A Dream of Angels

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Wei Ying had woken up. Only, he wasn't in bed anymore. Instead, he was inside of a cave. From what he could tell in the darkness, it was an extremely large and deep one. He stood up, feeling a wave of dizziness hit him, but it soon passed, and he carried on, walking to find the exit. He wondered how he had come to be inside such a large cave in the first place.

It felt as though he'd been walking around for hours. He'd almost given up hope, thinking he'd be trapped there forever to the point it frightened him. That's when he saw a light just up ahead. A smile grew along his face, and he ran toward it, thinking he'd found the exit. In reality, he had only found a large room which was hidden deep inside the cave.

He felt a bit disappointed he hadn't found the exit, but he was in awe at the same moment, for when he entered, he saw many gemstones. Rubies, diamonds, quartz, along with many other precious stones were in there. The walls were covered in them. What drew his attention the most was a statue in the midst of the cave. It was carved into the shape of a creature he'd never seen before. He drew closer to it.

The statue appeared to be made of some black stone of which he couldn't identify. The carving was beautiful in every way. The features were very distinct - the shape of the face, nose, eyes, mouth and ears. The way it stood was almost with an authority, but it seemed as if it were surrendering at the same time, along with seeming very seductive. It looked as if at any moment, it would move on its own, using its own will power.

Wei Ying felt a dark energy arise from no where. There was a dark presence in the cave with him, only he couldn't see it. Suddenly, he fell to the ground, scraping his knees in the process. The pain from his knees wasn't as bad as the scorching hot, burning pain running through his very being. He wanted to scream, but his voice was taken from him. He glanced up at the statue. The eyes moved to stare at him. Wei Ying froze with fear. He normally wouldn't be afraid of something like that, but something in his brain told him the danger was more than he would be able to handle, and so he froze.

His body screamed with pain. The statue stood upright, spreading its wings fully. It walked off its base at the alter which was erected for it. A dark energy left it, directed at Wei Ying. The dark energy surrounded him, engulfing him. He shut his eyes tightly for fear it would harm him, but it never did. Instead, it cradled him, drawing closer to his soul. Wei Ying was confused at first, but then he felt the burning sensation start again, moving through his body as the dark energy touched him.

It sunk deeper and deeper into his meridians, trying to envelop his golden core. That time, Wei Ying found his voice, and he screamed out in agony and pain. He felt as though he were suffocating. He could barely breathe. The statue seemed to smile at that. It seemed to be enjoying his pain as if it were an amusing comedy. The boy felt as though he were being torn from the inside out. The final scream made the dark energy disperse, and he fell into darkness while a dark laughter was heard all around him.


Lan Zhan was awakened by Wei Ying's screaming. The boy still had his eyes closed, but he moved around as if he were fighting something off. Wei Ying had curled in on himself. It seemed as though he were in a great deal of pain. Lan Zhan held him tighter. The boy was placed on the Lan's lap. Wei Ying screamed again, his breathing becoming ragged and shallow. Lan Zhan patted the boy's cheek. "Wei Ying, wake up," he spoke with concern. The boy stopped moving around and shivered in the man's arms. Lan Zhan's heart and mind filled with fear.

When Lan Zhan had woken up, the first thing he heard was Wei Ying's whimpering. The first thing he saw was Wei Ying's scrunched up face as if he were in pain. The next thing that happened was the boy curling in on himself. Lan Zhan had picked him up, settling him in his lap and humming the song he wrote for his husband to try and soothe him. However, it wasn't having any effect on the other. The boy still whimpered in his sleep. Lan Zhan feared waking anyone else up, so he erected a barrier to keep the sounds inside. He did not want anyone else entering the room.

Lan Zhan: "Wei Ying, wake up," he tried again, but to no avail. That's when the boy screamed. Lan Zhan was frightened even more, his heart racing so fast he felt a bit dizzy. "Wei Ying!" He shook the other, but that didn't work either. He kept shouting the boy's name. "Wei Ying! Wake up!" He was panicking now. Normally, when Wei Ying would have nightmares, Lan Zhan would hum for him, and the boy would awaken immediately. This time, Wei Ying seemed as though he couldn't wake up at all.

At the final scream, Wei Ying's body went limp, and his breathing regulated itself. Lan Zhan brushed Wei Ying's hair from his face. Tears threatened to fall from Lan Zhan's eyes. Wei Ying was very pale, his skin clammy, and he was shivering still. "Wei Ying? Wake up?" No response. He carried his husband out of the room, nearly running to find his brother.

Once Lan Zhan found Xichen's room, he didn't bother knocking, which was rude, but he didn't care at that moment. Xichen was busy meditating when his brother slammed the door open, carrying Wei Ying's limp body inside.

Xichen: "Wangji, what's wrong? You never slam the doors like that!" he spoke with concern, standing to meet his brother. "What's wrong with Wei Gongzi?"

Lan Zhan: "Brother...Wei Ying...not waking up..." he spoke between gasps of air.

Xichen: "Wangji, calm down! You're going to have an attack if you don't breathe!"

Lan Zhan: "Wei Ying...nightmare...not waking up..." He was crying now. Xichen understood immediately.

Xichen: "Have you tried cleaning music?" Lan Zhan nodded. He was still panicking, and Xichen didn't know what to do at first. "Come over here," he finally said. "Sit with him on the bed." Lan Zhan did as he was told. Xichen took his Liebing and began playing the Song of Clarity. The song ended, but Wei Ying still hadn't awakened. The color drained from Lan Zhan's face. "Wangji, calm down!" Xichen ordered. It was too late, however, for Lan Zhan passed out. Xichen sighed. He laid both males on the bed properly, covering them, then played the song a second time. Something was off, because now neither one was waking up, and Wei Ying looked as if he'd grown paler.

I shall need to consult with Uncle on this matter. He was afraid to leave the two alone, especially with the sect's Lord lurking about. So he wrote a letter to Qiren, telling him of the events taking place and to do a full investigation of the sect. He was afraid to leave the two alone, so he stayed with them, until at least one awakened. I fear the leader may take advantage of this opportunity. The way he was eying Wei Gongzi concerns me greatly. I shall stay then until at least Lan Zhan awakens, however long that may be. I need to know everything, but until Wei Gongzi awakens, I cannot make a single move. With that, he took Liebing out again and began playing soothing songs to try waking the two.

[MDZS] My Dark AngelOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora