Jiang Cheng

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He was fuming - not because of his disciples, but because HE was there. The GusuLan Sect leader sat across from Jiang Cheng. The two sipped tea in silence. The atmosphere was tense and awkward. A vein popped out of the males forehead. He drank the rest of the tea in one go and slammed the cup on the table.

Xichen looked at him with a concerned smile. "What's wrong, Wanyin?" Jiang Cheng gave him a killing glare. Xichen grew a bit nervous, but kept smiling.

Jiang Cheng: "What's wrong? What do you mean 'What's wrong'?!" he fumed. "You ask me to come to your room because you want to talk, but instead we just sit here in silence. Now, what in Hell's blazes did you want to talk about? If you don't start talking, I'm leaving!"

Xichen was sweating. He knew Jiang Cheng had a temper, but he didn't realize his patience was just as short. Xichen tried keeping the smile on his face, the corners of his mouth twitching. "Wanyin..." he began. He really didn't know what to say. He took a deep breath and continued. "Are..." He stopped to think for a moment. "Are you...happy?"

Jiang Cheng raised an eyebrow in confusion. "What do you mean?"

Xichen sighed. "For Wei Gongzi, I mean..."

Jiang Cheng was still confused. "Uh...sure. I guess..." He filled his cup and drank it in one go again. The tea was cold, but none of them cared. Silence filled the room again. Jiang Cheng had had enough. He stood up, clearly frustrated. Xichen looked at him in shock.

Xichen: "Wait!" he panicked. Jiang Cheng crossed his arms and huffed.

Jiang Cheng: "What now?" He was clearly at his limit. Xichen swallowed the lump in his throat.

Xichen: "Nevermind," he finally stated, shaking his head. Jiang Cheng humphed and walked out. Something snapped inside Xichen. He was up and out the door in a flash, catching up to Jiang Cheng. He caught the male by his sleeve. Jiang Cheng turned around, a glare burning through the other. However, Xichen either didn't see it, or he just ignored it. Either way, he pulled the Jiang boy to him, giving him a rough kiss.

Jiang Cheng felt his lip bust open. His cheeks flushed and eyes widened with shock from the sudden kiss. Xichen scrapped his tongue over the cut. Jiang Cheng gasped, allowing for the other to enter inside, deepening the kiss. After a while, Xichen pulled away. The two were panting. The shock Jiang Cheng felt lingered a moment longer. He shook his head, returning to his senses. Xichen was smiling. The smile infuriated Jiang Cheng.

The boy punched the sect leader square in the nose, nearly breaking it. Xichen fell backwards, landing on his behind. He laughed nervously when he saw the intense glare from the other male. It bore holes right through him.

Jiang Cheng: "Never do that again!" he spat. Xichen continued to smile, infuriating Jiang Cheng more. "Do it again, and I'll break your legs!" Anyone, who is everyone, who knew the boy, knew it was an empty threat; but at that moment, Xichen took him seriously. Jiang Cheng huffed, turning and walking away once more.

Xichen never bothered to stand up. He continued to sit there and ponder on what just happened. His lips were incredibly soft, he thought, touching his lips subconsciously. Even though his appearance was disheveled and the ground was cold, and he sat in the center of the path, he remained there, unable to process the shock flowing through him.

"Xichen!" and angry voice boomed behind him. He turned to see Qiren standing there. "Why are you just sitting there? Don't you realize how unbecoming you look right now? Stand up. Make yourself presentable." Xichen stood, wiping the dust off his robes and tidying himself. "That's better," Qiren huffed.

Xichen: "*Ahem* How may I help you, Uncle?" Qiren only shook his head in disbelief.

Qiren: "Don't let it happen again." He walked away. Xichen stood there, smiling. He was very happy.


Jiang Cheng slammed the door shut to his guest chamber. He was furious! He pulled at his hair, nearly ripping it from his head. It had been over a week since he'd come to visit his brother. He liked being kissed, but why did it have to be Xichen - a guy! - who did it? He scratched his head and hollered in frustration.

The image of Xichen's face full of passion popped into his head. "Argh!!! Why did it have to be that guy?!" he yelled. He smashed his fist against the table, breaking it in half.

"Jiang Cheng? Are you alright?" a bewildered voice filled with concern asked. Jiang Cheng turned around, startled, noticing it was Wei Ying.

Jiang Cheng: "What do you want?" he asked bitterly. Wei Ying crossed his arms and pouted.

Wei Ying: "Well, what a warm welcome that was," he said sarcastically. He rolled his eyes at the same time as Jiang Cheng. "Here I was just wanting to visit for a few minutes, but I guess I'll leave now." He walked out.

Jiang Cheng felt a vein pop in his forehead. "Get back here you Sea Urchin! Come back before I break your legs!"

Wei Ying: "You can't do that, Jiang Cheng!"

Jiang Cheng: "Why not?!"

Wei Ying: "For two reasons! One: we all know it's an empty threat, and that you are totally incapable of doing so! Two: you will be an uncle in a few months!"

Jiang Cheng's eyes widened in shock. He stared at his brother for the longest time. "W-what? Did I hear right?"

Wei Ying placed a hand on his brother's shoulder. "That's what I came to tell you." He smiled.

Jiang Cheng was dumbfounded. His mouth hung open, his eyes still widened in shock. "When? How? I mean..." he stuttered.

Wei Ying: "Two and a half months now."

Jiang Cheng: "But...you just got married..." Wei Ying laughed nervously, rubbing the back of his head. "What did he do to you?" Jiang Cheng glared angrily.

Wei Ying waved it off. "It's not a big deal. He didn't do anything."

Jiang Cheng gave him a look of disbelief. "I don't believe you. He forced himself on you, didn't he?"

Wei Ying blinked. "No. I wanted it."

Jiang Cheng was furious again. "You're telling me, you were that desperate to get laid?!" Wei Ying flinched from the loud noise. "I don't know you! I do...not...know you! Get out!"

Wei Ying: "But, Jiang Cheng, I-"

Jiang Cheng: "GET OUT!!!" Wei Ying felt tears sting his eyes.

Wei Ying: "I thought you would be happy for me, but I see now I was wrong..." he spoke quietly. It was so quiet of a whisper, Jiang Cheng had to bend down to hear what was said. When his brother looked up, Jiang Cheng stumbled backwards a few steps. Tears were streaming down Wei Ying's face. Wei Ying turned and quickly ran out of the room.

Jiang Cheng hung his head. His heart ached with guilt. Just great! He scolded himself. What have you done, Jiang Wanyin?

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