The Master

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The darkness was overwhelming where the world ended and the void began. The Netherworld truly is a place for the dead, isn't it? Not even the gods can step foot into it without feeling the overwhelming pressure suppressing their powers. Who would have thought anything could survive there? Yet...something had survived. A fallen god had survived the Netherworld. She was there in the midst of it. The beauty she used to possess was long gone. How she survived, one may wonder, is simple. She used her wits. She decieved the many dark creatures within the world to follow her, and she was made their queen. Her power grew immensely. She wanted more. She overthrew kingdoms and empires. She became an empress. But! she still longed for more. She was missing something.

She kept in her private chambers a small crystal ball, through which she could see the entirety of her empire. One day, as she looked through the crystal, watching the world, she spotted someone she didn't recognize. He was a beautiful male with long, flowing, curly, black locks. She wanted him. She felt her heart skip a beat as she saw his silver eyes. Her face heated, and she knew at once what it was she was lacking - a male partner! He was perfect! She watched him day and night, falling more deeply in love with him.

One day, as she was watching him, she spied another male with him who was just as beautiful with golden eyes. However, the male was also in love with her destined partner. It infuriated her! She watched the two day and night, and she grew more jealous and enraged as time passed. She ordered her four best warriors to head to the human realm and bring her the boy with silver eyes by whatever means necessary! Even if the other had to die!

Then she found out the silver-eyed male could conceive. She felt even closer to him because of it. Yet, because it was that other man's child, she hated it, and so, she tried to kill it. However, the godlike male was there defending them! How dare he impose himself upon her plans?! She threw the crystal ball. It hit the floor and shattered. Luckily, she also had a mirror she could see the world through. She found them once more, only this time something was different. The silver-eyed male had black smoke rising about him. It didn't harm anyone else. She watched as the dark energy swirled around him. She watched as he controlled that energy to kill her strongest warrior.

She smiled wickedly. Ever since then, she always kept a watchful eye on him. He would be hers no matter what!


"Lan Zhan~ What are we doing today?" Wei Ying was sitting on his husband's lap. He was wrapped around Lan Zhan like a blanket. They were in the library, and Lan Zhan was trying to work. Wei Ying had only gone there out of boredom. He really wanted he and Lan Zhan to go somewhere that day, but Lan Zhan had work which needed to be caught up before the end of the week.

Lan Zhan held him close with one arm. "Wei Ying," he warned. He did not want to be teased right then. He needed to focus, so he began rubbing his husband's back. A relaxed moan was heard from the other. Lan Zhan's ears turned bright red. He wanted to take him then and there, but there was too much to do. Instead, he vied for massaging Wei Ying's butt cheeks.

Wei Ying jolted at first. "Hey! Not now! I would rather you rub my back," he pouted. "It felt nice." Lan Zhan sighed. "What? You wanted to do something more?" Wei Ying whispered seductively into Lan Zhan's ear. The Lan's ears filled completely with crimson up to his cheeks. Wei Ying chuckled and licked the male's ear. Lan Zhan groaned.

Lan Zhan: "Wei Ying..." he warned. He really needed to concentrate.

Wei Ying: "You're the one massaging my ass, not me. Now you've turned me on." Because of that one statement, Lan Zhan broke, losing all his control. He dropped his brush without caring about the ink spotting the paper and slammed his husband onto the floor. Wei Ying was taken aback a bit.

Lan Zhan: "Don't blame me if you hurt later on," he whispered into the other's ear. In one fell swoop, all of Wei Ying's clothes were off. He was lying naked in the library, buried under his husband.

Wei Ying: "L-L-Lan Zhan! Wait! I was joking!" Lan Zhan wouldn't listen. He sealed Wei Ying's mouth with a kiss. Before it could go any farther, however, a new figure entered the library.

"Oh my! Seems I have stumbled upon something unpleasant. Please forgive me, Wei Gongzi, Wangji," the voice said. The two look up from the floor to find Xichen looming above them. Only he is turned away with his sleeve over his face to mask his embarrassment. "I was simply looking for Wangji to see how he was fairing, but I see he is doing just fine, so I shall go now. Good bye!" With that, he left the library.

Wei Ying and Lan Zhan looked at one another. "Where were we?" Wei Ying asked, kissing his husband again.


Qiren's eyebrows twitched in annoyance. "They're making love in the library?" he asked with all the calmness he could muster. He had only been passing by. The sounds he heard coming from there were outrageous! He wanted to go in there and tell them to go to the Jingshi if they wanted to do that, but he didn't. He knew it was best not to interrupt them. He would give them a lecture later on.

Right then, he had more important matters to attend to. He had a meeting with those old geezers who call themselves elders. He wished, in a way, Xichen could just ban all of them from the council and appoint new ones who were wiser and actually listened! So, he coughed once and went on his way. Even all the disciples roaming around had pink ears from listening to the noise from the library.

Yes, he would indeed, very much, give those two a lecture they would never forget later. They sure never forgot it.

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