The Second Act Begins

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It rained the next day - all day. Wei Ying complained about it. He complained about having to stay indoors another day. Lan Zhan only ignored it. Well, at least Wei Ying didn't have to stay in bed again. Or so he thought. All he did was sneeze once, and Lan Zhan threw him back under the blankets. Then again, it was raining and windy, making it cold inside the Jingshi, so Lan Zhan's concern was understandable.

Wei Ying: "It was only a sneeze, Lan Zhan. I'm fine!" Wei Ying pouted. "Just get me some heavier robes to wear and I'll be alright. No need to throw me into bed every time! Sheesh!"

Lan Zhan thought about it. He went into a closet area and came back with a heavier material. "Change clothes." He walked away after setting them on the bed. Wei Ying was dumbfounded. He was speechless. He watched the other male walk away into the other room.

Wei Ying: "Lan Zhan sure is weird lately." He giggled a bit. The clothes before him were all white - just like his current ones - only it was a heavier fabric: cotton instead of silk. It was very soft yet warm. He quickly put them on, admiring the beauty of the robes. "So soft," he whispered.

The rain poured harder, pounding on the roof, drowning out any sound. He hadn't noticed Lan Zhan returned to the room. The boy was admiring the cloth, lost in his own world. Lan Zhan walked up to the bed and sat down. "Wei Ying."

The boy jumped. "Oh, Lan Zhan! It's you! You scared me near to death!" Lan Zhan couldn't help but to admire how Wei Ying looked in the robes.

Lan Zhan: "Sorry."

Wei Ying smiled. He placed a hand on the Lan's shoulder. "It's alright. I'm fine. Besides, it woke me up at least. Hehehe." He laughed, using his other hand to rub the back of his head.

There was a knock on the door. Lan Zhan answered it. Xichen entered the room.

Xichen: "Young Master Wei, how are you feeling?"

Wei Ying: "Better. Master Xichen, why are you here?"

Xichen: "I came to check up on you and to grab Wangji here." He turned to his brother. "Wangji, Uncle has returned from the conference." It was all he needed to say. With a nod from Lan Zhan, the two were off. Wei Ying was a bit confused. Then he remembered the incident at Caiyi Town. The rain made impossible to go outside. Although it sounded as if it were slowing down, it was still cold and wet outside, so Wei Ying stayed inside the Jingshi until Lan Zhan returned.


"Wangji, I am only going to say this once. Stay away from that wretched Wei Wuxian." Qiren was angry. He thought it was Wei Ying who was the cause of Lan Zhan's sudden disappearance. To a point, he was right, but the boy wasn't totally at fault.

Xichen: "With all do respect, Uncle, it was not Wei Wuxian's fault at all. Lan Zhan was feeling overwhelmed with having to keep up with his duties. You know how stressful it can be having to do many things on top of what you already have."

Qiren: "That's no excuse!" he nearly hollered. "I have given him plenty of tasks to do before, and not once did Wangji complain. Not one time!"

Xichen: "Uncle, calm down. Being angry at Wangji or Wei Wuxian won't solve anything."

Qiren breathed deeply, held it for a few seconds, then exhaled. "Fine! If Wangji thinks this task is too much to handle, then he is off duty for the rest of the year. However, I better not catch you with that wretched child again. Understand me?" The last part was aimed at Lan Zhan, who felt as if he'd just been kicked in the gut, but never showed it. "You're free to go. Wangji, I meant what I said."

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