That Poor Man! Part 2

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Lan Yuan cried out in the middle of the night. Wei Ying stirred. His eyes fluttered open. He was so tired. He found himself laying on top of Lan Zhan, which was no surprise to him. Lan Zhan had an iron hold on him. "Lan Zhan...the baby..." Lan Zhan didn't move. He kicked Lan Zhan lightly, trying to wake him. "Lan Zhan...! The baby...!" Lan Zhan's eyes opened slowly.

Lan Zhan rose out of bed with Wei Ying, carrying him to the babies' room. Wei Ying fed Yuan. He was falling asleep while doing so and nearly dropped him a couple of times. Lan Zhan had to hold both of them, so Wei Ying could sleep while feeding their son. Lan Zhan laid Yuan in the crib and carried Wei Ying back to the bed. Wei Ying's chest was still exposed. Some of the milk still dripped from the nipples. Lan Zhan wanted to taste some of it, but his husband was asleep.

Wei Ying wouldn't stop gripping onto Lan Zhan's robes. "Lan Zhan..." It came out as a sweet whisper. Wei Ying was dreaming about him. "Lan Zhan...don't worry...I'm certain we can find a way to cure your eyes..." Tears streamed down Wei Ying's face. He was having a bad dream.

Lan Zhan kissed his husband's cheeks, then his nose and his lips. "Wei Ying. Am here. Am okay now. Sleep." Wei Ying relaxed, falling into a deep slumber. It was earlier than five in the morning, but Lan Zhan sacrificed sleep in favor of watching his husband. The boy was ethereal when he slept. The moonlight pouring through the window made the image even more divine. Lan Zhan kissed the boy's forehead. "Beautiful," he whispered. Wei Ying smiled and cuddled closer to him.


"I will not fail my queen this time!" The man was standing outside the Jingshi. How he had entered Cloud Recesses was anyone's guess. The moonlight illuminated the entire area. "Now's my chance! While they are sleeping, I will go snatch the boy and return with him to my queen!"

A baby cried out. The couple was awake now. The taller male wouldn't leave the smaller. "Damn it! Now I can't do it!"

"Excuse me. Who are you?"

The man looked to see one of the Lan guards towering above him. He laughed nervously. "I am no one. I will be leaving now." The guard caught him. The iron hold was something else. "Release me at once, Cretin! I am the servant of her highness, the queen of the netherworld!"

Guard: "Silence! Noise is prohibited in the Cloud Recesses. No one is allowed in until after six in the morning. You must have a jade pass to enter. Come receive your punishment." He dragged the man away to the discipline hall. The man was made to kneel before the hall until Qiren could deal with him. Unfortunately for the man, the barrier around the place kept him from being able to escape, so he was stuck there. He pondered about how he was going to accomplish his task without drawing suspicion. It was too late for that as the headmaster was already there with a furious look on his face. The man gulped.


Wei Ying slept all day. He slept all night. He slept all the next day as well. He didn't even realize he'd slept for so long. Lan Zhan had been concerned, but in the end, he blamed exhaustion for the long sleep. However, when Wei Ying didn't wake up that night either, Lan Zhan was more than concerned. Fortunately, Wei Ying awoke the following morning. He was embarrassed to learn he had slept through two days straight.

Lan Zhan reassured him it was alright. After all, the boy had been exhausted as of late. "What about the baby?" Wei Ying asked with concern.

Lan Zhan: "Yuan is fine." Lan Zhan had laid Yuan on Wei Ying's chest, so the babe could feed. Wei Ying was relieved to know his son was unharmed.

Wei Ying: "That's good. I'm glad," he said, leaning into his husband's chest. "Lan Zhan...I love you..." His body went limp as if he were only sleeping. However, his eyes remained open.

Lan Zhan: "Wei Ying?" He nearly cried, but he remembered the pills the healer had given to him. He quickly popped one into Wei Ying's mouth. A few minutes passed without any reaction. Lan Zhan's heart raced a thousand miles a minute. There was a sudden gasp and a coughing fit as Wei Ying's lungs forced air into themselves. "Wei Ying..." Lan Zhan pulled his husband to himself in a tight embrace.

Wei Ying was a bit confused. "Did something happen, Lan Zhan?" Lan Zhan didn't answer. He only kept his hold on the boy. Wei Ying sighed lightly, returning his husband's tight embrace. "You can release me now. I'm fine. It's okay."

Lan Zhan loosened his embrace, but didn't release him. Wei Ying sighed again.


"You were only supposed to put him to sleep! Not nearly kill him!" The man bowed from fear.

Man: "Forgive this servant, My Queen! I wasn't meaning it! I just see no way of gaining what you want, because that God of Light is always with the Angel." He quivered in fear, his entire body visibly shaking.

The queen wasn't happy. Her most loyal and trusted servant had even failed to bring her her prize. "Did you never think for one minute that maybe killing the Light God would have been a better idea?! No! You didn't!" she screeched at him. "Guards! Take this man away and throw him in the deepest pit you can find! Burry him alive!"

The man struggled against the guards, pleading for his life. "Wait! My Queen! Why are you doing this? I am your most loyal and trusted servant for many years! Please, don't kill me!" He kept pleading as the guards dragged him out of the chambers. The queen felt a headache assaulting her. She would take care of it herself.

Queen: "Xue Yang!" A young boy, about the same age as Wei Ying, entered the hall and bowed. "Go rid the world of that Light God. This time, don't fail me, or you know what the consequences are!" Xue Yang bowed. An evil smirk found its way into his face. He knew just what to do.

Xue Yang: "I will not fail you, My Queen." He left immediately.

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