Epilogue: Xichen's and Jiang Cheng's Wedding

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A few months later, a wedding took place. The couple being married were Xichen and Jiang Cheng! The wedding was a grand one! They decided to have it at Lotus Pier rather than have it at Cloud Recesses. Everyone was there! The atmosphere was festive-like.

Wei Ying laughed at the sight of his brother in a veil. "I wondered who the one wearing the veil would be, but I never thought it was you, Jiang Cheng!"

Jiang Cheng: "Shut up, or I'll break your legs and your mouth!"

Wei Ying: "You've added to the threat. Progress!" Jiang Cheng only rolled his eyes in annoyance.

Jiang Cheng: "Whatever! Just go to the wedding hall and wait there!"

Lan Zhan had to drag his husband away, because Wei Ying wouldn't stop laughing long enough to walk. Jiang Cheng huffed and walked off toward the wedding hall.

Xichen made certain all the preparations were in place. He didn't want a single thing going wrong during his wedding.

When Jiang Cheng was led down the aisle, Xichen couldn't help but to freeze with shock. He knew his love was beautiful, but he never expected for him to be that beautiful! Xichen felt his heart stop, and his breath hitched. He could only stand there, frozen and staring at his loved one.

Jiang Cheng was feeling a bit embarrassed. He momentarily glanced in his brother's direction. Wei Ying smiled encouragingly and winked at him. If Jiang Cheng wasn't having his wedding, he would have beat the shit out of him. He continued walking down the aisle with as much grace as he could. The hanfu was heavy and hot. He was sweating terribly underneath it. His nerves didn't help any. He nearly tripped once. Luckily, it was at the front of the hall, and Xichen was there to catch him.

Jiang Cheng couldn't help the blush which found its way to his cheeks. To him, Xichen appeared very handsome in the hanfu he was wearing. Even the sweet smile on his face matched everything. They began the ceremony.

A good hour passed by, and soon it was over. Jiang Cheng couldn't believe himself! He was married! Not only that: he was married to another male! He never thought in a million years he would have that happen. He was happy anyway, and that's what mattered!

"A-Cheng," a voice called to him. He turned to see his sister, Yanli, standing there. It wasn't only her, however. Even his mom and dad were there.

Jiang Cheng wanted to cry. "Mom! Dad! Yanli! More importantly: when did you guys come out of seclusion?"

Yanli chuckled. "I'm happy for you, A-Cheng. I will leave you, so you can talk to them." She gave a congratulating smile to him.

Fengmian: "A-Cheng. How is-" he was interrupted by Jiang Cheng's sudden movement. The boy wrapped him in a tight hug and would release the man for the longest time. Madam Yu huffed a little, mumbling something about how her son was weak and a crybaby, before she hugged him. All the Jiangs were crybabies that day. Even Yanli, who was watching from afar, was crying.

"Say, when did they come out of seclusion?" a voice asked.

Yanli: "It's only temporary. They are going back soon," she told Wei Ying. "Come, let us leave them alone for a while." She dragged her little brother to the banquet hall.

Lan Zhan was there, waiting for his husband, and speaking with his brother. "Lan Zhan!" Lan Zhan glanced to see his husband running toward him. The smell of the food in the hall suddenly hit Wei Ying's nose, and he felt like vomiting. He thought it was a bit strange, but he shrugged it off. "Xichen-ge! Congratulations!"

Xichen and Lan Zhan looked at the boy with a bit of concern. "Wei Gongzi, you seem to be a bit pale. Are you alright?"

Wei Ying shrugged it off. "Don't worry about me, Xichen. This is your wedding day! You should worry more about what happens later tonight," he teased. He winked at the other. Lan Zhan kept himself from rolling his eyes.

Lan Zhan: "Shameless," he said and went to sit at the appropriate spot. Xichen laughed.

Xichen: "Please, seat yourself and enjoy the food here. I'm certain Yanli would appreciate it as she is the one who cooked most of it."

Hearing that, Wei Ying rushed to the table where his husband was sitting. Seeing the food, his stomach growled, and his mouth watered. The wave of different scents hit his nose, and he held back from vomiting as best as he could.

Lan Zhan leaned in to whisper, "Wei Ying. What's wrong?"

Wei Ying only shook his head. He didn't dare speak as he was afraid he would vomit right there. It was Xichen's wedding day! He didn't want to ruin it.

Wei Ying took the soup served to his husband and drank it. Even though there was no flavor, it helped ease his stomach. Lan Zhan was surprised. Wei Ying always complained about having to eat the flavorless food in the past. "It's helping ease my stomach," Wei Ying explained. "All the scents in here were getting to me." With that, no one said anything more as the banquet began.

Wei Ying ate everything his husband did, which really surprised Lan Zhan. All his food was eaten and Wei Ying's was untouched! He immediately dragged Wei Ying back to their room.

Lan Zhan: "Wei Ying. Stay in bed. Will fetch the healer."

Wei Ying: "Lan Zhan, you don't need to worry about me so much! I'm fine!"

Lan Zhan placed a hand on his husband's belly. There was a tiny bump. Wei Ying went wide-eyed when Lan Zhan tore his robes open. "Wei Ying is pregnant again."

Wei Ying: "I didn't know! Honest! I didn't know I was!" Then it occurred to him what had happened. "Lan Zhan! It's all your fault anyway!" he hollered. "I told you I didn't want another kid!" He threw a book at his husband, who only stood there to catch it. "I'm never talking to you again!" With that, he left the room, heading for his old room at the main hall.

Lan Zhan felt guilty. He didn't mean it. Yet, at the same time, he was happy. Yet, he had broken his promise to his Wei Ying. How could he be so stupid?! He smashed his fist against a wooden post, bruising all his knuckles in the process.


Jiang Cheng and Xichen were in their room. Jiang Cheng was growing impatient with all the ceremonies. He tore the veil and the hanfu off! He had had enough of those ridiculous wedding garbs! He wanted his normal robes which were nice and light and easy to move around in!

"Wanyin?" Jiang Cheng turned to see Xichen having walked into the room. "Why are you in your inner robes? Don't tell me. You're that excited about tonight?" Xichen teased him.

Jiang Cheng fumed. "It was very hot, uncomfortable! I was tired of waiting for you to arrive! I was just about to wear my normal robes, so if you'll excuse me! I have to change!"

Xichen laughed at him. "Calm down, Wanyin. I was only teasing. I'm about to change as well, then maybe we can have some tea afterward." Jiang Cheng only huffed in annoyance. Xichen laughed at him. "Wanyin." Jiang Cheng looked at the man holding out his hand. "Allow me to show you the moon?"

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