That Poor Man! (18+)

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The baby cried. Wei Ying wanted to go to him, but he was pinned down by his husband. "Lan Zhan..." he said sleepily. "The crying..."

Lan Zhan: "Mn. Will go to him. Stay here." He laid Wei Ying to the side and went to their son. Lan Zhan returned half a moment later with Lan Yuan in his arms. Wei Ying sat up slightly, ready to take his son and comfort him. Yuan stopped crying as his papa rocked him. Lan Zhan offered to help. Wei Ying was grateful. He hadn't had hardly any sleep since they returned from the hot springs.

Wei Ying smiled as he watched his husband comfort the poor babe. Yuan vomited all over Lan Zhan's night robes. The jade sighed. Wei Ying laughed. "You poor thing, you. Lan Zhan, you really are something else." Lan Zhan didn't speak and only changed his robes after placing Yuan back in the crib. "I miss the hot springs already. It was a lot of fun and very relaxing. The water helped greatly with the pain. I wish we could go back."

Lan Zhan: "Mn. Someday. Sleep." The two rested peacefully.


The couple made their way to the hot springs. Already, Wei Ying could feel the heat from the water. "Lan Zhan. We haven't even gone in yet and it already is nice and warm!"

Lan Zhan had to agree, though he didn't express it out loud. Wei Ying had removed all his robes, exposing his naked body. The fat from the pregnancy still hadn't fully disappeared. Lan Zhan wanted to touch it, so he did. He placed his hand on it and rubbed all around his husband's belly.

Wei Ying blushed, a little embarrassed. "Lan Zhan... we're in public..." He had to admit, it did feel nice. The couple wasn't the only ones at the hot springs that day. Many other people were there to enjoy the warmth of the waters.

Lan Zhan: "Mn." He stopped rubbing Wei Ying's belly. He would do it again when they had privacy. The robe Wei Ying wrapped around himself conformed perfectly to his body. Lan Zhan felt his entire body heat up. He needed to control himself. His husband was still recovering.

As they soaked in an area far from prying eyes, Lan Zhan couldn't help himself. He wrapped his arms around Wei Ying again, continuing where he'd left off. Wei Ying moaned slightly from the pleasure of the massage he was receiving. "Lan Zhan, you keep doing that and I might lose control. I'm still recovering."

Lan Zhan didn't want to stop, so he didn't, even when Wei Ying begged him too. "At least allow me to pleasure you," he whispered. Wei Ying blushed. His cock erected itself. Lan Zhan gently took it into his hand and moved up and down along the shaft.

Wei Ying panted. "Lan Zhan...Lan Er Gege..." he moaned. It felt too good. Wei Ying cummed into Lan Zhan's hand. Wei Ying was feeling high up in the clouds. Lan Zhan used the cum as a lubricant and thrust his fingers into the very sensitive male. "Lan Zhan! Don't..." he begged. Lan Zhan didn't listen and continued thrusting, running his fingers over that spot. Wei Ying cummed again. "We might be in trouble for this if we are caught by someone."

Lan Zhan didn't stop, until Wei Ying had cummed about six or seven times. The boy passed out, his body hot and bothered by the pleasure. The hole pulsed, longing for more. Lan Zhan controlled himself. He really wanted to take his husband right then and there, but Wei Ying was still recovering. Then a thought occured.

Lan Zhan: "Wei Ying take medicine this morning?"

Wei Ying was a bit confused. "Oh, you mean my birth control? Yes, I took it. Why?"

Lan Zhan: "Good." He grabbed his husband's waist. Wei Ying blushed. He didn't know what Lan Zhan was up to, but he knew it wasn't good. Lan Zhan dragged him out of the hot spring and back to their room. He threw Wei Ying onto the bed.

Wei Ying: "Lan Zhan! I...I'm still recovering! You can't do that!" Lan Zhan parted Wei Ying's upper robes so his belly was showing. He kissed the small bump that was once their newborn son. Wei Ying blushed deeper. "Lan are being weird today." Lan Zhan's ears turned so red, the blush reached his cheeks.

Lan Zhan: "No talking." Wei Ying laughed.

Unbeknownst to the couple, there was a man watching their interactions. "Damn it! Why did I take on this task in the first place? It certainly wasn't to see any of this!" he whispered to himself. "I guess I have to wait for nightfall to finish the job."

A light tap on his shoulder. He shrugged it off at first, but it wouldn't cease, so he turned around. When he did, he was face to face with an angry maid. "Just what do you think you're doing? Don't you know that's against the rules? You should be ashamed of yourself for peeking in on others!" She grabbed his ear and pulled him away by it. "We are going to the manager about this!"

By the time she arrived at the office, the man had disappeared. The maid decided to go about her duties instead. If she found him again, she would do something herself about it.

Lan Zhan and Wei Ying went back to the spring that afternoon. The sun was just setting, and the air was cool. They returned to the same pool as before. It was a small one meant for only one or two people. It was perfect. "Lan Zhan~" Wei Ying teased. Lan Zhan looked away, his ears burnt red.

Lan Zhan: "Shameless," he said.

Wei Ying looked at him suspiciously. "Hmm? I'm the one who's shameless? I wasn't the one who made his husband cum in a public hot spring." Lan Zhan just entered the pool gracefully without saying a word or looking at his husband. "Giving me the silent treatment now? Why are you being so cold all of a sudden?"

Lan Zhan was desperately trying to control himself. "Relax. Meditate." Wei Ying pouted but obliged. He tried for several minutes to concentrate, but something was keeping his mind from emptying itself. He had a weird feeling they were being watched.

The man behind the bushes sat against the bush with his back and had his mouth covered. "Lan Zhan, I think someone's over in those bushes." There was a flash of blue light that split the plants into several pieces. Luckily, the man was still hid behind one of the unharmed ones. He quickly and quietly left the vicinity.

Lan Zhan had used Bichen to see if someone was there. "Wei Ying. There is no one there."

Wei Ying: "Huh..." He shrugged. "I was certain there was someone, but it was only my imagination."

That night, Lan Zhan went to fetch dinner. Wei Ying was alone. The man from before thought it to be his perfect opportunity to snatch Wei Ying. Unfortunately, as he began climbing through the window, Lan Zhan just happened to return. The couple sat at one of the tables. "Eat." Wei Ying ate everything.

As the couple slept, the man crawled in through the window. He crept over to the bed. A floorboard creecked under his foot. Lan Zhan opened his eyes and sat up, looking around.

Wei Ying moaned. "Lan Zhan, what's wrong?"

Lan Zhan: "Thought someone was here."

Wei Ying: "Go back to sleep. It was probably the wind." Lan Zhan laid down again, pulling his husband to himself. Wei Ying snuggled closer, smiling at the warmth exhumed from Lan Zhan's body.

The man had quickly hid in the closet. He couldn't move and breathed very quietly. He waited maybe two hours before leaving the room. The poor man! He just couldn't get what he was after. The same maid found him the next morning, sleeping in the hallway. "You! You are in real trouble now, Mister!" She called for a guard who dragged the man away and threw him down the mountain. Yes, that poor man! It looked as if his queen would not have what she was after.


Xichen met the two at the gate. "Did you have fun?" he asked innocently.

Wei Ying gave a big smile. "Loads! Those hot springs were nice! You should go with us next time!" Xichen laughed when he saw his brother's red ears. It seemed they had had more than just a relaxing vacation.

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