Rescue Part 2

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The two outside the barrier - Xichen and Jiang Cheng - were busy with fending off the nagas. Qiren was busy chasing down Baoshi Yin. Wei Ying was busy trying to help Lan Zhan. Lan Zhan was passed out on his husband's lap. The young jade was visibly shivering as if he were cold. Wei Ying removed his coat and drapped it over him. The boy ran his fingers through the other's hair. That's when he noticed the wound. How did Lan Zhan end up with this? he wondered.

The statue stood still those past few minutes. Lan Zhan was pale as he had lost a lot of blood. The poor boy was running a fever. "His powers have been sealed. I don't know how to help him. Lan Zhan, don't die on me," Wei Ying spoke with desperation.

There was a cracking sound as if something were breaking. Wei Ying looked up to see the statue falling to pieces, crumbling little by little to the floor. A bang was heard as Xichen went flying against the barrier. Jiang Cheng soon followed. The statue completely crumbled and all that remained was dust and resentful energy.

Wei Ying: "Xichen! Jiang Cheng!" he called out. The two looked at him. One smiled while the other rolled their eyes. Wei Ying sighed with relief to know they were both alright. He continued with caring for his husband. "Don't worry, Lan Zhan," he whispered. "We'll be out of here in no time." Just as he said that, the two nagas fell to the cave floor with a loud crash. It shook the entire cavern, nearly causing an avalanche of rocks.

The two - Xichen and Jiang Cheng - looked at each other momentarily. Both nodded at the same time, then ran to the opening of the cavern. Xichen placed his hand over the barrier. He didn't feel anything, so he took a step forward. Nothing seemed to be blocking him. He signaled to Jiang Cheng to grab Wei Ying while he grabbed his brother.

Uncle must have caught that good-for-nothing Baoshi Yin, Xichen thought. He picked up Lan Zhan, carrying him on his back. Jiang Cheng spoke to Wei Ying about something, carrying him on his back as well. The two flew on their swords with their passengers out of the cave.


Qiren had been flying on his sword, chasing the man named Baoshi Yin, for what seemed like ages. Finally, after some time had passed, he caught up to the man. He didn't even know what the man's appearance was, until the man had disappeared on him into thin air at one point.

He had assumed that was the one he was to fetch, and he was right. He caught the man and dragged him back, half conscious to the others. He threw the man to the floor.

Baoshi: "Oof!" He hit the ground with an unearthly thud. Xichen gave the man such an awful glare. It burned holes right through the man's very soul.

Xichen: "Remove the curse from my brother this instant!" he barked. His voice was filled with hatred and anger even though he tried to not show it, trying his best to keep his dignity.

Baoshi: "You think a dog like you can give me orders when all you know how to do is bark? Nonsense! You are a hundred years too early to be giving this Lord any sort of order!" he shot back.

Xichen felt as if he could kick the man right there. He was about to as well, but Jiang Cheng was quicker and threw the man against the cave wall so hard, a boom and a crack could be heard throughout the tunnel. Xichen looked with surprise at the other. Jiang Cheng was literally fuming. He'd never seen the Jiang heir so angry before. Xichen would have signaled for the boy to calm himself, but he felt the same as the other, so he allowed it this one time.

Xichen: "Do whatever you want to him, until he agrees to remove the curse on Wangji. Just don't kill him." An evil sort of grin graced Xichen's face. Jiang Cheng smiled the same. Qiren sighed at the two.

Jiang Cheng nodded. "I would love to beat this bastard to a bloody pulp!" He cracked his knuckles.

Wei Ying sat there and watched the entire scene. Qiren was suddenly by his side. Wei Ying looked up in surprise.

Qiren: "Show me the curse mark." Wei Ying rolled Lan Zhan onto his side and moved the hair away from his neck. The mark was unique with its intricate design and the different symbols. Qiren had never seen such a mark before. He sighed. Wei Ying was nervous.

Wei Ying: "C-can it be removed?" he asked nervously.

Qiren: "It can," he assured, but he frowned at the next part. "Unfortunately, if I try to remove it now, I may end up killing him."

Wei Ying's body shook. " what do we do?"

Qiren: "We need to remove him from here safely, and he needs to see a healer. Once he's physically strong enough, then we can try to remove the curse. However..." He paused. "However, there is still a chance after that fact he could still die from its removal. The odds would be much better though."

Wei Ying still wasn't convinced. "What happens if we can't remove it at all? What would happen then? I mean...cultivation was his life!"

Qiren: "Wei Wuxian, calm down!" he said, placing his hands on the boy's shoulders. "Nothing is going to happen to Wangji. That I can promise you." Wei Ying stared at the sect elder with surprise. It was the first time Qiren had spoken to him without reprimands or loud lectures. Instead, the man's voice was filled with assurances and reassurances. It made Wei Ying tear up with happiness. He did something he normally wouldn't do: he hugged the sect elder.

Wei Ying: "Thank you, Master Qiren!" he cried. Qiren was a bit shocked from the sudden gesture, but his heart melted from it, and he hugged the boy back.

Qiren: "Alright, that's enough now," he said, patting the boy's back. "Let's remove Wangji from here and head back to Gusu." Wei Ying sniffled and nodded. He was determined to help Lan Zhan. Qiren smiled at the boy's determination. He lifted Lan Zhan, carrying him on his back. Wei Ying stood up, only to nearly fall over. Qiren managed to catch him without dropping his nephew. "Xichen! Bring that man with you. Jiang Wanyin! You take Wei Wuxian on your sword." The two nodded their understanding. They all left the cave and headed back to Cloud Recesses.

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