Special: Wei Ying's Birthday

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Today was a special day! It was a very important day! That's because it was Wei Ying's birthday!

The boy was still sound asleep, wrapped like a burrito in the blanket. Lan Zhan was out to help with the preparations for the celebration. He wanted his Wei Ying to have the best there was in the world. He stood in the dining hall watching as the disciples decorated the room with lotuses and other flowers which he knew Wei Ying would love. There were even statues of rabbits lining the walls. He hadn't noticed when Xichen walked in.

Xichen: "I see everything is going well. It's beautiful," he complimented. "You did an excellent job, Wangji." He patted his brother's back. Lan Zhan seemed to be in a bit of a daze. He hadn't really slept that night. Too many thoughts were flowing through his head leaving him feeling anxious. Xichen noticed it. "Don't worry about it too much. I'm certain it will be the talk of the world." Lan Zhan nodded slightly. Xichen sighed. His brother really was in a daze. "You should get some rest."

Lan Zhan stared at his brother. "Brother?"

Xichen: "Go rest. I will oversee the finishing touches." Besides, he added in his mind, there's something I want to add to it myself. No one noticed the mischief in the smile he posed. Lan Zhan left, walking to the Jingshi. He entered, stripping his outer robes and boots off. He laid down next to Wei Ying who immediately cuddled up to him.

Wei Ying: "Lan Zhan...you are home early." He snuggled closer. Lan Zhan wrapped his arms around his mate.

Lan Zhan gave a small, "Mn," and pulled Wei Ying closer. He fell asleep, though he wasn't wanting too. The days of preparations had tired him out. His brother could tell easily, even when Lan Zhan tried hiding his exhaustion.

A few hours later, Xichen entered the Jingshi. "Wangji." He stopped to see Wei Ying holding his finger up to his lips. Xichen sighed. "Tell him everything is ready, once he wakes up." The eldest Lan winked. Wei Ying was a bit confused, but nodded anyway. Xichen smiled and walked gracefully away.

The boy looked at the sleeping jade. Lan Zhan had a tight hold on Wei Ying's waist. He caressed his fingers through the Lan's smooth, black locks and smiled. "Lan Zhan," he whispered in the other's ear. Wei Ying had been sick from the incident at Caiyi Town. To be able to leave the Jingshi would be welcoming to him. Lan Zhan stirred, slowly opening his eyes. The rays of sunlight shining through the window were bright, but he didn't seemed bothered by it.

He looked up to see Wei Ying was awake already. He sat up, but never released his hold on the boy, pulling him onto his lap. Wei Ying blushed a bit at the action. He shook his head, remembering why he had woken the Lan up. "Xichen -" Before he could even speak a full sentence, Lan Zhan kissed him deeply. He tried pulling away, so he could speak, but the other wasn't going to let him. "Lan - mph! Hey! Let - Let me speak!" Lan Zhan stopped momentarily, leaning back against the headboard. After catching his breath, Wei Ying stated, "Xichen came and told me to tell you everything is ready once you woke up."

Lan Zhan nodded. He dove back in, kissing the boy into oblivion. Wei Ying was in ecstasy, but Lan Zhan obviously had something more important to take care of. "You might want to go take care of that thing now." Lan Zhan picked Wei Ying up. "Hey! What are you doing? Put me down!" Lan Zhan didn't listen to his pleas. He carried Wei Ying outside and proceeded to the dining hall. "Where are we going?"

Lan Zhan: "Food." It was all he said. No matter how much Wei Ying asked, he wouldn't say anything more.

Wei Ying: "I don't want to eat there! Cloud Recesses has nothing but bland food, and I hate it!" Lan Zhan nodded his understanding, but continued walking. Eventually, Wei Ying could see something off in the distance. It was growing dark. Twilight was on the edge of night. As the two drew closer, Wei Ying's heart began to race. Lanterns were hung along streamers and made the place glow. "Lan Zhan! Is it a festival or something?" Lan Zhan smiled without saying a word. Xichen saw them from afar and waved them over. "Master Xichen! Is it a festival tonight? What's with all the decorations?" Lan Zhan set Wei Ying down, so he could walk around.

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