Lan Qiren

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Lan Qiren was not happy. He wasn't happy in the least bit. Lan Wangji, his favorite disciple, had disappeared and still not returned. Xichen had no idea either and was searching for him. Hours later (rather the next day) Qiren finds out from his oldest nephew that Wangji had simply gone into seclusion for a while. At least, that is the story which was fed to him. Though, he did not doubt it to be true in the least bit. However, it was Wei Wuxian who had also disappeared that same day. Xichen assured him that Wei Wuxian had not gone anywhere and stayed in the back mountains all day playing in the stream. Wei Wuxian making trouble was not Qiren's main concern at the moment. It was wondering why Wangji would want to disappear even though he was supposed to be overseeing the discipline of all the guest disciples - especially that good-for-nothing Wei Wuxian. The more he thought about it, the more it made sense to him how it may have been Wei Wuxian's doing in the first place. The more he thought on it, the angrier he grew. Wei Wuxian was in so much trouble when Qiren saw him next!


"...Wei Ying..." A voice was calling him, but it sounded so far away. "Wei Ying..." There it was again, only closer now. "Wei Ying." The boy startled awake when he was shaken by a strong hand.

Wei Ying: "...Huh...?" he responded groggily. "Who...who's calling me?" His eyelids were too heavy to stay open. He was so tired. A pair of strong arms lifted him up into a hug and gently rubbed his back. "Mm. That feels nice."

"Wei Ying, it's time to get up," the voice stated firmly.

Wei Ying: "Mn. But I'm *Yawn* so tired. Let me sleep a while longer?" His voice trailed off and soon, he was in deep slumber again.

Lan Zhan continued to rub the boy's back. "Mn." He laid down beside him, still holding him, and fell asleep again with him.


Now, Qiren was very furious when he found out that Lan Wangji was no longer attending classes. However, the boy couldn't be blamed. The problem was, neither was Wei Wuxian! Both had decided, at almost the same time it seemed, to drop out of class. Though, Wangji didn't actually have to attend, but why would Wuxian drop out as well? It was something which confused him almost to the point of his brain exploding while trying to think up a good reason. He really needed a vacation.


About a week later, Qiren got to have his vacation, though it wasn't exactly what one would call a vacation. He had received an urgent message and needed to leave immediately. At least, he thought, he wouldn't have to deal with that wretched Wei Wuxian while he was away. The thought made him smile a bit.


"Wei-xiong!" Nie Huaisang ran into the dormitory where Wei Ying was supposed to be staying. He stopped abruptly when he didn't see him there. Jiang Cheng and Yanli stared at the poor Qinghe boy. "Uhm...where is Wei-xiong?"

Jiang Cheng: "He's most likely out making trouble for himself or bothering Lan Wangji."

That last part shocked Huaisang. "Eh?! But...Lan Wangji never allows anyone around him - let alone talk to anyone!"

Jiang Cheng: "Yeah, we all know that. By the way, what did you want him for?"

Huaisang: "Oh, yes! Qiren had to leave suddenly, so there are no classes for the next week! We can do whatever we want in the meantime!" he spoke excitedly.

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