean...shouldn't there be at least some movement? Shouldn't it be getting crazier in there? What if it's the same problem as it was with Lan Xue?" He was panicking. Lan Zhan placed a hand on his husband's overgrown belly and gently rubbed it. "It always feels so much nicer when you do it," Wei Ying spoke in satisfaction. Suddenly, he felt a kick, but it wasn't an ordinary one. "Lan Zhan? I felt something!" He suddenly cried out.

Lan Zhan was in a panic. "Wei Ying? Will call for the healer!" Lan Zhan commanded a disciple to fetch Healer Qiru, and he soon returned to his husband's side.

Wei Ying was having a difficult time. "Lan Zhan? Make it stop? Please?" he begged the other. Another wave of pin hit him a few minutes later. He felt the bed and his clothes soak, and he knew at once his water had broken.

Qiru entered the Jingshi with two fellow healers. He carefully examined the boy's condition. "You can be relieved, Wei Gongzi. The child is fine. We only need to wait however long it takes." Wei Ying felt reassured. He felt he could breathe a bit easier. The pain had stopped for right then. "It seems to me, however, this one might be a slower birth than the last. We shall see."

Wei Ying didn't think he had the patience to wait any longer. One hand gripped Lan Zhan's, while the other rubbed his swollen belly. "Let's just hope it's sooner rather than later."

Lan Zhan stayed with his husband the entire time. He shirked his duties to be there for when his child was born. Night came. It was late. Lan Zhan felt very tired.

Qiru felt bad for the boy. "Hanguang-Jun, why don't you sleep. We'll wake you when the child is here." Lan Zhan only shook his head. He wanted to be with Wei Ying. "Besides, it's not good for your body. Between the curfew and you still recuperating, it isn't a good idea to be awake this late." Qiru was right, of course, but Lan Zhan was being stubborn.

Lan Zhan: "Will stay here with Wei Ying. Am worried."

Qiru nodded in understanding. Wei Ying looked as if he were sleeping peacefully. "It could be some time before the next round of contractions. Please at least rest some until then." Lan Zhan nodded but didn't move. Instead, he rested his head on his husband's arm, almost hugging it.

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