Poison Part 2

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Qiru worked day and night, reading through the many manuscripts and texts he had on the varying kinds of poisons, but did not manage to find anything on that particular one. He wasn't giving up though! He'd promised to cure the young Lan, and that was what he would do!

Three days passed. There was no sign of him finding anything on the poison. He reported to prayer, praying to the gods of medicine to help him find the cure. An idea struck him suddenly. It was risky, but he needed to try it. Even if he failed, there was still a chance the boy would survive. The only problem would be, Lan Zhan would need to be treated for the rest of his life, and he may lose his cultivation. Yet, Qiru couldn't see any other way around it.

Qiru called for Xichen. He explained the procedure. "So, tell me. What is your decision on this?"

Xichen shook his head. "I don't really know," he said honestly. "I don't like the odds, but if it's the only way to cure him, then so be it. I would take any risk to save my brother." He turned to Wei Ying, who had also been called in to the meeting.

Wei Ying thought long and hard on it. "I don't like the odds anymore than you do," he finally said, "but since this is for Lan Zhan, then I'm willing to risk it. What do you need?"

Qiru was delighted. He explained, "First, I need you two to lay him out on the floor. Use any means to make him comfortable. It will cause him a great deal of pain, because I will have to wake him up for it. He has to be fully awake for it!" He stopped, checking to see if they were listening. "Secondly, and most importantly, no noise can be made. He needs to lay perfectly still. I can't be having him squirm all over. I can't be having anyone panic either."

Wei Ying has grown a bit pale. "What are we doing exactly?"

Qiru: "We will be extracting the poison from his body using needles and spiritual energy." He showed the needles he was going to use. Wei Ying grew paler. "These are golden needles which have the ability to extract poison from the body, but it takes an entire night of treatment, sometimes longer, depending on the security of it. These needles are generally used only on more potent ones."

Xichen saw how Wei Ying was near to fainting. "What could happen if this treatment fails?" he inquired hesitantly.

Qiru shook his head. "Many things could go wrong. For example, he could lose his cultivation completely and be crippled for the rest of his life. However, so long as you do exactly as I say to, the treatment should go smoothly. One wrong move could cost him his life."

Wei Ying shook from head to toe with fear. Xichen placed a reassuring hand on the boy's shoulder. "It will be alright, Wei Gongzi." He turned to Qiru. "For this poison, how long?"

Qiru thought for a moment. "Around two or three days I would say. However, it could be longer, or it could be shorter. It's all dependent on Lan Er Gongzi. I will begin immediately." That was that. The meeting ended with everyone headed to the Jingshi.

The room was dark, except for the light from outside. Lan Zhan still laid unconscious on the bed. Wei Ying was really shaking at that point. He couldn't help it. He was worried!

Xichen smiled at Wei Ying solemnly. "Don't worry, Gongzi. Everything will be fine."

Lan Zhan was laid out on the floor with it covered in sheets and blankets to make him comfortable. A pillow was laid under his head, and his robes were removed. Now that his upper body was exposed, Xichen really looked away quickly. Wei Ying wasn't fazed a bit, however, having seen his husband naked several times. Qiru, being a healer, ignored it altogether.

Qiru quickly hit a couple of qi points, awakening the unconscious Lan. Lan Zhan looked around, noticing Wei Ying first. "Wei Ying...?" The poor boy was crying now.

Wei Ying: "Lan Zhan! I never thought you would wake up!" He hugged his husband's neck.

Qiru cleared his throat. "Gongzi, if you could, please, kindly remove yourself, so we can begin." Lan Zhan wondered what the healer was speaking of, but he didn't ask. "If you could, Hanguang-Jun, please, try your hardest to stay awake. Alright! Let's begin!" With no more said, Qiru took out one of the golden needles.

Lan Zhan didn't even flinch when it was stabbed into his body. Either he never felt it, or he was very controlled over his reactions. A second needle. Then a third. Seven needles were inserted into his body, but he didn't move - not even a twitch. However, Lan Zhan was in pain at that point. He felt something moving through his veins - something foreign - and heading to the needles. Even his meridians were burning. He didn't show it. Whatever was happening must have been a good thing.

Wei Ying had fat tears rolling down his cheeks. The process seemed to take forever. After a few hours passed, Qiru declared, "First step in the treatment is finished!" He removed the needles. Wei Ying and Xichen released a breath they didn't know they were holding. "Don't feel relieved just yet. This is only day one of the treatment. It takes three days to cure poison this way. I'll be back tomorrow. Keep an eye on him and make certain he doesn't move around much, though I know he won't." With that, Qiru left.

Xichen moved Lan Zhan back onto the bed. The boy didn't move a muscle, allowing himself to be dragged by his brother. Wei Ying was still crying as he pounced on top of Lan Zhan, hugging his husband's neck. Lan Zhan groaned a bit, making Wei Ying startle and think he'd hurt him.

Lan Zhan: "Wei Ying. Too tight." The other released his hold a bit, but did not completely let go. Xichen smiled at the couple.

Xichen: "I guess this is my cue to leave. I hope you get better soon, Wangji."

After the former left, Lan Zhan wrapped his arms around Wei Ying, who was sobbing into his husband's hair. "Wei Ying. Calm down. Will be fine." Wei Ying climbed fully onto Lan Zhan, making the male groan a bit. Wei Ying had forgotten about the treatment the other received just then. Sweat was pouring down the Lan's forehead.

Wei Ying: "I can't help it! I was so worried about you! I don't know what I would do if you died!" He spoke between sobs. Lan Zhan's hair was drenched from sweat and Wei Ying's tears. Lan Zhan only remained silent, allowing his husband to cry until his heart was content.

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