A Proposal of Sorts Part 2

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Fengmian paced back and forth in the hall. He'd gone quickly to the ward right after dealing with his lady. He didn't think she would ever do something so wicked. He eventually sat down and sighed heavily.

Lan Zhan only continued to stare at the door. It had been hours since they'd brought Wei Ying in. The male was growing impatient, overly anxious, and more frightened as time passed.

How is it he can stand there for hours on end without tiring? Fengmian thought as he watched the younger face the door. The expressionless face told nothing, but the sect leader caught a slight trembling of the Lan boy's hands. Finally, after an eternity of waiting, the door opened. The doctor stepped out, closing the door once more.

Doctor: "Don't worry. He'll make it," he said with a soft smile. "You may see him now. I would suggest keeping the noise and movement to a minimum. He's resting peacefully, so don't wake him." The doctor was serious. "One more thing. He will have a fever for a few days, but don't panic. I have prescribed him a medicine to aid in healing. He has lost a lot of blood though, so he can't go anywhere for a few days."

Lan Zhan: "How long for?"

Doctor: "Oh, about a week I would say. Three days and he can be moved to his room again. One week before he can travel."

Lan Zhan didn't think his heart could beat any faster, but it did. As soon as the doctor opened the door again, Lan Zhan ran right inside to Wei Ying's side. Fengmian wanted to enter, but was stopped short. "One person at a time. You may overwhelm the patient when he awakens." The sect leader just rolled his eyes, but obliged. The doctor closed the door to give the other some privacy.

Wei Ying was laying on the bed on his front. Half his body was wrapped in bandages - from his arms to his legs. Lan Zhan gently took his hand in his own. It was cold, which was expected with the blood loss. Wei Ying, this should never have happened to you, he thought. A quiet moan came from the boy. Lan Zhan watched as Wei Ying slowly opened his eyes.

Lan Zhan: "Wei Ying!"

The boy turned his eyes to the jade sitting before him. "Lan...Zhan...?" Lan Zhan nodded vigorously. "Where...where..."

Lan Zhan: "In the medical ward. Does Wei Ying remember what happened?"

Wei Ying spoke with some difficulty. "I remember...I was bathing. There were...light footfalls. I thought...I thought it was you...but it wasn't. The next thing I saw...was a purple flash. I felt a stinging sensation...and electricity through my body. The tub broke...and I passed out. Lan Zhan...what's wrong?"

Lan Zhan hadn't realized he'd been showing anger in his face. Nor did he notice he'd started to cry. He bent down, laying his head on Wei Ying's hand. The boy was a bit confused and wanted to comfort the male, but he couldn't move very well. "Lan Zhan...help me to sit up?" Lan Zhan looked at Wei Ying, then at the door.

Lan Zhan shook his head. "Doctor said not to move Wei Ying."

Wei Ying: "But it's so difficult to talk like this."

Lan Zhan moved the hair away from the boy's face while still holding his hand. Wei Ying sort of smiled. Then he suddenly began to cry. "Lan Zhan, I want to go back. Take me back to Gusu right now. Please? I can't stand to be here any longer."

Lan Zhan: "After Wei Ying is well. Then we will go."

Wei Ying sniffled and shook his head. "No. I want to go now. If you don't take me, I will go by myself."

Lan Zhan didn't know what to do. He was feeling conflicted. He wanted to take Wei Ying back, but he wanted to wait until the male was well enough to travel. Seeing Wei Ying's pitiful face, he made a decision. Carefully he lifted the boy into his arms. "We will go as Wei Ying wants." The male wrapped his arms around the Lan's neck, leaning into him. Lan Zhan had wrapped Wei Ying in the blanket which was on the bed and headed out the door.

The doctor was flabbergasted. "Where do you think you're taking him? I told you not to move him."

Lan Zhan looked at Fengmian, who was utterly shocked and dumbfounded all at once. "Wei Ying wishes to return home." The sect leader went from being dumbfounded to downright confused.

Fengmian: "Young Master Lan, he is home."

Lan Zhan shook his head slightly. "No. Wei Ying wishes to return to Gusu, so am taking Wei Ying there."

Doctor: "No, you're not! He is my patient, and he is-" The elderly man was cut short by Fengmian's and Lan Zhan's glares.

The two turned back to each other. "If this is the case, I see no reason to force you two to stay any longer than necessary. You may leave at anytime. Just be certain you take care of him well." It seemed as though the sect leader was on the verge of crying. Lan Zhan nodded. They would leave immediately.


Madam Yu was locked away in her chambers, unable to leave at all. She did not regret what she had done in the least. The doors burst open, and Fengmian stormed in with a fiery fury burning through his whole being. It did nothing to her though. She stood her ground.

Fengmian: "WHAT HAVE YOU DONE?!" he shouted at her. He slapped her across the face - something he would never have done in the past. This woman infuriated him, burning the last of his patience. "What the hell is wrong with you?!"

Madam Yu did not speak. She let him rampage on. Then she said, "Are you quite finished yet?" Fengmian shut his mouth and waited. "It was my way of making a proposal."

Fengmian: "A proposal? What kind of proposal is that supposed to be?"

Madam Yu: "Simple: get out or die."

Fengmian fumed. "You will stay here until you've thought about what you've done wrong."

Madam Yu: "I've done nothing wrong! I hated then! I hate him now! What difference does it make to me whether he lives or dies? I don't care! He's not my son! He will never be my son!" She pulled a vile from her sleeve. "Here! Since you care so much about that whore's son of yours, then you'd better save him quickly!"

Fengmian took the vile, studying it. Realization hit. "My Lady, don't tell me you-"

She grinned viciously. "That's right. I poisoned him. So you had better hope you reach him soon. In just a few hours the poison will spread through his whole body. So hurry and save that wretched son of a servant!" She laughed a horrifying laugh. The sect leader punched her, knocking her out. He ran out the door and to the gate.

Fengmian: "When did Wei Ying and the other leave?" he inquired of the guard.

Guard: "Not too long ago, Sir. Is something the matter? You want me to chase them down for you?"

Fengmian: "No thank you. I will go myself. Which way did they go?" The guard pointed in the direction of Gusu. He nodded to him. "Thanks." He took off running in the direction the other two had headed in. Please be okay when I get there? he begged silently in his mind. Please don't die on me? Please...

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