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The third day was the hardest of all for the couple. Qiru told them that Lan Zhan would be in such a severe pain, he may fall into a coma for a few days, which is exactly what had happened. It scared Wei Ying so much, he was visibly shaking and crying. Qiru had to knock the boy out, so the baby wasn't harmed from the stress.

Qiru had cut Lan Zhan's abdomen. The blood loss wasn't much, but at least the poison had been completely extracted. "This boy, I swear. Someday he's going to be the death of someone - if not himself. When he awakens, I will give him a medicine to help with the healing process. As for this other boy, I will need to find a way to relieve his stress, or else he will most definitely lose this child." He shook his head. "Will wonders never cease to amaze me? As I grow older, I find myself happening upon more and more surprising and shocking things as this world continues to change." He finished bandaging Lan Zhan. "Sleep well, children." With that, he left the Jingshi.


Three more days passed by fairly quickly. However, to Wei Ying, they passed by very slowly. He was worried and also bored near to death. It seemed without Lan Zhan with him, he was a wreck and didn't care. He was so worried, in fact, he hadn't bathed in those three days. He still wore the same clothes, and his hair was knotted. Worse yet was the smell emanating from him. It was a mixture of dirt and sweat. Many disciples walking by the Jingshi would complain of the scent, but Wei Ying didn't care. He only wanted for his Lan Zhan to awaken.

He missed their bathing together. He missed the small smiles Lan Zhan would give him.

That third day though - as they say, "third time's a charm" - his husband stirred in his sleep. The first thing to hit Lan Zhan was the smell. He nearly scrunched his face in annoyance at it. It seemed the scent overpowered the sandalwood burning inside the room. The next thing he noticed, as he opened his eyes, was his husband, Wei Ying. The male was staring at him with hope-filled eyes.

Lan Zhan: "Wei Ying..." he mumbled. Wei Ying was happy, throwing himself at Lan Zhan, completely forgetting his appearance and hygiene.

Wei Ying: "Lan Zhan! I'm so glad you're awake! I missed you so much! I was afraid you would die, and then I would be forever alone!"

Lan Zhan: "Wei Ying. Bathe. Now."

Wei Ying looked at the male a bit confused. Then he remembered he hadn't bathed in three days. His cheeks deepened to a red he was so embarrassed. "I'm sorry, Lan Zhan! I was so worried about you, I-" The other groaned in annoyance. "I-I'll go draw the bath," Wei Ying said quickly, darting from the room to go boil water.

When the boy returned, Lan Zhan had managed to sit himself upright. Wei Ying helped Lan Zhan to stand, so the male could bathe as well. "Y-you go first, okay? You''ve been in a coma and need to wake up. I'm fine. I can wait." Lan Zhan scowled a bit. He grabbed hold of his husband's wrist and pulled him into the tub along with him.

Lan Zhan: "Wei Ying will bathe, now. Wei Ying stinks," he spoke matter-of-factly. Wei Ying felt a bit embarrassed at his wet appearance.

Wei Ying spoke quietly. "Lan Zhan, I don't know if this is a good idea or not. We always break the tub. Besides, you only just awakened from your coma, so-" He was interrupted by a fierce kiss from his husband.

Lan Zhan: "Wei Ying. What's wrong?"

Wei Ying looked at his wet appearance, trying hard to cover himself. Lan Zhan was confused about it, for Wei Ying never acted that way before. He was always trying to seduce the other, teasing him until he couldn't take it anymore. "Wei Ying. Speak."

Wei Ying shook his head. He didn't want to worry Lan Zhan since he'd just awakened. Yet Lan Zhan was persistent and wouldn't release Wei Ying until the boy spoke his mind. "Lan Zhan. It's nothing. It really is nothing. I don't want to worry you, so please, release me. I will bathe after you do."

Lan Zhan: "No. Wei Ying stays. Speak."

Wei Ying slowly removed his robes. He was only two months, but the bump was already showing. "Look. It's already showing." Lan Zhan placed a kiss on the bump.

Lan Zhan: "Why is Wei Ying embarrassed?" Wei Ying's cheeks darkened. The boy looked away. He didn't want to tell the truth of how he thought Lan Zhan was going to die. But his mouth said otherwise, and before he knew it, he was speaking.

Wei Ying: "I thought you were going to die, or worse yet, be crippled for life," he spoke quietly, tears streaming down his face. Lan Zhan pulled him into the tub. Water splashed everywhere. Wei Ying was soaked through, his clothes sticking to his skin. Lan Zhan had him wrapped in a tight hug.

Lan Zhan: "Will never leave Wei Ying." The younger boy burst into a fit of crying. Lan Zhan allowed him to cry for a while. He then hushed him with a gentle kiss, wiping his husband's tears away. He then proceeded to strip the wet clothing off him, but did it very slowly.

Wei Ying blushed hard. "Lan Zhan? I still don't feel this is a good idea. You only just woke up, and your body is still weak."

Lan Zhan pushed Wei Ying back a bit, adjusting his position. He laid his ear on the baby bump, trying to hear his child. Wei Ying cooed at the sight. "You're so adorable, Lan Zhan," he said with a big smile. Lan Zhan then kissed the bump once more.

Lan Zhan looked at his husband. "Our children are just as beautiful as their mother." Wei Ying blushed very hard, his entire face and neck turning red.

Wei Ying's heart was racing. "Lan Zhan! Don't call me that! It's embarrassing!" Lan Zhan kissed the boy's cheeks. Wei Ying calmed down some.

Little Lan Xue was awake. He cried out very loudly. Wei Ying felt relieved. "Lan Xue needs me." He started removing himself from the tub but was immediately pulled back in. "Lan Zhan! I'm serious!"

Lan Zhan: "Leave him. He's fine." Wei Ying was in disbelief. The crying grew louder, making Wei Ying panic a bit. "He's fine," Lan Zhan whispered into his husband's ear. It sounded very seductive, and Wei Ying couldn't help but to react to it. He stared wonderingly into the other's eyes. Lan Zhan took that opportunity to kiss his husband very deeply and passionately. Although Wei Ying's brain screamed, "No!", his body screamed, "Yes!" He fell into the kiss, allowing the feeling to take him over.

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