Xue Yang

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The dungeon wasn't as dark or dank as most dungeons were. It was quite cozy and warm. The male sitting behind prison bars thought it was queer to say the least. To build a place which was meant to house criminals in such a way it was almost luxurious was indeed very queer. A large window with iron bars running through it allowed enough sunlight in. The young man thought the people there were crazy to trust their prisoners. It was up high, however, to insure there was no escape. It seemed to the boy that the people of GusuLan weren't as crazy as he had first thought.

He was being transported to QingheNie Sect. He needed to escape. His job was finished, and he needed to report back so he could be paid. The cuffs he had locked around his wrists kept his spirit energy sealed. He had to think of something. He'd already tried breaking them, but they never once budged. Even his sword had been confiscated. He sighed in frustration. A light beamed before him. When it dimmed, a smile grew on his face. "About time you came!" he exclaimed.

The person didn't say a word. Nor did they make any motion to acknowledge they had heard what was spoken. "Come, Xue Yang. Her Majesty awaits," was all they said before grabbing hold of the boy and disappearing. The patrol was checking the cell at that point. When they looked inside, all they saw were the cuffs and an empty cell.


The call rang out throughout Cloud Recesses. Xichen was still watching over Lan Zhan and Wei Ying. The sound of the alarm bell alerted him. He ran outside to assess the situation. He stopped a guard passing by. "What is happening which requires the alarm bell to go off suddenly?" he inquired of the other.

The guard bowed. "Forgive us, Master Xichen, but the situation is dire as the prisoner has escaped. We don't know how yet as we are still investigating."

Xichen: "It's fine. It wasn't your fault in any way. I am certain he would have still escaped even with a hundred guards on patrol. You may go about your duties." The guard bowed once again before leaving. "Ah goodness," he spoke to himself. "Now what is going to happen? Uncle definitely won't be pleased. I must resolve this before anything more happens. After all, it could turn for the worse." He walked inside the Jingshi.

Lan Zhan was sitting up. His robe was wrapped properly around himself. Wei Ying still hadn't awakened. The boy was held in Lan Zhan's arms. Lan Zhan had him sitting on his lap. Xichen sighed at the sight sadly. His brother was still crying, though it was silent.

Lan Zhan: "Brother...Wei Ying...Wei Ying is...is..." Xichen rushed over to see what his brother meant. He touched the boy to check his vitals. It was barely there, but there was a pulse. However, the boy's skin was ice cold and deathly pale, and his lips were blue.

Xichen: "It's alright, Wangji. He's still alive, even if just barely. Healer Qiru went to make a medicine for both of you. It will be a little while longer." He ran his fingers through his brother's hair, trying to comfort him. "Wei Gongzi will wake up soon. I'm certain of it." Xichen had never seen Lan Zhan cry so much over one person. He didn't even really cry over their mother after she had died. At least not that he had seen.

There was some blood seeping through Lan Zhan's sleeve as one of the wounds on his arm had reopened. Xichen didn't say a word about it. It wasn't the time to worry about that. Right then, all Lan Zhan needed was comfort and reassurance his loved one would live. It was just in time, too, as Qiru entered with two viles.

Qiru: "I have the antidote right here." He stopped short. Seeing the scene before him, his heart broke a little bit. "Don't worry, Hanguang-Jun. Just give him this," he spoke carefully, setting the viles on the stand next to the bed. Lan Zhan looked up from the corner of his eye to see what it was. "It's an antidote for the poison. All you need to do is give it to him. He will be fine. I promise you that much."

Lan Zhan took one of the viles. He studied it for a few seconds. Wei Ying was still unconscious. How was he going to give it to him? He opened it to find it wasn't a liquid, but a pill. He popped one of the pills into Wei Ying's mouth. Nothing happened at first. Lan Zhan wondered if it really would work.

A gasp erupted from Wei Ying as he inhaled, his eyes popping open. He didn't see anything at first, but then Lan Zhan's face fell into view. "L-L-Lan..." He was having some difficulty speaking.

Lan Zhan teared up again, only he was happy. "Wei Ying," he cried into the other's hair. Wei Ying felt tired. His body ached. His head was spinning. Just what had happened to him to make Lan Zhan cry like that?

Qiru: "It will take some time for Wei Gongzi to regain his full composure. Hanguang-Jun, you need to take that medicine as well. We don't want the same thing happening to you." Lan Zhan didn't and couldn't release Wei Ying. His grip was like a vice. He could only nod. Qiru sighed. "When you have a chance, give him the antidote," he spoke to Xichen about Lan Zhan. "It's very dangerous if he doesn't take it. Those wounds will keep festering and he will eventually die of blood loss. I will redress those wounds this evening. Please make certain he doesn't move around." With that said, he left.

Wei Ying: "Lan Zhan? Why...why are you crying? What happened?" he inquired of his husband. "Lan Zhan! You're bleeding!" he exclaimed, seeing the way the other's clothes were soaked with red. Lan Zhan didn't care. All he knew was Wei Ying was alive. He would never let go of him ever.

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