A Sad Tale

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Jiang Fengmian ran as fast as he could possibly go in the direction of Gusu, carrying the vile given to him by Madam Yu. He hoped he wasn't too late. He hopped onto his sword and flew to the docks. There they were. The boat was just taking off.


Lan Zhan had boarded a boat with Wei Ying. It would take a few days this way to reach their destination, but it couldn't be helped. Wei Ying was in no condition to travel by any other means, and water was the smoothest way. The boy had developed a fever as the doctor said, yet within the short two hours, it seemed to worsen rather quickly. He was sleeping peacefully and comfortably in one of the cabins. Lan Zhan stayed by his side the whole time. A man could be heard screaming and hollering aboard the ship.

"Young Master Lan! Young Master Lan! Where are you?" The voice belonged to the sect leader, Jiang Fengmian.

"Sect Leader Jiang, please calm down? They're this way," the boat captain said calmly. The knock on the door sounded with as much urgency as the sect leader's call had. Lan Zhan wondered what was wrong, so he opened the door. A man dressed in all purple went flying in to the cabin.

Fengmian: "Young Master Lan, please," he began, handing the boy the vile, "make certain to give this to A-Xian? It's very important that he takes it right away!"

Lan Zhan was a bit confused as to the situation at hand, but since he trusted the sect leader, he only nodded in compliance to the man's wishes. He did ask first though, "What is it exactly?" Fengmian realized he needed to explain.

Fengmian: He said simply, "A-Xian has been poisoned by Madam Yu. This is the antidote."

That infuriated Lan Zhan. He would've broken the vile if Wei Ying hadn't needed it so bad. The problem was, he didn't trust Madam Yu, and so he put it in the inner pocket of his robe instead. "Thank you, Sect Leader Jiang. Will give it to Wei Ying as soon as possible. Sect Leader Jiang may go now." Fengmian was relieved. He nodded his appreciation to the young man and left.

Moments after the door closed, Lan Zhan took the vile out. The liquid inside was very dark - almost black. He uncorked it. The smell was horrendous! He quickly covered his nose. However, it didn't seem like poison, so he decided to give it to Wei Ying. The boy was asleep, however, so there was only one thing he could do. He lifted Wei Ying's head, used his thumb to hold the boy's mouth open, drained the entire contents of the vile into his own mouth, and kissed him using his tongue to direct the liquid into the boys mouth, forcing him to swallow.

Some of the medicine dribbled down from the corner of Wei Ying's mouth. Lan Zhan wiped it away, licking at it. The medicine was very sweet, not bitter like other medicines. Lan Zhan wondered why. The boy's hair was still scattered everywhere, not in its usual ponytail, so Lan Zhan decided to tie it up. He took off his forehead ribbon and used that to tie the boy's hair back. He blushed. Wei Ying looked good with the cloud band in his hair. He couldn't help himself but to stare at the beautiful male. He was angered that something like this should happen to him. Lan Zhan felt as though he was in some way responsible.

A meek hand rested on his. "Lan Zhan." The Lan boy turned to see Wei Ying had awakened.

Lan Zhan: "Wei Ying!" He bent down, gripping the boy's hand with both of his own. "Thank goodness Wei Ying is awake! Was so worried!" He was crying, but he was happy.

Wei Ying: "Silly, Lan Zhan," he laughed. "Don't worry. I won't die."

You nearly did though, Lan Zhan thought. His face fell. He was downcast. Wei Ying gently touched Lan Zhan's face with his free hand. Lan Zhan looked up and was awe struck. Wei Ying was smiling. Lan Zhan couldn't help but to adore that smile. Couldn't help but to want to kiss him, so he did. He pulled the boy's head forward, gently caressing the back of his head, and pushed their lips together. The kiss was just as gentle and long. Wei Ying closed his eyes, savoring the kiss. After some time had passed, the two parted. Wei Ying felt disappointed. He wanted more, but Lan Zhan reminded him about his injuries, so the boy had to wait. Wei Ying pouted. Lan Zhan's ears turned red. It was just too cute.

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