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Qiren was very upset when he read the letter from his nephew. He spat blood after reading about Lan Zhan's panic attack and nearly fainted on the spot. Luckily, there was a disciple with him, who caught him before he could fall over, and he continued reading the letter as if nothing had happened. Xichen asked - more like 'he demanded' - a full investigation be done on the sect there.

Something about this sect is off, especially their leader. He calls himself a Lord, but I feel there is more to him than meets the eye. I have caught him eying Wei Gongzi and Wangji from afar with lust deep in his eyes, though he tries to hide it. The next morning, very early, Wangji rushed into my room with a very pale and passed out Wei Wuxian. Wangji told me Brother-in-law had had a nightmare, but he never woke up from it. I tried calming Wangji down, but it didn't work as he passed out right there on my bed. Before that, I tried playing the Song of Clarity twice but to no avail as the young master never awakened. Wangji panicked so much, he passed out. By the time you receive this letter, they may have awakened. However, I wish for a full investigation to be done on this sect and its Lord. Something feels off about it, though I cannot say what exactly it is. Even Lord Baoshi Yin acted suspiciously when I spoke with him briefly. I am not stating something is bad with this clan and its sect. However, something is not right about their leader. Please help me with this.
Lan Xichen

Qiren placed the letter on the table, closed his eyes and sighed. He could sense the gears in his nephew's head turning just by reading the letter. Whatever his nephew has planned, it was probably already taking place. Qiren had no authority to tell the sect leader 'no'. So he decided to do as his nephew wished and wrote him back, stating the investigation was underway.


Xichen was very happy to know his uncle approved the investigation, though he already knew it would happen. However, Qiren did scold him for moving ahead without permission. How he could read right through Xichen by just reading the letter, the man had no clue.

Wei Ying and Lan Zhan still hadn't awakened from their deep slumber. A week had nearly passed since that day. The time for the conference was up, the day for departure being tomorrow. If neither one awakened by then, Xichen would need to think of something. He felt exhausted as he had barely slept in days. He'd stayed up past curfew - something he never did - and played cleansing music to try and awaken them earlier but to no avail.

He was about to give up, heaving a sigh while sitting at the small table in his room. He sipped his tea which had grown cold long ago. A noise was heard from the other side of the room. Xichen looked over to see Lan Zhan stirring in his sleep. Xichen quickly arose from his place and went to his brother. "Wangji?"

Lan Zhan opened his eyes, blinked a few times, and looked at the older Lan. "Brother..." he responded simply. He was still very tired and didn't know why.

Xichen gave him a concerned look. "Wangji, how are you feeling?"

Lan Zhan did not speak right away. Xichen patiently waited for him. "Tired. Very tired."

Xichen nodded his understanding. "Wangji, you were in a coma for nearly a week now. You had a panic attack and passed out." At that, Lan Zhan's eyes widened, and he looked over at his husband next to him. Wei Ying was still in a coma, and the younger Lan felt panic rise up in him once more. Xichen caught him this time, hugging him close. "Wangji, calm down. It will be alright. We only need to get him back to Cloud Recesses, and Uncle will help is figure it out from there." He released the hug, laying him back down. "Now, sleep some more. I have something important I need to tend to, so I will be gone for a while. Please rest. I will return later."

Lan Zhan rolled over, hugged his husband close to him, and cried. Wei Ying's skin was still cold and pale. Xichen silently sighed and left the room. His brother needed to be alone. Xichen quietly closed the door behind himself and went off to do what he'd planned.


Lan Zhan cried, until he fell asleep again, holding onto his love in a protective manner. Some time passed, and he awakened to a dark room. Xichen still had not returned. Lan Zhan was feeling a bit better. However, Wei Ying still hadn't moved or made any sign of waking up. Lan Zhan did the only thing he felt he could do: he wrote his brother a short letter, took his husband and flew off to Cloud Recesses.


When Xichen returned later that evening, he saw the empty bed along with the note. He smiled. Finally, I can rest peacefully. He changes into his night robes and crashed onto the bed, in a still somewhat graceful manner, and fell asleep.


Flying by sword, it didn't take long for Lan Zhan to reach his home - only a few hours. When he arrived, it was passed curfew, so he rented a room at an inn in town and stayed the night there. He was too worried about Wei Ying to leave him at a doctor's, so Lan Zhan kept him. He didn't sleep at all that night. He stayed by his husbands side, watching over him, protecting him. Once five in the morning hit, he took Wei Ying and flew back to his room at the Jingshi, not even bothering to go through the gates.

He laid his husband on their bed, covering him to keep him warm. Lan Zhan finally felt as if he could rest. However, he had one more surprise coming to him. Wei Ying stirred in his sleep. Opening his eyes, he looked around the room. He recognized it as being the Jingshi. "Wei Ying...?" a pained voice called to him. He looked over to see his husband crying.

He smiled. "Hey, there, Lan Zhan~" The older male softly but gently scooped the boy into his arms. "Lan Zhan. It's okay. I'm fine now."

Lan Zhan: "Wei Ying is not fine," he said through the sobs. "Wei Ying is hurt." Wei Ying sighed in defeat. Lan Zhan was such a worry wart. "Wei Ying wouldn't wake up."

Wei Ying: "Lan Zhan, I-" He was shut up by a passionate kiss from his husband. When he could breathe, he tried again, saying, "Lan Zhan! Wait! I-" He was stopped again. Lan Zhan wasn't listening, and he wouldn't listen. He had been worried so much. He only wanted some comfort. Wei Ying sighed in defeat and kissed him back with as much passion. Even though he had just awakened from his coma, neither of them could help themselves. The fire just wouldn't go out once it was lit.

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