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One word to describe how Wei Ying felt at the moment: pain! Sheer, excruciating pain! There was nothing Lan Zhan could do to help him as he was waiting in the hall. The healer had kicked him out when Wei Ying had started screaming bloody murder at him, saying things like how it was Lan Zhan's fault he was in pain and other things. Lan Zhan had tried calming his husband down only to make everything worse. The healer felt a headache coming on, so he separated the two, kicking Lan Zhan into the hall to wait while Wei Ying was being examined.

Lan Zhan sighed. He was currently pacing up and down the hall. It had been around two hours since Wei Ying had gone in. The doors were suddenly slammed open. Out ran two disciples of the healer's. Healer Qiru walked out, clearly in a bit of a panic. That didn't help Lan Zhan any. He immediately panicked more than he was and felt sweat pour down his face and his heart race. The healer took a deep breath, exhaling slowly to calm himself.

Healer Qiru: "Hanguang-Jun, I have good news and bad news." If there was good news, Lan Zhan thought, than why was the healer panicking? Lan Zhan stood frozen as a statue. "The good news is: the child is in perfect health." That made Lan Zhan feel a bit better, but there was still the bad news. His heart beat rapidly in his chest in anticipation. "*Ahem* The bad news is: Wei Gongzi will need surgery. The umbilical cord is wrapped around the child's neck causing him to suffocate. That in turn is causing most of Wei Gongzi's pain." That explained why the other two ran out like they did.

The blood from Lan Zhan's face drained completely. He felt lightheaded and fainted from the shock. "Lan Gongzi? Hanguang-Jun?" Healer Qiru checked the Lan's vital signs, finding it was only shock which caused his fainting. A few minutes later, Lan Zhan woke up. "Hanguang-Jun, you can go see him now. I have given him medicine to help ease the pain, so he is asleep right now." He helped Lan Zhan to stand. Lan Zhan nodded his thanks and quickly went to his husband.

Wei Ying looked so ethereal while sleeping, it made Lan Zhan blush as soon as he saw him. The soft breathing coming from him made the image more beautiful. The male sat in a chair by the bed his mate was in. "I hate to tell you this, but we need to begin as soon as my disciples return. When I begin, I will need you to transfer spirit energy to him the entire time. Knowing how strong you are, I'm certain you can handle it." Lan Zhan nodded.

He pushed Wei Ying's hair from his face and kissed his forehead. "I love you," he whispered to his husband.

The disciples returned a few minutes later with everything the healer had requested.

Healer Qiru: "You, make certain the young man stays asleep. You, assist me with the tools," he commanded the other two. Turning to Lan Zhan, he said, "Young man, make certain you keep up with the spiritual energy transfer. I know, you're a nervous wreck right now, but we can't have any mistakes. One false move could end his life and that of the child's! Do you understand?" Lan Zhan nodded and began concentrating on transferring his spiritual energy to Wei Ying. "Alright! Let's begin!" the healer announced.


Lan Zhan didn't know how much time had passed. All he knew was, he was tired - very tired. He almost fell asleep a couple of times, but somehow managed to stay awake. Then, it was finally over.

Healer Qiru: "Done!" he announced with joy. A loud cry could be heard. Lan Zhan opened his heavy eyelids. The healer held a newborn baby, wrapped in a blue blanket. "Gongzi, congratulations! This is your son!" Lan Zhan felt a mix of emotions as he held his child in his arms. He was so tired, yet the sheer joy of seeing that tiny human in his arms brought tears to his eyes. He hugged and kissed his child.

A tug at his sleeve caught his attention. He looked to see Wei Ying staring at him. "Lan Zhan...?" he asked groggily.

Lan Zhan immediately knelt beside the bed. "Wei Ying, look! It's our son!" He laid their child on Wei Ying's chest. "What name should we give to him?"

Wei Ying smiled, despite the pain, and whispered, "How about Lan Xue? Courtesy name: Lan Mudan?"

Lan Zhan kissed his husband. "Mn. Perfect."

Healer Qiru: "I hate to break up your little moment, but I need Wei Gongzi to take this medicine. You, Lan Gongzi, need to drink this one." He handed each of them a bowl filled with bitter green liquid. Wei Ying really hated having to drink the stuff, but after seeing Lan Zhan take it without complaints, he drank his as well. Other than coughing some from the bitterness, he didn't miss a single drop. "Very good." Qiru nodded in satisfaction. "This will not only replenish spiritual energy faster, but it will also help heal you faster. You have to take it for one week though, twice a day, or things could be much worse." Wei Ying gulped. He felt bile rise to his throat. "The medicine absorbs fairly quickly into the body, so one of the side effects is nausea and vomiting. Don't worry though, you will only have to suffer for the week. Take care now."

Lan Zhan stood to thank the healer. His fatigue made him nearly faint. Qiru smiled knowingly. "I shall set up an extra bed so you can stay here beside your husband." Lan Zhan nodded, sitting down in the chair. As soon as the healer left, he rested his head on Wei Ying's chest, listening to his husband's heartbeat. Wei Ying chuckled a bit, combing his fingers through the male's long, black hair. By the time the healer arrived, the two had fallen asleep. Seeing how peaceful they were, he left them alone.

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