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The sky was dark over Cloud Recesses and hinted at snowfall. Many of the disciples complained about the cold. Wei Ying was cozied up inside the Jingshi. He began feeling stuffed, so he stepped outside for a few minutes to cool down. He breathed in deeply the fresh air. He felt something wrap around his shoulders. He looked down and saw a fur-lined coat had been placed on his shoulders. Lan Zhan was standing in front of him.

Lan Zhan: "Wei Ying. Inside. Will catch cold."

Wei Ying: "Lan Zhan, you worry too much. I'm fine. It was only for a few minutes, I promise. I was feeling stuffy in there, so I came out for some fresh air.

Lan Zhan: "Mn. Wear the coat then."

The two stood on the back porch of the Jingshi, watching the sky grow darker. The rabbits were running around. Wei Ying sighed with contentment.

Wei Ying: "It's a shame really. I have to go home tomorrow. You know that, right, Lan Zhan?"

Lan Zhan: "Mn. Know very well."

Wei Ying: "I wish you of all people could come with me. I know you would have a good time there! You could meet all my friends! I could even show you around town!" He smiled widely at the Lan. "Oh! We could even pick lotus seed pods! How about it, Lan Zhan? Want to come?"

Lan Zhan was thinking. Last time he'd been offered to go, he'd said no, and that hurt the boy in a way. So he simply nodded and replied, "Would love to go with Wei Ying. Will speak to Brother about it."

The two continued to watch the sky. Wei Ying suddenly cried out, "Look, Lan Zhan! Snow!" Lan Zhan saw small flakes of white falling through the air. He wondered why the boy was so excited to see snow. "We don't have snow like this back in Yunmeng. We may have a small flurry here and there, but it melts away the next day. Yunmeng is just too warm for snow to stay for a while." Ah, so that was the reason. Lan Zhan smiled at that. "Throughout most of the year it just rains. I'm sick of the rain. It depresses me."

Lan Zhan felt bad for the boy. "Then stay." Wei Ying looked at him questioningly. "Stay here. Stay in Gusu." Wei Ying was a bit perplexed by the sudden offer. Now, he felt conflicted. He really did want to stay, but at the same time, he wanted to see his adoptive father, Jiang Fengmian, again. Lan Zhan noticed the conflicted look on the boy's face. "Come back after Yunmeng. Go with Wei Ying first, then come back to Gusu."

Wei Ying went wide-eyed. "You mean it? You absolutely mean it?" he asked over and over.

Lan Zhan: "Mn. What Wei Ying wants, Wei Ying shall have."

Wei Ying: "Lan Zhan, you truly are good to me." He continued to watch the snow fall. It had already covered the ground with a thin layer. The rabbits had all hopped away to a nearby tree and huddled together for warmth. Wei Ying chuckled at the sight. Today was a good day.


The next day, a blizzard blew in from nowhere. Wei Ying didn't mind it. He not only got to spend one more day with Lan Zhan, but - truth be told - he was nervous about returning home. Madam Yu Ziyuan was not exactly a kind woman. She was very harsh and strict. She was angered easily at anyone who did not do as she commanded or got in her way. She especially hated Wei Ying from the time he was brought home by Jiang Fengmian. She never got along with her husband well, and they fought more than anything. Wei Ying felt that bringing Lan Zhan along was the best thing in the world. It wasn't as though Madam Yu would care, but rather, his adoptive father was more the concern. Who knows how he would react to knowing his adopted son was going back to Gusu. Madam Yu would only say, "Keep him!" Wei Ying shuddered at the thought of being whipped by Zidian again.

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