The Conference

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It was like no other they'd ever been to. The entire hall, from floor to ceiling, was dressed in gems of all shapes and sizes making the entire room sparkle in the light of the sun. Even the throne was dressed in the rarest of gemstones. The entire place was built from marble. Wei Ying was stunned, as many other cultivators were, by the sheer beauty of the place, and it was only the main hall. He couldn't even imagine the rest of the sect being like this or much more brilliant. He was so in awe, he didn't even notice his husband staring at him with jealousy and possessiveness.

Lan Zhan held a firm grip on him. "Wei Ying," he whispered into the other's ear. Wei Ying immediately tore his gaze away from the hall and placed it on his husband.

Wei Ying: "Sorry, Lan Zhan," he spoke in a teasing manner, noticing the other's expression. "I was in awe of the beauty here but don't worry. You will always be more beautiful to me than these gemstones."

Lan Zhan's ears turned bright red. Wei Ying giggled at his husband, forgetting where he was. Lan Zhan nodded. "Mn." He leaned in and whispered so only Wei Ying could here him. "Will pleasure you as soon as we are back in our room."

It was Wei Ying's turn to blush. It reached all the way to his cheeks, coloring them a fiery red. "Lan Zhan! Shameless!" he said behind his hand, looking away.

The Lord watched the entire interaction between the two. His mood grew worse with the jealous rage he'd felt at that moment. Wei Ying, you will soon be mine, and mine only! he thought before turning back to the cultivator he was communing with. Nothing seemed to be out of the ordinary as the banquet flowed by smoothly without a hitch. Then again, Wei Ying and Lan Zhan didn't eat anything given to them as they didn't trust the sect. How was it that a sect such as this one remained hidden for so long? Why show their faces now after all these years? Surely there has to be an underlying reason as to all this. The couple was instructed to not eat anything presented to them beforehand by Lan Xichen.

Lan Xue was with Lan Qiren, which was a good thing. They didn't want to endanger their child anymore than he'd already been.

Wei Ying was growing restless as the night wore on. Partly, because he wanted Lan Zhan to fulfill his promise. The other part was because he had a strange feeling something was going to happen, and it wasn't anything good. He had noticed the way the sect's Lord looked at him with longing eyes and wondered just what the creep could want from him. He tugged on Lan Zhan's sleeve, a desperate look on his face. Lan Zhan turned his gaze to his husband. He noticed the uncomfortable look in the other's eyes, and he immediately took him and left the hall.

It was against the rules of etiquette, but neither of them cared. Xichen could only assume something was wrong and wished to inquire about it, but his brother passed by him with Wei Ying, not even sparing a glance at the other. Xichen sighed. He was feeling distressed about this whole thing, and the couple leaving the conference brought some relief to him. He did not take his eyes off the Sect Lord, however, continuing to watch the man's every move. Just what are you up to? he thought to himself. Let us see what you do next.


Lan Zhan carried Wei Ying the rest of the way to their room in the guest hall. Wei Ying had passed out along the way, being exhausted from the long trip and the uncomfortable atmosphere. Lan Zhan laid him on the bed, undressing him until he was only in his inner robes, and proceeded to do the same. Then he laid down next to his husband, holding him close. It wasn't curfew yet, but he was also exhausted, so he fell asleep.


The Lord was very upset. He felt disrespected when the two left. He felt disappointment more than anything at the fact his "prize" had left along with the "intruder". How was it he could take the one without the other noticing? He really wanted Wei Ying for himself. He didn't know it was the boy he sought until today, though he had had some idea before all this as to whom the angel spoke about in his visions. He needed to come up with another plan and fast! The time was nearly there for the banquet to end. Curfew was approaching. He would need to sneak into the guest hall and find the room where the boy was staying and either somehow remove the boy without disturbing the other, or kill the one and do it that way.

He was perplexed. He was so lost in thought, he never even noticed Lan Xichen approaching him.

Xichen: "Lord Baoshi Yin, may I ask what is bothering you?" The poor man startled at the sudden appearance of the GusuLan Sect leader. He started to say something but then thought better of it, shaking his head and declaring everything was fine. The nervousness of the man made Xichen smile with victory. The Lord had been acting suspiciously all day and wouldn't reveal anything. "Lord Baoshi, you should probably excuse yourself. You seem to not be feeling well."

The man only nodded and walked away. How rude, Xichen thought. He scolded himself, but he didn't care in the end.


Lan Zhan had woken up a few hours later. He saw Wei Ying was still sleeping, so he quietly laid there, watching the other's breathing. The sky was dark, but Lan Zhan could tell what time it was with his internal clock. It was nearing five in the morning. The second day of the conference didn't begin until ten, so he decided to stay in bed a bit longer - something he never would do at Cloud Recesses. Wei Ying rolled over, cuddling closer to him. Lan Zhan embraced his husband tightly, drawing him closer to himself. He didn't feel tired at all, but for whatever reason, he fell asleep again after kissing the top of the boy's head.

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