The Wedding

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One week later...

The whole of Cloud Recesses was gossiping about the marriage between Lan Zhan and Wei Ying. It was supposed to be kept a secret until the day it happened, but to no one's surprise word was spread around anyway. Xichen wasn't very happy, but he let it go anyway. Qiren pet his beard, clearly unamused by the whole thing. The other thing that no one wanted to happen was Qiren finding out why they were marrying. Xichen sighed. He knew they couldn't hide it forever, but he was hoping to wait a while longer. Unfortunately, the wedding hanfu Wei Ying wore didn't hide the baby bump as well as they thought it would.

Qiren: "This is outrageous!" he shouted. The couple was in the Lanshi. They knelt in front of the him with their heads hanging. Wei Ying started crying. "How could you, my most promising disciple, allow this to happen? How could you allow yourself to give into your desire and lose control? Have I taught you nothing?!" Wei Ying sobbed loudly. Qiren sighed. Lan Zhan tried hushing the boy, wrapping him in his arms and rubbing his back. Qiren's brow twitched in annoyance.

Xichen intervened. "Uncle, this is supposed to be a happy occasion for them. Let's not ruin it with harsh words. No one knows about this, save for us."

Qiren turned, waving his sleeves at them. "Fine! But don't expect me to allow them to stay after the child is born."

Xichen's eyebrow twitched. He was unnerved by his uncle's behavior. "Don't worry, Uncle. I will arrange everything accordingly." He kept the smile on his face, though he was finding it very difficult to do so. Qiren scoffed and dismissed them. Lan Zhan felt guilt weighing on him heavier than before. "Wangji," Xichen began, "please don't let what Uncle said today get to you. This is your wedding day. Today is a special occasion. Just know you will always have me to back you. You have nothing to feel guilty for."

Lan Zhan could only nod. Wei Ying hadn't stopped crying, his quiet sobs still sounding every now and then. They had decided to forgo the traditional wedding and just have a simple one with only a few people present. Even their wedding garb was simplistic. Upon entering the hall, only a few people could be seen. Although it had been decorated, it wasn't overly done. A few flowers and streamers here and there. A few petals scattered on the walkway. The people present were Jiang Yanli, Jiang Cheng, Jiang Fengmian, Madam Yu, Xichen, and Huaisang. Amazingly enough, Qiren had shown up as well - despite how much he disagreed with it. Even a few Lan disciples popped their heads in just to fulfill their curiosity. Not even a priest was present. Xichen presided over the ceremony.

The ceremony only lasted for about an hour. Lan Zhan carried Wei Ying back to the Jingshi. He helped his husband change into normal clothes.

Wei Ying: "Lan Zhan?" He spoke quietly. Lan Zhan acknowledged him. "Will we really be kicked out after the child is born?" Lan Zhan stopped what he was doing to look at his husband. "This is why we shouldn't have kept it." Wei Ying hung his head. The statement was dark and filled with depression.

Lan Zhan didn't like that. It scared him, shaking him to his core - though it never showed save in his eyes. He hugged Wei Ying tightly. "Wei Ying, love you," he confessed. "Love you and our baby." Wei Ying cried again. What was supposed to be their happiest day of their lives, turned into the most depressing moment of their lives. Even Lan Zhan cried silently.


The couple stayed all week in the Jingshi. Qiren did not wish to see them, neither did Wei Ying want to see him. Lan Zhan was relieved of his duties until the child's birth, so he could care for his husband. However, no matter how much the man despised what had happened, he still sent healers and disciples to check up on them. He even sent food at times anonymously, but Lan Zhan knew it was him. Wei Ying was his oblivious self.

Wei Ying: "Lan Zhan, let's go out today," he said one day. Lan Zhan gave him a look as if to say he wasn't happy with the idea. "Ah! Come on! I just want to walk around town for a bit. Please?" He gave the Lan puppy dog eyes, pleading with him. Lan Zhan avoided rolling his eyes. He thought his husband was very adorable doing that, but he shook his head. Wei Ying, seeing he was unsuccessful, crossed his arms and legs, pouting.

Lan Zhan: "Wei Ying." His husband ignored him. He sighed. He grabbed the bowl of medicine. Wei Ying made a disgusted face when he saw it. Lan Zhan knew he wouldn't drink it right away, so he said, "Drink, then we will go to town." Wei Ying lit up immediately. He tried downing it quickly. The medicine made him cough a bit from the bitterness. Lan Zhan placed the bowl on the table. Wei Ying would have jumped out of bed if Lan Zhan hadn't decided to pick him up instead. Lan Zhan was still afraid of his husband having another episode. Sure he was being overly protective, but he couldn't help it.

Lan Zhan did allow Wei Ying to walk to the gate. Once they passed the gate, he carried Wei Ying again. "Lan Zhan, I am perfectly capable of walking that long distance. Now, put me down!"

Lan Zhan: "No," he stated firmly. He summoned Bichen from it's sheath, hopped on it, and flew to town with Wei Ying in his arms. They arrived about an hour later. Not many people were on the streets as it was nearly dark. The couple stayed at an inn for the night.

Wei Ying: "I want some Emperor's Smile!"

Lan Zhan: "No. Bad for the baby." Wei Ying pouted.

Wei Ying: "Fine...At least let me eat something spicy." Lan Zhan nodded. Wei Ying jumped for joy. He ordered just about everything on the menu that was covered in spice. Lan Zhan sighed in his mind.

When it hit nine, the two dressed in their night robes. Lan Zhan watched his husband as Wei Ying was fascinated with his belly. "Look, Lan Zhan. There's a bump." He poked at it gently. Lan Zhan smiled a bit. The two laid down. Lan Zhan placed his head gently on Wei Ying's belly with his ear over the bump. Wei Ying giggled at the sight. "You're so silly, Lan Zhan." He ran his fingers through the Lan's hair, caressing it. The couple fell asleep just like that - smiles on their faces.

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