A Nightmare Come True

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Wei Ying wasn't certain as to why, but he felt a dread wash over him as he sat there, curled tightly on himself. His heart raced. He felt as though he wasn't the one in danger, but his child was. He heard footsteps approaching. He froze in place. He slowed his breathing so he could hear better. The footsteps weren't light as his Lan Zhan's were. They were heavy and solid, like a guard wearing heavy armor. Because of the echo in the cave, he couldn't tell if it was approaching from behind or from somewhere else. He glanced up. That was a bad decision. The moment he did, his eyes locked with that of the statue's. The statue had come to life and was approaching him slowly. The light within the cave glinted off its eyes, making it seem as if the eyes glowed red.

Wei Ying was shaking badly now. He didn't have Suibian with him, and he didn't want to fight because of his child. He didn't know what to do. The statue stopped. It seemed to sense the boy's hesitation, and so it moved back to its stand at the altar. Wei Ying fainted from the fear he felt after breathing a sigh of relief.


Jiang Cheng was furious! Why couldn't he have been the one to go down there to save Wei Ying? Why did it have to be that blasted Lan Zhan? The silence between the two up top was filled with tension. Qiren only petted his beard, not seemingly worried at all about his two nephews. Jiang Cheng had had enough.

Jiang Cheng: "That's it!" he burst out. "I'm going down there! I can't stand that hot-headed nephew of yours!"

Qiren gave the boy a glare. "You will do no such thing! As the sect heir you must learn to follow orders - this being one of them." Jiang Cheng huffed and sat down on the ground.

He didn't like the idea of Lan Zhan having married Wei Ying because he got the boy pregnant. Now, Jiang Cheng felt as though Lan Zhan were trying to play hero. He swore this whole thing was only a prank. He would give those two a piece of his mind once this whole thing was over. Qiren only sighed, continuing to pet his beard.


The two brothers came upon a tunnel system which split into five different paths. Xichen now wished he had brought the other two, or at least more help. He didn't want to leave Lan Zhan with the boy's powers being sealed away.

Xichen: "Wangji, please don't take this the wrong way, but I don't feel it's right for you to be here. With your powers being sealed and all, I don't know how well I can protect both of you."

Lan Zhan hadn't taken it the wrong way. He understood what his brother was saying, but he couldn't bring himself to leave Wei Ying when his husband needed him the most. "Will be fine," he assured his brother. "Wei Ying matters more."

Xichen sighed. There was no budging his little brother once he'd made a decision. "Alright, then. Since you're certain, I won't stop you. Just don't make any rash decisions once we're there." Lan Zhan nodded.

The two had chosen the path on the far right. Lan Zhan said he felt as though Wei Ying would be there. What they didn't know was how each path led to the same destination, only each one was littered with traps. A light was showing up ahead. Lan Zhan wanted to run to it. Xichen gripped his brother's arm, shaking his head. He knew exactly what Lan Zhan wanted to do. Lan Zhan stayed with Xichen.

Xichen: "Wangji, watch out. There may be a trap or two along here." Just as he finished speaking, the ground opened up and swallowed the two Lans.


Wei Ying opened his eyes after a while, hoping it was all a dream, and he would wake up beside Lan Zhan. However, when he opened his eyes, he was met with the same scene as before. He sighed, sitting up. His hand was on his belly protectively. He didn't trust any of it. A noise, like something falling, sounded through the cave. Then a holler and a thud. Then nothing but an echo.

Wei Ying quickly stood up. He felt a bit dizzy, but it passed quickly. "Lan Zhan!" He called out, banging on the barrier. "Lan Zhan! I'm over here!"

To the boy's dismay, the statue reawakened, moving toward him slowly. Wei Ying either didn't notice or didn't care. He continued to frantically call out and bang on the barrier. A sudden pain in his body made him collapse. He looked behind him to see the statue standing just above him. "Lan Zhan..." It came out as a whisper. He was frightened. His hands went to his belly, wrapping around it in a protective manner. "Please, don't hurt my child," he quietly begged. Tears streamed down his face. Another wave of agonizing pain flowed through his body. He collapsed completely on the ground.

His nightmare was coming true, and he wondered why Lan Zhan hadn't arrived yet. "Please, Lan Zhan, help me..." His eyes closed as darkness overtook him.


Xichen opened his eyes to find he was at the bottom of some sort of pit. He sat up a bit too quickly. A pain shot through his whole being. It soon passed, and he immediately began searching for his brother. "Wangji?" he called out. There was no reply. The pit was enormous. It seemed as though it could hold up to fifty or so people at once while they stood and still have room to spare. He eventually spied Lan Zhan lying nearby on some rocks. "Wangji!"

He crawled as best as he could to his brother. "Wangji, wake up!" He patted the younger's face. It took a few tries and lots of patience, but there was soon a response from Lan Zhan as he stirred in his sleep.

Lan Zhan opened his eyes slowly. All he saw was darkness. Without his powers, he couldn't even see his hand in front of his face. He wondered where he was. "Brother...?" He reached out and felt a hand gently take his.

Xichen's voice reached his ears. "Wangji, I'm here. Can you sit up?" Lan Zhan answered honestly. He shook his head. Both males were in disarray. Their clothes were torn as well as their hair out of place and were covered in dirt. Xichen sighed. "If only I could remove that curse on you." He moved his brother's hair from his face. He stopped as he felt something wet and sticky. Oh no! He's bleeding! We need a healer, but we can't get to one right now. He sighed again. There was only one other option. "Wangji," he spoke with hesitation, "I'm...I'm going to have to carry you." A slight nod from Lan Zhan was all Xichen needed.

Lan Zhan: "Brother...can't see..." Xichen hesitated for a moment. Lan Zhan had gone blind when his head hit the rocks after falling through the pit. Xichen was certain it was only temporary. Once his brother's powers were unsealed, the blindness would disappear. He lifted Lan Zhan onto his back. Luckily, he still had Shuoyue with him. He hopped on his sword and flew with his brother out of the pit.


Thank you! Thank you! Thank you so much for 11.5k views! You guys are very encouraging! I am enjoying writing this story so much! I'm glad you guys are enjoying reading it! ❤️ It means so much to me to see my book gaining readers as the days pass. I know I take forever sometimes with chapters, but if you're an author you understand writer's block. I hope you will continue to read my story as it progresses. Thank you once more from the bottom of my ❤️!!!!

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