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Wei Ying screamed so loud, Lan Zhan nearly went deaf. "Lan Zhan! The baby! It's coming! I can feel it!" He gripped his husband's robes, trying to breathe and ease the pain. "It's too early! How...ah! How did Mu-Mu know?!" Blood was pooling onto the bed, staining the sheets. "Help me, Lan Zhan! hurts so bad!"

Lan Zhan felt helpless. "Wangji! What's happening to Wei Gongzi? I heard him scream!" Xichen saw the blood and grew pale from the sight. "I will go fetch Qiru!" he stated, turning to leave while trying not to vomit and faint from the sight. Lan Zhan transfered his qi to Wei Ying to try helping to ease the pain.

Wei Ying cried out again. "This is so much worse than with the twins or Mu-Mu!" He was panting hard. His face paled to deathly white from the blood loss.

Qiru entered at just the right moment. "Good work, Hanguang-Jun! Keep it up!" Then he noticed the massive blood stain. "I need ALL of my medical supplies and medicines for blood coagulation and restoration STAT!" The disciples who were with him rushed out of the Jingshi, nearly bumping into Qiren.

Qiren fumed. "What's with all the noise? Why is there such screaming happening?"

Qiru went to his old friend. "I'm going to have to politely ask you to step out, Qiren. He's about to give birth. Don't cause anymore stress than what he's under already." Qiren was shocked! Wei Ying was only supposed to be five months along.

Qiren: "H-how?" he inquired, his expression turning to one of concern.

Qiren sighed. "I'm trying to figure that one out. It's hard to say what caused it. It could have been anything. Please step outside. You don't want to see this." Qiren obliged. The door was shut tight in his face. He stood at the door with Xichen. Neither one moved. Lan Xue held onto Qiren's finger.

Lan Xue: "Uncle Qiren. I told you he would be born very soon!" The child was extremely happy and excited. He was gaining a new sibling!

Qiren was still baffled by the statement. Xichen spoke up. "Yes, but there is no guarantee the child will live when it is born. After all, your mother was only five months along."

Lan Xue shook his head. "No, Uncle Shee-shen. Baby brother will live! He's strong enough. He will live!"

All Xichen could say to that was, "We will see." Lan Xue stared at the door. He really wanted to see his brother. No one moved from that spot for over an hour. The door finally opened, and a disheveled looking Qiru popped into view.

Qiru: "He's here! He's safe and sound. To be born at only five months, he's a strong one. He will live." Crying was heard from within. "You may go in now. Everything's cleaned, so there shouldn't be any problems."

The three ran inside, nearly knocking Qiru over. He chuckled and followed them in, shutting the door behind himself. Wei Ying was sleeping peacefully on the bed. Lan Xue ran to his father who was holding his new sibling. "Father! That's baby brother, right?" Lan Zhan nodded, showing him the newborn. "I knew it! I knew he would be special!"

Everyone was still baffled by the little boy who was nearly three years old. Qiren took the boy away to his sisters. Xichen stayed behind. "Wangji, I was wondering on something. Would you mind if I ran tests on Lan Xue. He seems to be bestowed with an inate gift. This is the second time he's predicted something happening just before it happened."

Lan Zhan didn't know what to say. He knew Lan Xue was special, but he didn't think it was that particular gift. So he agreed. "Cannot tell Wei Ying." Xichen affirmed he wouldn't tell.

Xichen: "I will be certain to tell Lan Xue to not say a word to anyone, especially his mother." Xichen smiled. Lan Xue, if he has that gift I'm thinking of, then he could be the key to ending it all.

The baby cried. Wei Ying was still sleeping. Qiru said it would happen. Wei Ying would most likely sleep for several days before waking because of the massive blood loss. "Wei Ying. Wish you were awake." The baby cried. He was hungry. One thing which had never happened before was Wei Ying lactating. Unfortunately, Wei Ying was asleep and therefore unable to feed their newborn son.

Wei Ying's eyes fluttered open anyway. The crying of his son awakened him instinctively. "Lan Zhan? I hear crying." He felt his belly. It was flat. "Where is our baby?"

Lan Zhan showed him. "Right here,Wei Ying. Our son is right here."

Wei Ying gave a weak smile. "I'm glad. He must be hungry. Help me sit up so I can feed him." Lan Zhan did so. The sight he saw was pure and beautiful. "Hey, now, little one. You must be hungry. Here. Eat." He hummed while their son drank the milk. He ate until Wei Ying had no more to give. "There now. Are we satisfied?" He chuckled lightly. "You're so adorable. You remind me of that one little white rabbit your father owns. It's so small, it looks just like a baby bunny. You do too! You look just like a baby bunny!"

Lan Zhan couldn't help but to smile. Wei Ying handed their son back to Lan Zhan. "I'm so tired. I'm going to sleep more. Take care of our son while I'm away in dreamland." Lan Zhan placed the newborn in the cradle he had built from when Wei Ying was first pregnant with Lan Xue. He laid down next to his husband, holding him close, and he fell asleep watching him.

Lan Xue was over the top! He not only had a new sibling, but he also was his new baby brother! He skipped down the path happily, swinging his hand forward and back. It's a good thing Qiren was being tolerant of the young boy. Xichen watched with a broad smile as his uncle and nephew walked happily together. Yes, it had turned out to be a happy ending after all.


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