Xichen Goes to Yunmeng

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Xichen didn't really have to go anywhere that week. He only felt like going, because it gave him something to do. He told his uncle he would return in a few days. He needed a break, and the best one was going to see Jiang Cheng, though he didn't really understand himself as to why he wanted to. He only knew he felt something for the other, even if he didn't comprehend what that particular feeling was. So he left the next day for Yunmeng.

The boat ride there was nice. It was very peaceful as he and the driver were the only ones on it at the time. The lotus were in bloom as it was the spring time. The air was filled with the flowers' scent, and Xichen breathed it in deeply. At the pier, he left the boat and walked to the Lotus Pier gate. For some reason, there was only one guard, who quickly bowed with respect to the Lan and allowed him inside.

Jiang Cheng was busy in his office with his sect duties - filling out paperwork. He was very bored. He hadn't even bothered combing his hair that morning and just let it hang loose. There was a knock at the door.

Jiang Cheng spoke out of annoyance. "Go away! I'm busy!"

Disciple: "Sir, Sect Leader Lan is here to see you."

With that said, Jiang Cheng shot straight up. "Why didn't you say so in the first place?" he hollered at the disciple. Just look at me! I'm a mess! "Allow him entrance!" The door opened to reveal a very tired Xichen. Jiang Cheng was busy messing with his disheveled hair, trying to neaten it up somewhat.

Xichen chuckled a bit. He grabbed a brush from his sleeve. "Allow me," he said. Without waiting for a reply from the sect leader, Xichen proceeded to comb the male's hair.

Jiang Cheng had to admit, he liked the feeling of it. Xichen was very gentle as he caressed the boy's hair. The Jiang boy nearly fell asleep from it. Actually, he had fallen asleep. The gentle motion relaxed him, and soon his eyes closed.

Xichen: "There, now. All done." Jiang Cheng's hair was arranged neatly in a tight bun with a braid on both sides. The soft puffs of air coming from the male indicated his slumber. Xichen smiled at that. Now, if only someone would do that for him, then maybe he could relax in the same way.


Jiang Cheng didn't know how long it had been since he'd fallen asleep. All he knew was it was dark in his office. It took a bit for his eyes to adjust to the dim light in the room from the moon. He heard a soft snoring coming from just above him. Xichen was sitting with his outer robe off. It was covering Jiang Cheng to keep him warm. It indeed was warm. The soft fabric was also woven tight-knit so no air leaked through it, but it was light as a feather.

Jiang Cheng wondered when he had ended up in the man's lap. He didn't freak out about it. Xichen was being rather studious toward him and Jiang Cheng liked that. What got him was the way the moonlight hit the jade. It made the Lan's skin seem to sparkle and shine as if it were truly made of jade stone. Jiang Cheng couldn't help himself with the staring. The male before him was just too ethereal - like some god on Earth. Whichever god created the Lans certainly did a beautiful job.

The male stirred just then, causing Jiang Cheng's heart to race. He quickly closed his eyes and pretended to be asleep. Xichen's eyes opened. He looked down at the male in his lap, sleeping, and smiled.


Wei Ying sat on a chair next to the bed. He had fallen asleep while waiting for the healer to arrive. Lan Zhan watched his husband with fondness. He stared at the rosy-red lips and wanted very badly to kiss them, but he was sick, so he couldn't. He hated having to wait even a day to kiss his Wei Ying.

Qiru entered the Jingshi. Seeing how Wei Ying was asleep, he didn't bother trying to wake him. "Are you prepared for today's treatment?" Lan Zhan remained silent. "Remember you have to stay awake the entire time." Lan Zhan didn't respond. "I have to warn you. This one will be more painful than the other."

Lan Zhan felt Wei Ying squeeze his hand. Wei Ying mumbled something in his sleep. "Lan Zhan...wake up...don't die..." Lan Xue cried from the other room. Wei Ying shot up, drool streaking his chin. "Lan Xue." Without paying attention to the healer being there, he stood up and walked to the other room to attend to his son.

Qiru chuckled a bit, shaking his head. "Shall we begin?"

Lan Zhan: "Wait for Wei Ying." Wei Ying returned to Lan Zhan's side with Lan Xue in his arms. He sat on the chair again, holding his son with one arm, and Lan Zhan's hand with the other. The child was sobbing quietly.

Wei Ying: "Sssshhhh. It's alright. Papa's here." He bounced the child slightly. It seemed to work as the babe relaxed. Wei Ying kissed his son's cheek. Qiru and Lan Zhan smiled at the sight.

Qiru cleared his throat. "Alright. Let's begin now." He took out the needles and began the treatment. At first, Lan Zhan felt nothing, but as time passes, he began feeling a burning pain in his muscles. He squeezed his husband's hand to the point where it caused Wei Ying to jerk slightly from the pain.

Only a few minutes had passed by, but the pain made it feel like an eternity. Lan Zhan was desperately trying not to move. He felt a bit dizzy, but he fought to stay awake.

Wei Ying grew scared. His Lan Zhan was in extreme pain, and there was nothing he could do to help. "Lan Zhan!"

Qiru: "Quiet!" he scolded. Wei Ying immediately fell silent, a blush adorning his cheeks from embarrassment.

Hours passed by. The sun disappeared behind the mountains. Qiru removed all the needles. The pain lingered but was less intense. Wei Ying set Lan Xue on the floor after Qiru left. He was careful not to cause Lan Zhan anymore discomfort. Lan Zhan couldn't move his arms very well, but he managed somehow to return his husband's embrace.

Lan Zhan: "Wei Ying. Don't cry. Am alright." He kissed the top of Wei Ying's head.

Lan Xue: "Mama?" Wei Ying lifted him and set him on top of Lan Zhan. The three of them stayed there, embracing.


Xichen stayed with Jiang Cheng until the male awakened in the middle of the night. "Xichen? What are you doing here?"

Xichen smiled, amused by the other's short memory. "Wanyin, I came to see you and you fell asleep on top of me while I was brushing your hair."

A blush ran across the Jiang Sect leader's face. He coughed once and looked away. "Just...don't let it happen again." Xichen couldn't help but to laugh. He felt the boy was quite adorable. Xichen used his spiritual energy to light the candles in the room.

Xichen: "Wanyin, would you allow me to show you the moon?"

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