San Pianzi

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A figure slithered toward Cloud Recesses. He came upon one of the high walls, but was stopped short. The barrier was keeping him out. He laughed. "Such an easy thing to be rid of," he spoke aloud to himself. He was a master of barriers and illusions. His brother, Er Pianzi, was a master of curses and war arts. "Hurry up, Brother," he called to the other in their own tongue. "We must enter this place tonight and bring back the angel to our master! First Brother is already inside. Let us go!" San Pianzi was the strongest among them. How their father had died, as he was just as strong as San, was beyond them all.

"It must have been the angel," the first brother said. He had telepathic powers and was a master scholar. "I heard Father calling out the angel's name: Hei'an Tianshi." The other two were baffled by that revelation. "I also know exactly what his appearance is. We must find him at all costs and bring him to our master. Master has always wanted a beautiful male to be her companion. It also seems as if this one can bear children as well. Unfortunately, we need to draw him away from his husband, that God of Light, Hanguang-Jun. Otherwise we won't ever have him."

The other two agreed completely. If they were to capture that beauty for their master, they needed to be rid of the God of Light. So they infiltrated the Cloud Recesses. Their ability to disguise themselves came in very handy. The barrier was one which would alert the entire sect of any unauthorized entries, or even when it was taken down. This did not stop San, however. He easily removed the barrier without alerting anyone - or so he thought - and they entered the Cloud Recesses over the wall.


Xichen and Qiren were enjoying their time with their nieces and nephew. Lan Zhan sat at the table reading and sighed as he looked at them. The three Lans suddenly looked up, alert to their surroundings, and looked to the back hills. Xichen and Qiren looked at each other and nodded.

Xichen: "Wangji, you stay here with Wei Gongzi. Uncle and I will investigate the situation." They handed the twin girls to Wei Ying and left toward the back hills.

Wei Ying: "Lan Zhan, what's going on? Why the sudden hurry?"

Lan Zhan: "Barrier is down," he said simply. Wei Ying understood at once. Lan Zhan immediately closed and locked all the doors and windows. Bichen was by his side. Wei Ying's sword, Suibian, was still in the other room. Having remembered what happened the last time, Lan Zhan went there and brought it to Wei Ying.

Wei Ying was shocked. "Lan Zhan, I can't use my sword!" he spoke, alarmed.

Lan Zhan looked at him fondly. "Will be alright. Can protect our children better." Wei Ying only shook his head as he took the sword with a smile.

Wei Ying was in no condition to fight. "Lan Zhan, did you forget I only just gave birth last night?" Lan Zhan's ears turned pink from embarrassment. He had forgotten. "If anything, you should be the one using Suibian." Wei Ying handed Suibian to his husband. "Besides, I'm fairly certain the two will get along famously." He was speaking about the spirits in the swords. However, when Lan Zhan reached out to grab Suibian, Bichen knocked it away. "Or not...oh well. I will have to make do with using it."

Lan Zhan was feeling baffled. He'd never seen something like that before. He looked at his husband, who only shrugged, not understanding it himself. There was a thud on the door. "Wangji, it's me! Open the door!"

It had only been a few minutes since his brother had left. He wondered why they had returned so soon. "Stay here," he commanded Wei Ying. He went to the door and waited. The pounding became urgent. "Seriously, Wangji! Open the door!" Lan Zhan didn't trust it.

"What is one thing only Xichen would know about his brother?" Wei Ying asked. Lan Zhan looked at him, telling him to be silent.

Silence filled the other side. Suddenly, the door was broken down! "You little mongrel!" A serpent-like creature entered the room. "I will have to teach you a lesson you won't soon forget!"

Lan Zhan: "Didn't give permission to enter," he stated matter-of-factly. "Leave now." The Naga was baffled.

Naga: "You! I thought you had died when I placed that curse on you!"

Lan Zhan stood silent, glaring at the Naga for intruding into his home. "Leave now," he repeated. "Won't say a third time."

Er Pianzi laughed manically. "You think you have power to hurt me? Don't you remember what happened last time you tried to fight me? I sealed away your powers! Now you are just a normal person! You can't harm me!" He spotted Wei Ying with the twin girls. "I see you have given birth again. Congratulations, Hei'an Tianshi." It wasn't exactly a congratulatory statement.

Wei Ying glared. "I don't know who that is. Why do you guys keep calling me by that name? It's so annoying!"

There was a blue glare as Bichen was sent flying toward the Naga's head. However, the Naga caught it by the blade. "What's this? The curse was removed? It should have killed you!"

Lan Zhan: "Did. Twice."

The Naga was confused. "Then how is it you are still alive?" Lan Zhan had no clue either. He just knew he was alive and with his family, and that's all that mattered to him. "I see I will just have to kill you myself!" The Naga held a sword by his side. He drew it. Bichen was still in his left hand. Lan Zhan called the sword back to himself, causing the Naga's hand to be cut by the blade. "How is that even possible! My skin is tougher than iron!"

Wei Ying piped in. "Then you've underestimated Lan Zhan's sword, Bichen! It can slice through just about anything!" He smirked with a hint of mischief. "You say your skin is tougher than iron? Bichen can slice right through it then." He was mocking the Naga. It was working.

The Naga fumed at them. "How dare you mock me? I am the second of three Naga brothers! Don't underestimate us!"

Wei Ying continued to mock him. "It's you who shouldn't underestimate us!" At that moment, Lan Zhan attacked the Naga head on. The attack was easily blocked. The battle had begun.

Lan Zhan: "Wei Ying! Hide somewhere safe!" Wei Ying did as he was told, dragging all three children to a secret hideaway. Wei Ying watched from the other side. Lan Zhan's attacks were being blocked easily. He knew Lan Zhan would be able to defeat him. He just hoped it was soon.

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