Drunken Stupor

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She felt sick. Her head hurt, and she felt very dizzy. A voice was coming through. "Miss? Miss, are you alright?" She didn't know how to answer. She felt as if the whole world was spinning around her. She tried opening her eyes, but the pain in her head was too much, and the light made it worse. She cringed from it. Something cold was placed on her face. "We need her awake so she can take the sobering medicine. I can't believe that Wei Wuxian did that to her!"

Xichen: "Calm down, Uncle. I'm sure it was all in good spirit. He has a weird way of welcoming the guests. Remember the one night hunt he took all the guest and junior disciples on?"

Qiren: "Yes, I do. I wish I didn't. It was a very upsetting time for them all!"

She needed to escape. Xue Yang was waiting for her - probably going crazy for not having found her in the same spot. The two men turned to the sound of a thump on the floor. The woman had tried leaving the bed, but she was unsuccessful as her dizziness hit, and she fell.

The two ran to her and laid her back on the bed. "You shouldn't move around just yet. Here. Drink this. It will help with the dizziness." She gratefully accepted the bowl of medicine and drank it. She made a face because of the bitterness. Xichen had to stifle a laugh.

The door slammed open. A furious Jiang Cheng waltzed in, grabbed his lover by the collar, and dragged him outside. Qiren sighed. The woman couldn't help but giggle at the scene. Humans truly were something else. She remembered them being more to themselves and greedier. When she had failed to help a woman give birth, they tore her temples down and she was banished from heaven. That woman, was the empress. She was going to have a son, but the babe was too weak to be helped. She decided, that even if the child were to survive and grow, he would be weak and sickly his entire life. So to save him from a life of torture, she ignored the prayers being sent to her. Needless to say, not only did the child die, but the empress did as well. The human emperor as well as the jade emperor were furious with her. So her temples were destroyed, and she was banished to the Netherworld. Just one mistake cost her her entire goddess-hood.

Qiren noticed the sad expression, but he didn't know what was wrong, so he didn't know how to comfort her. He was never very good with that sort of thing as it was anyway. Being around mainly males most of the time, it was doubly difficult as he had hardly any experience with women.

She started to silently cry, and Qiren felt a pang in his heart as he watched her, unable to do anything about it. "Please, don't cry, Miss. I'm certain, whatever it is, it will be alright," he spoke gently, trying to comfort her. It seemed to work as she looked at him with a bit of shock. She lunged at him, hugging him. It surprised her as much as it did him. She had never done that before. The only other human she had ever touched was her servant, Xue Yang.

She found Xue Yang as a child and cared for him, raising him as her own. When the time came where he was old enough to understand, she pushed herself away from him, and placed him as the general of her armies. Then, when he turned fifteen, she made him the lead strategist and advisor. Who knew he had so much potential? Even she didn't realize he was strong, until the day she caught him eating various poisons. However, he was unaffected by them. So she made him an assassin. He did well as one, too. Not only was he the head assassin, he was also her bodyguard. She tried keeping her heart away from him, but she soon found she couldn't. Having raised him all those years, there was a bond there which could not be broken.

Qiren sighed. The door slammed open again, and in walked a drunk Xichen and Jiang Cheng, who stumbled to the floor and passed out. The hug was broken. Qiren had to admit, he really loved it. He hadn't been hugged like that in forever! He sighed again. He rubbed his forehead, feeling a headache coming. Now he had two more drunk people to deal with.

He heard rustling. He looked in time to see the woman stand up and walk off. "Wait. You aren't well yet." He tried convincing her to stay.

A look of pity crossed her face. "I'm sorry. However, before I was dragged here, I was waiting for someone. I need to meet them. They may be worried sick about me if they have noticed I'm gone." Qiren understood and allowed her to leave. Before she left, she bowed. "Thank you for your hospitality. I had a lot of fun. I feel better now." She left.

Wei Ying ran inside, dragging Lan Zhan behind him. He and Lan Zhan were drunk as well. "Where is she!?" he hollered. Qiren had to cover his ears. Jiang Cheng awakened from the noise.

Jiang Cheng: "Quit making such a racket!!" he hollered twice as loud. "I have a headache!!"

Qiren was furious, but he kept his composure. "Shut up, Jiang Cheng! No one asked you!" Wei Ying argued.

Xichen awakened at that point. Lan Zhan was the only one being quiet. "Ah...hello, Uncle. What a pleasantry seeing you here." Xichen smiled.

Wei Ying and Jiang Cheng were still arguing. "Did you hear, Jiang Cheng? This dumbassed husband of mine wants more kids! I already told him no! He is very insistent though! He thinks I'm some sort of breeding machine! Ha!! As if I'm going to bear him anymore children anytime soon! Think again, dumbass!"

Qiren fumed and, breaking the rule about loud noises, hollered at the four of them. "Quiet!!!" They all shut their mouths and turned, looking straight at the Head Master. "If you must know, you just missed her. She left to go search for someone. Also, fifty lashes for each of you! Twenty-five for breaking the rule of no noise! Twenty-five for breaking the rule of no alcohol! As for me! I will get the same, so don't worry about that. Then you will all head to the library to copy the entirety of the sect conduct. Do I make myself clear?" They all nodded. "Good. Now, leave before I extend your punishment!"

They all scrambled to their feet - except for Lan Zhan who was standing steadily the entire time. Lan Zhan grabbed Wei Ying by his waist and dragged him back to the Jingshi.

Wei Ying: "Lan Zhan! You had better not be thinking of doing what I think you're thinking of doing! I will not stand for being pregnant a fourth time!" Luckily, for Wei Ying that is, Lan Zhan passed out as soon as he hit the bed. Wei Ying had forgotten to take his medicine that day. At least, he thought, he had time to remedy that situation.


Xue Yang was still waiting for his queen to return. He was still waiting underneath the same tree. The queen found him there, asleep, and when she saw him, her heart skipped a beat. He was a very beautiful man. Upon closer inspection, she couldn't help but notice all the fine features he possessed. Xue Yang stirred. He awoke to her staring at him. "Ah! My Queen! When did you return? I was so worried about you! Did they hurt you at all?" She shook her head, and he sighed in relief.

Queen: "Come. Let us leave this place." She held out her hand for him to take it. "I want to live here in the human world from now on. It is so beautiful here. The humans are kind people. Let us build a home here and live near this place." Xue Yang couldn't help the surprised look on his face. He couldn't believe his queen was giving up her dream.

Xue Yang: "What about Wei Wuxian? Don't you want him?"

She shook her head. "No. I have already found the perfect one for me. He's right here." Xue Yang was baffled. He never thought in a million years his queen would give up on a man in order to be happy.

Xue Yang: "I'm sorry. I'm not the one." The heartbreak which crossed her face was enough to make him regret his words, but he couldn't return her feelings, because he didn't understand how he felt about her. He was going to say something else, but she ran off crying into the woods.

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