The Queen at Cloud Recesses

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The three arrived at their destination just before five in the afternoon. The woman seemed to be freezing, so Wei Ying leant his coat to her. Lan Zhan didn't like it, so he placed his own coat around Wei Ying's shoulders and picked him up, carrying him bridle style.

Wei Ying blushed terribly, and the queen did as well. "Lan Zhan! Don't do this! It's embarrassing..." He hid his face in Lan Zhan's chest, trying to hide the blush. The woman couldn't help but giggle at their little romance.

Lan Zhan looked at the woman. "Come. We are going to Uncle's Lanshi." The woman only nodded and silently followed.

She decided right then and there, after seeing the two males' relationship, she would give up. It didn't seem to be worth it. Especially with the one who's personality was more like a dragon's than a mere human's. "Thank you," she spoke quietly behind them. Lan Zhan nodded.

The woman glanced around. The buildings were all simple. There wasn't anything grand about them at all. However, she felt a peace about the place - a deep serenity and tranquility. Maybe, if they allowed her to, she would stay for a while. She liked it. She had lived in the Netherworld, where it was dark and lonely, for so long, she'd forgotten how beautiful the human world really was. The fallen goddess smiled and sighed with a deep contentment.

Lan Zhan: "We're here." He set Wei Ying on the ground and knocked on the door.

Wei Ying pouted. "You didn't need to carry me all the way here, you know?" The woman giggled at the sight. The younger male truly was like a child.

The door opened to reveal a handsome young male a bit older than the other two. "Wangji! You're back! How was the trip?" Lan Zhan only nodded. Xichen glanced behind the two and noticed the woman standing there. His heart skipped a beat at the sight of her. "Who is this woman?" he inquired.

Wei Ying: "We found her on our way back here. She seemed to be lost, so we brought her with us."

A sudden call of "Mama!!!" rang through the air. Wei Ying was assaulted by a five-year-old Lan Xue and two two-year-old girls. Wei Ying giggled as the three of them crawled all over him, tickling him. The woman found it completely adorable. She never knew humans could be so wonderful.

Xichen was laughing as well. "Come inside. Uncle is watching Sizhui right now, so he is busy in the back. The eighteen-month-old Yuan was giggling away as Qiren tickled his belly. The boy grasped at the man's beard and pulled. Qiren made a funny face, causing the little boy to screech in laughter and delight. Everyone watched the scene from the doorway. Xichen cleared his throat. "Uncle, Wangji and Wei Gongzi are back. They've brought a guest with them."

Qiren immediately stopped what he was doing. He coughed to hide his embarrassment. He handed Yuan to Wei Ying. "Everyone, please, have a seat." They all sat around the table. The woman was a bit nervous. She'd never really interacted with humans before, save for Xue Yang. She didn't know where to sit or what the proper etiquette was for this kind of interaction. Qiren noticed her discomfort. "Miss, if you would like, you may sit down over here."

She slowly moved to where he pointed and gladly accepted the offered seat. Tea was poured for her by the host. It smelled wonderful. She took a sip of it. Her tongue tingled at the sensation of the flavor. To everyone's dismay, it was actually the alcohol Wei Ying had brought back to Cloud Recesses, and she had drank it without knowing what it was.

Wei Ying laughed at her as he watched her stand up and stagger. "Lan Zhan! She's as bad as you are with wine! She can't even hold it! She's already drunk!" The woman felt incredibly dizzy. That male pulled a prank on her first thing! He would pay for that later! First, she needed to sleep, so she passed out, Qiren catching her. He glared at Wei Ying who only continued laughing.

Xichen: "Wangji, take Wei Gongzi away, while we tend to the poor girl. I doubt she will awaken anytime soon." Lan Zhan nodded and dragged his husband back to the Jingshi.


Xue Yang had finished his scouting and was headed back to where his queen was waiting. He arrived, but wondered if he had lost his way at some point, because he couldn't find her. However, that was ridiculous as he saw footprints in the snow. Being his stealthy self, he followed them, until he found the people responsible for his queen missing. Two males had taken her with them. He immediately recognized them when one turned around to talk to her.

Xue Yang felt anger boil inside him. No one dared to mess with his queen! No one! He decided to keep following them. They arrived at Cloud Recesses. He couldn't pass through the barrier without a jade pendant. It seemed the one which he had forged before wasn't going to work as the incantations in the barrier were written differently. Well, he would just wait for however long it would take for her to be able to leave.

He wondered why he felt jealous when seeing the one male place his coat around her shoulders. He wondered why he felt any emotions at all toward her. Sure, he loved her, because she cared for him all those years. His loyalty was unbroken. His trust was unbidden. He had never once betrayed her. He was jealous that the one male caught her attention more than he ever did. He wondered why his heart hurt everytime he thought about it. He didn't want to know. He only wanted his queen rescued, so they could be out of that gaudy human realm. The darkness was so much better. Yet, when he thought about it, he was human too. He watched as the snow fell from the sky while sitting against a tree, waiting for her to come out again. Maybe he was in love with her more than he realized.

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