A Proposal of Sorts

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Jiang Fengmian wasn't unhappy. He was just worried. Lan Zhan had run out of the hall dragging Wei Ying behind him. Madam Yu on the other hand, once the news reached her ears, fumed and stormed out searching for the two. She thought perhaps the wretched child was causing problems yet again. She was sorely mistaken, however, as she soon would find out. She barged into Wei Ying's room - which was very rude by all standards of curtesy - only to find the boy asleep and his guest sitting on a chair beside him reading a book.

Lan Zhan looked up from his reading to see Madam Yu standing there looking - well...dumbfounded. She was speechless. Lan Zhan's blank expression held no emotion as he watched her glance from himself, to Wei Ying, then back again, in one swift motion of her eyes. He watched as she turned around and left with a 'huff'. She was happy he wasn't causing trouble, but it infuriated her to see the young master sitting there guarding him. She hated the boy. Rumors flew through Yunmeng all the time of how he was Fengmian's illegitimate son. She believed them. She knew they weren't true, but the way her husband treated him as a son more so than his own, she really began to believe the words entering her ears. She soon grew fed up with the constant smile the boy wore. She hated it. She found it cheeky. When Wei Ying's cultivation grew stronger than her son's, she really had a field day.

Madam Yu would find just about any excuse to punish the boy when Fengmian wasn't around. She even spoke badly about him while he was standing right there. It didn't do any good. The boy still wore his cheeky smile. It was as if he was telling her that all her efforts were in vain. That nothing she did would hurt him ever - but she was wrong.

Wei Ying was, in fact, very much afraid. It wasn't only dogs he feared, but Zidian as well, though he never showed it to her face. After he left for Cloud Recesses with her two children, she feared he would get them into trouble, but it seems it never happened.

Wei Ying was snoring lightly on the bed. Lan Zhan glanced at him when he moved. The boy stretched out and rolled over, continuing to snore away. Lan Zhan saw the flinch of discomfort from him. His ears grew red as he remembered what had happened. Surely, if his uncle found out, he would be furious, and Lan Zhan would be punished severely for it. Wei Ying possibly no longer allowed to enter Cloud Recesses. He couldn't have that, so he decided to stay a few days more. Surely, that would make Wei Ying very happy - or so he hoped. Wei Ying rolled over again, winced, and opened his eyes.

Wei Ying: "*Yawn* Hey, Lan Zhan," he spoke groggily. "You're still here?" He sat up, trying to disguise the pain in his back as him being tired. Lan Zhan leapt up to help him. "Lan Zhan, I am fine. You do not need to help me." Lan Zhan only stared at him with concern. "I'm fine." He stood up, only to nearly fall to the floor.

Lan Zhan: "Not fine. Stay in bed."

Wei Ying shook his head. He'd had enough of being in bed. "Lan Zhan, you need to quit worrying. I am fine. I will BE fine. I just need a moment to get my legs going. Whoa!" He nearly fell again after taking a single step forward. Lan Zhan felt bad. He wasn't meaning to hurt his Wei Ying. He'd lost control, gave into his desires. He wanted to slap himself right then. "Lan Zhan, it's alright. You don't need to feel bad. It's not like I said I didn't want it." Wei Ying smiled. "Let's go, now. You hang onto me for a while." Lan Zhan nodded, gripping onto the boy's waist.


Madam Yu paced back and forth in the main hall. She couldn't believe what she saw. It kept playing over and over in her mind. It infuriated her. Why? She didn't know. She didn't care. All she knew was she hated him. She hated the way the boy seemed to get away with everything. She really, absolutely, very highly, hated Wei Ying. She continued to pace, thinking of a way to rid him for good out of her life. An idea struck! She at once went to her husband, a nasty grin plastered on her face.


That night, Wei Ying was taking a bath. The hot water really helped ease the pain in his back - and his buttocks. Lan Zhan was gone to a meeting with the sect leader and his wife. Wei Ying's hair was tied up in a bun to keep it from getting wet, but he took it down after a while. It cascaded down his back, covering his arms and rolling over the edge of the tub. He sighed. "Lan Zhan's been gone for such a long time." He turned around, sliding into the tub more to where the water covered his chest, and pouted. "I hope he hurries and comes back soon. I'm starving." His hair still clung to the edge, hanging over it, cascading to the floor like a black waterfall. It shined in the moonlight pouring in through the window. He heard the door open to his room along with light footfalls. He turned around in the tub, excited, only to find it wasn't Lan Zhan. He gulped as he watched purple lightening streak across the room.


A servant ran up to the two men having a civil conversation outside. "Master Jiang! Young Master Lan! It's horrible!" she cried. She reached the two and nearly collapsed from running so hard.

Fengmian: "Calm down! Tell me exactly what horrible thing happened," he said, lifting the poor girl up on her feet. She bowed.

Servant Girl: "Forgive this servant Masters, but I have horrible news. Her Ladyship, Madam Yu, has attacked Young Master Wei without reason!"

Fengmian was furious. Lan Zhan froze from fear. His eyes went wide and his heart raced, beating rapidly inside his chest. It was only for a moment though, as he broke into a run. He ran all the way to Wei Ying's room. He hadn't heard Fengmian call out to him to wait. His mind was too clouded with fear and worry. Lan Zhan reached the doorway just in time to hear Madam Yu holler something like, "You wretched child! Why were you even born? You should've been left on the streets to be dog food!" Lan Zhan couldn't take hearing anymore.

He kicked down the door - which was rude to do, but he didn't care about it then - and caught Madam Yu's wrist just as she raised her hand to strike. Her glare could not match that of Lan Zhan's as they stared each other down. He gripped her wrist tighter, forcing her to drop Zidian, which instantly transformed into a ring. It clattered on the floor, rolling towards Fengmian, who was standing in the doorway watching the entire scene. The aura exhumed from the Lan could be felt through the whole room. Even Fengmian was frightened.

The tub had broken. Water was everywhere. The sect leader picked up the ring. Placing a hand on Lan Zhan's shoulder he quietly stated firmly, "Go to A-Xian. I will take care of my lady personally." Lan Zhan released Madam Yu, still glaring at her.

Lan Zhan went to the unconscious Wei Ying. Blood was everywhere. It stained the water red. The whip marks crisscrossed the boy's back, shoulders, even his arms and legs. The long, black locks were in disarray from the strikes. Lan Zhan took his own robe and wrapped it around the boy, gently lifting him, so as not to hurt him further. The robe was already stained with crimson.

Fengmian: "Lana, show Young Master Lan to the medical ward." The servant girl bowed and left. Lan Zhan followed behind, being sure to be firm but gentle with the boy. They soon arrived at the medical ward. The girl bowed and left. Lan Zhan went inside one of the rooms, placing Wei Ying on the bed, being careful to lay him on his front with the robe still covering him.

The doctor rushed in and, seeing the state the one was in, knew at once what to do. "Young Master, I'm going to have to ask you to step outside for a while. This isn't something you want to see." He led the Lan outside. Just as Lan Zhan turned around to ask a question, the door was shut tight in his face. His heart raced. He couldn't be with his Wei Ying. All he could do was wait.

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