The Queen Runs Away

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Xue Yang chased after her. He didn't know why. He only knew on instinct he had to stay by her side to protect her. She tripped once, landing in the snow. He tried to help her up, but she swatted him away, stood, and ran off once more. Xue Yang watched her disappear into the forest. He would leave her alone for now. He continued following her, only from a distance. He didn't wish to upset her more than she already was.


"Lan Zhan, you idiot! What the fuck are you doing to me? Get off me!" Wei Ying tried pushing his husband away. It was useless. Lan Zhan was stronger than him physically.

Lan Zhan continued with what he was doing. Wei Ying was enjoying himself way too much. He didn't care whether Lan Zhan manhandled him or not. He just didn't want it to be right then. He wanted to rest his aching head. He shoved Lan Zhan off of himself.

Wei Ying: "Leave me alone! I want to sleep! My head is pounding!"

Lan Zhan wouldn't release him. Wei Ying's hands were tied to the bed. Lan Zhan shut him up with a kiss. Wei Ying couldn't help but to melt into it. He was so occupied by the kiss, he didn't notice Lan Zhan enter him. Lan Zhan kept the kiss up as he moved his hands over his husband's body. Wei Ying moaned into the kiss. Lan Zhan's hands moved lower to Wei Ying's waist. He moved so close to Wei Ying's member, but he never touched it. Wei Ying wanted Lan Zhan to touch him there.

Wei Ying felt light-headed. It was sweet torture. Lan Zhan never broke the kiss during that entire moment. Wei Ying felt himself cum. Lan Zhan broke the kiss and smiled. Wei Ying saw a glint of mischief in the other's eyes. He thought to himself, Oh no!

Lan Zhan flipped him over so he was on his front, his hands still securely fastened. "Wait! Lan Zhan!" Lan Zhan grabbed Wei Ying's hips and thrust deep into him. "Wait! Ah! I...I never took my...ah! medicine this morning!"

Lan Zhan stopped momentarily to whisper in his ear. "Good. I'm going to have my way with you all day and night."

Wei Ying was shocked to hear something like that leave Lan Zhan's mouth. His heart skipped a beat, and his cheeks heated to the point they were died a deep red. "Shameless!" he said, hiding his face.

Lan Zhan continued to have his way with his husband. The only time he didn't do it was when they were eating. As he had promised, he did it all night. Wei Ying slept all day the next day. When he awoke, his back hurt so bad, he was certain it had to be broken. He even had a horrible headache. Lan Zhan seemed perfectly fine. Wei Ying was furious!

Wei Ying: "Lan Wangji! I'm going to have your head when I feel better!"

Lan Zhan: "Mn. Look forward to it."

Wei Ying rolled his eyes. Lan Zhan carried him to the bath. He massaged Wei Ying's back with a healing ointment. "That feels nice. Keep going." Wei Ying fell asleep in the tub.

Lan Zhan was feeling tired as well, so after caring for his husband and bathing himself, he laid down and slept along with him, holding him close.


Jiang Cheng awakened to a dark room. There was something soft underneath him, and he realized he was in bed. It wasn't his bed, however, as the sleeping figure next to him had him trapped. Curse that Lan arm strength! He couldn't move for the life of him. His head was pounding. How did he ever land in that predicament? Oh, yeah...Wei Wuxian! He smacked the sleeping male holding him so intimately.

Jiang Cheng: "Rise and shine, shithead!" he hollered, slamming his elbow into the other's side.

Xichen shot upright, and, seeing Jiang Cheng in his room completely naked, grew frightened. "Oh my! Wanyin! What have I done to you?" Jiang Cheng rolled his eyes. Xichen took it as a good thing and breathed deeply, completely relieved nothing had happened. He felt a bit cold. He looked at his half-naked self. The worry returned. "Wait! Why are we naked? Are you certain nothing happened?"

Jiang Cheng facepalmed. "I never said nothing happened. I don't even remember anything after getting drunk off my ass." Xichen grew very frightened.

He grabbed Jiang Cheng after they both dressed and rushed him to the healer's. When the healer concluded nothing was out of the ordinary, Xichen breathed a sigh of relief. Surely, he was safe - or so he thought.


Xue Yang followed his queen through the woods from a distance. He was feeling a heavy guilt wash over him. He wanted to explain, but he didn't know how to. When he saw the pained look on her face, he knew right away he'd messed up big time. How was he to tell her what he meant? He wasn't good with emotions. He could be very persuasive with words, but to say what he was feeling was a bit more difficult.

He knew what he wanted to say, but to actually say it was different. It had to do with his emotions, and he wasn't good with that kind of thing. He finally caught up to her when she fell to the ground too exhausted to continue. He walked up to her. She was sobbing. He didn't know what to do, so he sat down beside her and waited for the crying to cease.

Xue Yang: "My Queen...I..." He was interrupted as she turned around and kissed him. His heart fluttered. He was shocked by the action. Her lips were soft. His body grew hot. She broke the kiss, and he wished she hadn't. He was speechless. "My Queen...I..." he tried again, but she placed a finger on his mouth to shush him.

Queen: "You don't need to explain. I just wanted you to know my feelings. If there is someone else you like, then so be it. I can live with that. Please, live your own life. I raised you as my own. Now, I want you to live as you wish to. I will return to the Netherworld. Please, do not follow me." With that, she stood up and ran off once more, tears streaming down her face.

Xue Yang couldn't take it! He ran after her. Yet, before he could catch up with her, she screamed. Xue Yang saw a humongous monster attacking her. He hoped he wouldn't be too late!

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